• Norristown Fast Pitch Community Championships
  • Norristown Fast Pitch Civic League
  • Norristown Fast Pitch Industrial League
  • Norristown Fast Pitch Church League
  • Bridgeport Fast Pitch League
  • East Norriton Fast Pitch League
  • Conshohocken Fast Pitch League
  • West End Fast Pitch League
  • East End Taproom Fast Pitch League
  • Norristown Fast Pitch Firemen's League
  • WPA Montgomery County Fast Pitch League
  • Holy Savior Church Parrish Fast Pitch League
  • Norristown Fastball League
  • WPA Montgomery County Fast Pitch League
  • Norristown Women's Fast Pitch League
  • Bridgeport Community Park Fast Pitch Tournament
  • Montgomert County/District-3 ASA Fast Pitch Championships (with Standings)

Norristown Fast Pitch Softball Community Championships

1934-34  YMCA Civic, Industrial and Church Champions staged a round robin series.
1935-36  YMCA Civic, Industrial, Church and Firemen's Champions staged a round robin series.
1937-42  YMCA Civic, Industrial and Church Champions staged a round robin series.
1943-45  YMCA Civic and Industrial Champions met.
1946-51  YMCA Civic, Industrial and Church Champions staged a tournament.
1952-53  YMCA Major, Civic, Church and Industrial Leagues 1st & 2nd place teams staged a tournament.

Year	Champ	(League)			Runner-Up  (League)			
1934	Herbert Hosiery 	(Industrial)	28th Tank Company 	(Civic)
1935	Bridgeport A.A.		(Civic)		Haws Avenue Methodist 	(Church)
1936	Ninth Ward Cardinals 	(Civic)		Norristown Magnesia 	(Industrial)
1937	Norristown Magnesia 	(Industrial)	Montgomery Fire Co.	(Civic)
1938	Ninth Ward Cardinals 	(Civic)		Tose's Butchers 	(Industrial)
1939	American Citizen Club 	(Civic)		Norristown Magnesia 	(Industrial)
1940	American Citizen Club 	(Civic)		Siloam Baptist 		(Church)
1941	James Lees and Sons 	(Industrial)	Triple S Club 		(Civic)
1942	Reading Screw 		(Industrial)	Ambler I.C.B.C. 	(Civic)
1943	Mutual Benefit Assoc.	(Civic)		Carey Magnesia 		(Industrial)
1944	Norristown Magnesia 	(Industrial)	Bridgeport Ukes 	(Civic)
1945	Mutual Benefit Assoc.	(Civic)		Norristown Magnesia 	(Industrial)
1946	Mutual Benefit Assoc.	(Civic)		Norristown Magnesia 	(Industrial)
1947	Triple S Club 		(Civic)		James Lees and Sons 	(Industrial)
1948	Corropolese Bakery 	(Civic)		St. John's 		(Church)
1949	Mutual Benefit Assoc.	(Civic)		Bethlehem Mines   	(Industrial)	
1950	Mutual Benefit Assoc.	(Civic)		James Lees and Sons   	(Industrial)	
1951	Norristown Blocks  	(Civic		James Lees and Sons  	(Industrial)
1952	American Citizen Club	(Civic)		Pulcini Contractors  	(Civic)
1953	Holy Savior  		(Civic)		ISAC  			(Major)

Norristown Fast Pitch Softball League Championships
(YMCA / Major / Civic Leagues)
Year	League		Champ			Runner-Up			
1934	YMCA-civic	28th Tank Company	Norristown Penn Trust
1935	YMCA-civic	Bridgeport A.A.		28th Tank Company
1936	YMCA-civic	Ninth Ward Cardinals	Bridgeport A.A.
1937	YMCA-civic	Montgomery Fire Co.	West End
1936	YMCA-civic	Ninth Ward Cardinals	Jeffersonville Cowboys
1939	YMCA-civic	American Citizen Club	Jeffersonville Cowboys
1940	YMCA-civic	American Citizen Club	Wonder A.A.
1941	YMCA-civic	Triple S Club		Schafer's
1942	YMCA-civic	Ambler I.C.B.C		Triple S Club
1943	YMCA-civic	Mutual Benefit Assoc.	Won both halves - No Playoffs
1944	YMCA-civic	Bridgeport Ukes		Ambler Athletic Club
1945	YMCA-civic	Mutual Benefit Assoc.	Norristown State Hospital
1946	YMCA-civic	Mutual Benefit Assoc.	Mt. Carmel Club
1947	YMCA-civic	Triple S Club		Ambler Liberty Sports Club
1948	YMCA-civic	Corropolese Bakery	St. Charles Club
1949	YMCA-civic	Mutual Benefit Assoc.	Norristown CWV 
1950	YMCA-civic	Mutual Benefit Assoc.	Triple S Club
1951	YMCA-A		Norristown VFW 1804	Mutual Benefit Associates
	YMCA-B		Norristown Blocks	LAM Club
	YMCA-Overall	Norristown Blocks	Norristown VFW 1804
1952	YMCA-major	Norristown Brick	LAM Club
	YMCA-civic	Norristown VFW 1804	American Citizen's Club
1953	YMCA-major	* V.F. Army Hospital	Norristown VFW
	YMCA-civic	Holy Savior		LAM Club
1954	YMCA-A		Norristown Blocks	Holy Saviour
	YMCA-B		Norristown VFW 1804	Triple S Club
	YMCA-Overall	Norristown Blocks	Norristown VFW 1804
1955	YMCA-major	Norristown Blocks	LAM Club
	YMCA-civic	Suburban A.C.		Narco
1956	YMCA-major	Norristown Blocks	Norristown VFW
	YMCA-civic	Eagles			Trooper Fruit Company
1957	YMCA-major	Norristown Blocks	N/A
	YMCA-civic	Polish Eagles		Trooper Fruit Company
1958	Civic		Norristown VFW		Polish Eagles	
1959	Civic		* (See Note)
1960	Civic		Triple S Club		Norristown Jaycees
1961	Civic		Triple S Club		Penn Square Esso			
1962	Civic		Penn Square Esso	Bono's Cafe
1963	Civic		Holy Savior Club	Oak 'N' Kohn Bar
1964	Civic		Holy Savior Club	Westy's Steaks
1965	Civic		Oasis Cafe		Holy Savior Club
1966	Civic		Holy Savior Club	General Electric
1967	Civic		Holy Savior Club	Sal's Luncheonette
Norristown Blocks won the 1953 YMCA-Major regular season, but could not participate
in post-season playoffs due to league representation in ASA of Pennsylvania Major
State competition. In 1957, the Norristown Blocks won the ASA of Pennsylvania Major
State Championship as well as the Central Atlantic Regional Championship to advance
to the ASA Major Fast Pitch National Championship Tournament. The Blocks won 53 straight
games from 1953 and 1954, 40 in a row in 1954.
No Playoff records found on the 1959 season. The regular Season ended with five 
teams tied with 10-6 records; Sal's Lunch, Norristown Sportsmen Club, Holy Savior, West End
Business Club and The Polish Eagles. Fairmont Fire Co (8-8), Triple S (6-10), Penn & Green
(5-11) and Tornetta (3-13)
Norristown Industrial Fast Pitch Softball Championships
(YMCA / Montco Leagues)
Year	League		Champ			Runner-Up
1934	YMCA		Herbert Hosiery		Won both halves - No Playoffs
1935	YMCA		Continental Diamond 	Won both halves - No Playoffs
1936	YMCA		Norristown Magnesia	Won both halves - No Playoffs
1937	YMCA		Norristown Magnesia	W.A. Case
1938	YMCA		Tose's Butchers		Koon's Welding
1939	YMCA		Norristown Magnesia	Watts
1940	YMCA		Summerill Tubes		Bethlehem Steel
1941	YMCA		James Lees and Sons	Kimble Glass
1942	YMCA		Reading Screw		Alan Wood Steel	
1943	YMCA		Carey Magnesia		U.S.W.A. Local 1392
1944	YMCA		Norristown Magnesia	Energetic Worsted
1945	YMCA		Norristown Magnesia	Goodrich 281
1946	YMCA		Norristown Magnesia	Autocar
1947	YMCA		James Lees and Sons	Taylor Fibre
1948	YMCA		Bethlehem Steel		James Lees and Sons
1949	YMCA		Bethlehem Mines		Synthane-Taylor
1950	YMCA		James Lees and Sons	Bethlehem Mines
1951	YMCA		James Lees and Sons	Bell Telephone
1952	YMCA		Refract. & Insulating	James Lees and Sons
1953	YMCA		Phillip Carey AA	Refractory & Insulating
1954	YMCA		Bell Athletic Assoc.	Taylor Fibre	
1955	YMCA		Bethlehem Mines		Bell A.A.
1956	YMCA		Alan Wood Steel		Bell Telephone
1957	YMCA		Alan Wood Steel		Continental Diamond
1958	Montco		Continental Diamond	Alan Wood Steel	
1959	Montco		Philadelphia Electric	Alan Wood Steel
1960	Montco		Alan Wood Steel		Tactair A.A.
1961	Montco		Alan Wood Steel		Philadelphia Electric
1962	Montco		Philadelphia Electric	Alan Wood Steel
1963	Montco		General Electric	Philadelphia Electric
1964	Montco		Alan Wood Steel		General Electric
1965	Montco		Alan Wood Steel		General Electric
1966	Montco		Philadelphia Electric	Alan Wood Steel
1967	Montco		Norristown State Hosp.	Philadelphia Electric
Norristown Church Fast Pitch Softball Championships
(YMCA / Sunday School Leagues)
Year	League		Champ			Runner-Up			
1934	Sunday		Bethany Church		Trinity Reformed
1935	Sunday		Haws Avenue Methodist	Trinity Reformed
1936	Sunday		Trinity Reformed	St. Francis
1937	Sunday		Bethany Church		Trinity Reformed
1938	Sunday		Lower Providence Pres.	Bethany Church
1939	Sunday		Siloam Baptist		Church of the Brethren
1940	Sunday		Siloam Baptist		Christ Reformed
1941	Sunday		Mt. Carmel		Central Presbyterian
1942	Sunday		Central Presbyterian	St. John's
1943		NO LEAGUE due to World War-II 
1944		NO LEAGUE due to World War-II
1945		NO LEAGUE due to World War-II
1946	Sunday		Lower Providence Pres.	Haws Avenue Methodist
1947	Sunday		Lower Providence Pres.	St. John's
1948	Sunday		St. John's		Christ Reformed
1949	YMCA		Christ Reformed		Ascension Reformed
1950	YMCA		First Baptist		Christ Reformed
1951	YMCA		Christ Reformed		Haws Avenue Methodist
1952	YMCA		First Baptist		Calvary Baptist
1953	YMCA		Calvary Baptist		Bridgeport Presbyterian
1954	YMCA		Calvary Baptist		Lower Providence Pres.
1955	YMCA		First Baptist		Haws Avenue Methodist
1956	YMCA		Bridgeport Pres.	First Presbyterian
1957	YMCA		Bridgeport Pres.	Christ Reformed	
1958	Norristown	Bridgeport Pres.	Visitation BVM
1959	Norristown	Visitation BVM		Calvery Baptist
1960	Norristown	Calvery Baptist		First Presbyterian
1961	Norristown	Asbury Methodist	First Presbyterian
1962	Norristown	Lower Providence Pres.	St. Francis
1963	Norristown	Christ United		Haws Avenue Methodist
1964	Norristown	Christ United		Lower Providence Pres.
1965	Norristown	Christ United		Visitation BVM
1966	Norristown	First Presbyterian 	Lower Providence Pres.
1967	Norristown	St. Titus		First Presbyterian	
In 1949, the YMCA Sunday School Church League was renamed the Norristown YMCA 
Church League. An Independent Sunday School Church League was formed in 1950, 
separate from YMCA jurisdiction. This League lasted into the 1950's, No other 
information on this league is available.
Bridgeport Fast Pitch Softball League Championships
Year		Champ				Runner-Up
1935		A's and Phillies (only 2 teams in league, no championship game played)
1936		East End Chinatown Pals		?
1937		East End Chinatown Pals		?
1938		Triple S Club			Granese Clerks
1939			No Information Available
1940			No Information Available
1941			No Information Available
1942			No Information Available
1943		Bridgeport Tigers		Hawks
1944			NO LEAGUE due to World War-II
1945		Energetic Worsted		Bridgeport Tigers
1946		East End Chinatown Pals		Bridgeport Dragons
1947		Goodwill Fire Company		James Lees and Sons
1948		Bridgeport Athletic Club	Triple S Club
1949		Goodwill Fire Company		Ben's Fountain
1950		Goodwill Fire Company		American Citizen's Club
1951		Goodwill Fire Company		American Citizen's Club
1952		American Citizen's Club		Goodwill Fire Company
1953		Triple S Club			Goodwill Fire Company
1954		Green's Drug Store		P&H Tigers
1955		Triple S Club			Philadelphia Slag
1956		Triple S Club			Green's Drug Store
1957		Marcelli's Cleaners		Tavani's Store
1958		West End Business Club		Gus Diner
1959		Holy Savior			Triple S Club
1960		Triple S Club			Swedesburgh Fire Company
1961		Nick's Tavern			Triple S Club
1962		(only 4 teams left- Holy Savior, Sal's Lunch, Norristown Sportsmen Club and Triple S Club)
East Norriton Fast Pitch Softball League Championships
Year		Champ				Runner-Up
1949		Penn Square			Meadowbrook
1950		Penn Square			Meadowbrook
1951		Penn Square			Meadowbrook
1952		Wyncroft Inn			Washington Square Hotel
1953		Washington Square Hotel		Penn Square Inn
1954		Penn Square Esso		Washington Square Hotel	
1955		Gus' Diner			Washington Square Hotel
1956		Washington Square Hotel		Penn Square Esso
Conshohocken Fast Pitch Softball League Championships 
Year		Champ				Runner-Up			
1947		Polish Eagles			Charlie Dee's Cafe
1948		Polish Eagles			T.K. Club
1949		Polish Eagles			Mt. Carmel Club
West End Fast Pitch Softball League Championships
(Called the Big 8 League in 1939-40 and the Big 6 League in 1943)
Year		Champ				Runner-Up
1939		Fairmont Fire Company		Keystone A.C.
1940		Synthane			Packers
1941		Acky Pets			Kaufman's Furniture
1942		Acky Pets			Fairmont Fire Company
1943		Fairmont Fire Company		Won both halves - No Playoffs
1944		Mutual Benefit Assoc. (MBA)  	Acky Pets
1945			NO LEAGUE due to World War-II
1946		Acky Pets			Fairmont Fire Company
1947		Ben's Packers			Fairmont Fire Company
1948		Norristown Orioles		Acky A.A.
1949		Norristown Orioles		Suburban A.C.		
1950		Norristown Orioles		Norristown VFW
1951		Norristown VFW			Norristown Orioles
1952		Norristown Blocks		Norristown VFW
1953		Norristown Blocks		Norristown VFW
1954		Norristown Blocks		Norristown VFW
1955		Norristown Blocks		Holy Savior Club
1956		Norristown VFW			Norristown Blocks
1957		Norristown VFW			Holy Savior Club

East End Taproom / Norristown League Championships
Year	League		Champ			Runner-Up
1941	Taproom		Mt. Carmel Club		Triple S Club
1942	Taproom		Wonder A.A.		Mutual Benefits Assoc.
1943	Taproom		Wonder A.A.		Bridgeport Friendship Club
1944		NO LEAGUE due to World War-II
1945	Norristown	Mt. Carmel Club		Triple S Club
1946	Norristown	Mutual Benefits Assoc.	Mt. Carmel Club
Norristown YMCA Firemen's Softball League Championships
Year		Champ				Runner-Up
1935		Jeffersonville Fire Company	Humane Fire Company
1936		Swedeland Fire Company		Montgomery Fire Company
WPA Montgomery County Softball League Championships
Year		Champ				Runner-Up
1938		Ambler				Bridgeport East End
1939		Bridgeport VFW			Bridgeport East End
Holy Savior Parish Church Softball League Championships
Year		Champ				Runner-Up
1946		Chicco's			Ford Athletic Club
1947		Joe's Cafe			Triagnon
1948		Franklin Aces			People's Cleaners

Norristown Area Church Championship Series
(Holy Savior Parish Church Champs vs. Norristown YMCA Church Champs)
Year		Champ  (League)			Runner-Up  (League)
1946		Franklin Aces (Holy Savior)	Lower Providence Pres. (YMCA)

Norristown Fastball League Championships	
Year		Champ				Runner-Up
1960		West End Business Club		Holy Savior
1961		Sal's Luncheonette		Holy Savior
1962		Holy Savior			Sal's Luncheonette
Eastern Fastball League Championships	
Year		Champ				Runner-Up
1956		NE Hudson, Philadelphia		Downtown AC, Philadelphia
1957		Maida Pharmacy, Wilmington, DE	Chestnut Hill Bocce, Philadelphia
1958		Downtown AC, Philadelphia	Delaware Park, Wilmington, DE
1959		Norway Cleaners, Marcus Hook	Flatiron AC, Philadelphia
1960			No more information available
Norristown Women's Fast Pitch Softball League Championships
Year		Champ				Runner-Up
1948		Leftovers			?
1949		Grace Lutheran			Times Herald
1950		Sparkettes			?
1951		Sparkettes			?
1952		Norristown Grisdales		?
1953		Norristown Grisdales		Schafer's
1954		Valley Forge Hospital		?
1955		?				?
1956		Norristown YMCA Girls		Phoenixville YWCA
----			No information available from 1957-1964
1965		Norristown YMCA Girls		?
1966		Norristown YMCA Girls		?
1967		Norristown YMCA Girls		?
1968		Norristown YMCA Girls		?
1969		Norristown YMCA Girls		VF Army Hospital WACS
1970		Colletti's Tavern		?
1971		Colletti's Tavern		?
1972		Lansdale Pennettes		Colletti's Tavern
1973		Lansdale Pennettes		Colletti's Tavern
1974		Lansdale Pennettes		Anytime Saloon
1975		Lansdale Pennettes		Norristown Peddelers
1976		Connoneers Pennettes		Coatesville Crickets
1977		Coatesville Crickets		Connoneers Pennettes
1978		McLaughlin's Deli		Connoneers Pennettes
1979		Connoneers Pennettes		McLaughlin's Deli

Bridgeport Community Park Open Fast Pitch Tournament - Bridgeport
Year 		Champ 				Runner-Up
1957		Holy Savior, Norristown		Armitage Hotel, Norristown
1958		Town Valet, Conshohocken	Tactair A.A., Conshohocken
1959		Volpi Builders, Philadelphia	Sunset Pharmacy, Pottstown
1960		Volpi Builders, Philadelphia	Holy Savior, Norristown
1961		General Electric, KOP		Sunset Pharmacy, Pottstown	(MVP- Cleo Brown, GE)
1962		Gino's, Bridgeport		General Electric, King of Prussia

Montgomery County ASA Fast Pitch Championship Standings
Year 	Class	Champ 					Runner-Up
1951	-	Mutual Business Associates, Norristown	N/A
1952	-	Norristown Blocks, Norristown	N/A
1953	A	Norristown Blocks, Norristown		N/A
	B	Phillip Carey AA, Conshohocken		Plymouth Fire Company, Conshohocken
1954	A	Norristown Blocks, Norristown		N/A
	B	LAM Club, Norristown			Norristown VFW 1804, Norristown
1955	AA	Norristown Blocks, Norristown		N/A
	A	Norristown VFW, Norristown		Ardmore Clippers, Ardmore
1956	AA	Norristown Blocks, Norristown		N/A
	A	Norristown Eagles Club, Norristown	?
1957	AA	Norristown Blocks, Norristown		N/A
	A	Polish Eagles, Norristown		?
1958	AA	Bernhart's Insurance, Pottstown		N/A
	A	Nationwide Insurance, Lansdale		?
1959	AA	?					?
	A	Sportsmen's Club, Norristown		?
1960	AA	?					?
	A	Sportsmen's Club, Norristown		?
1961	AA	Nationwide Insurance, Lansdale		Willow Grove, Montco
	A	Sal's Luncheonette, Norristown		Cannoneers Club, Lansdale
1962	AA	Nationwide Insurance, Lansdale		?
	A	Sal's Luncheonette, Norristown		Plymouth Fire Company, Conshohocken
1963	AA	N/A
	A	Holy Savior Club, Norristown		Wissahicken Fire Company, Ambler
1964	AA	N/A
	A	New Century House Vikings, Penllyn 	General Electric, King of Prussia
1965	AA	N/A
	A	Oasis Cafe, Norristown			Holy Savior Club, Norristown
1966	AA	N/A
	A	Franconia, Lansdale			Nationwide Insurance, Lansdale
1967	AA	N/A
	A	Nationwide Insurance, Lansdale		Souderton Hotel, Souderton
1968	AA	N/A
	A	Nationwide Insurance, Lansdale		Souderton Hotel, Souderton
1969	AA	N/A
	A	Nationwide Insurance Club, Souderton	?
1970	AA	- N/A-Class-AA stopped being scheduled
	A	Nationwide Insurance Club, Souderton	?
1971	A	Nationwide Insurance Club, Souderton	Dunn's Tavern, Montco
	B	Val's Horsham Inn, Horsham		?
1972	A	Red Hill Cardinals, Red Hill		Nationwide Insurance, Lansdale
	B	Horsham Inn, Horsham			?
1973	A	Nationwide Insurance, Lansdale		Red Hill Cardinals, Red Hill
	B	?					?
1974	A	Nationwide Insurance, Lansdale		Red Hill Cardinals, Red Hill
	B	?					?

Montco ASA Fast Pitch Championship Standings (if available)
1953-1961	no info available other than above Championship results
1962	Class-A Montco Standings of Top Teams, Leagues:
	1-	Sal's Luncheonette, Norristown
	2- 	Plymouth Fire Company, Conshohocken
	3-	Holy Savior Club, Norristown
	4-	Alan Wood Steel, Swedesburg
	5- 	General Electric, King of Prussia
	5- 	College Cut Rate, Collegeville
1963	Class-A Montco Standings of Top Teams, Leagues:
	1-	Holy Savior Club, Norristown
	2- 	Wissahicken Fire Company, Ambler
	3-	Maennerchor Club, Norristown
	4-	Alan Wood Steel, Swedesburg
	5- 	College Cut Rate, Collegeville
	5- 	General Electric, King of Prussia
1964	Class-A Montco Standings of Top Teams, Leagues:
	1-	New Century House Vikings, Penllyn
	2- 	General Electric, King of Prussia
	3-	Holy Savior Club, Norristown
1965	Class-A Montco Standings of Top Teams, Leagues:
	1-	Oasis Cafe, Norristown
	2-	Holy Savior Club, Norristown
	3-	Nationwide Insurance, Lansdale
1966-1974	no info available other than above Championship results

District-3 ASA Fast Pitch Championships (also called the Southeastern Area)
Year 	Class	Champ 				Runner-Up
1953	A	Boo-Boo's Cafe, Reading		Norristown Blocks, Norristown	(Blocks forfeited due to a disputed call)	
	B	Carey AA, Conshohocken		St. Luke's Lutheran, Reading
1954	A	Reading House Hotel, Reading	Norristown Blocks, Norristown
	B	LAM Club, Norristown		Bechtelsville AA, Bechtelsville
1955	AA	Baer Park, Reading		Norristown Blocks, Norristown
	A	Norristown VFW, Norristown	Casse's Insurance, Bucks County
1956	AA	Fat's Bar, Marcus Hook		Norristown Blocks, Norristown
	A	?
1957	AA	Norristown Blocks, Norristown	Clendenning AC, Marcus Hook	(Jim Mobley, Blocks, 3 HRs, 7 RBIs)
	A	Mondracks, Allentown		?
1958	AA	Fat's Bar, Marcus Hook		Hoover AC, Allentown
	A	Mondracks, Allentown		Lansdale
1959	AA	Neuweiler Beer, Allentown	Norway Cleaners, Marcus Hook
	A	Fat's Bar, Marcus Hook		Pioneer Fire Company, Allentown
1960	AA	?
	A	Lower Bucks Dem Club, Bristol	Sportsmen's Club, Norristown
1961	AA	Rising Sun Hotel, Reading	Willow Grove, Montgomery County
	A	Ski Brothers, Bethlehem		Upper Chi Legion, Chester
1962	AA	Rising Sun Hotel, Reading	Nationwide Insurance, Lansdale
	A	Sal's Luncheonette, Norristown	Greenlaugh Piping, Marcus Hook
1963	AA	Rising Sun Hotel, Reading	N/A
	A	Greenhalgh Piping, Marcus Hook	Marek's Cafe, Humleville
1964	AA	Rising Sun Hotel, Reading	N/A
	A	Greenhalgh Piping, Marcus Hook	Wagontown Flyers, Coatesville
1965	AA	Patriots Club, Allentown	N/A
	A	Greenhalgh Flyers, Coatesville	Marek's Cafe, Humleville
1966	AA	Patriots Club, Allentown	N/A
	A	Greenhalgh Piping, Marcus Hook	Pike's Cafe, Reading
1967	AA	?
	A	Marek's Cafe, Humleville	Lyon's Fire Co., Reading
1968	AA	Rising Run Hotel, Reading	St. Marcos, Reading
	A	Honey Brook Comets, HoneyBrook	Marek's Cafe, Humleville
1969	AA	?
	A	Greenhalgh Piping, Marcus Hook	Allentown, Lehigh County
	B	Woodlyn VFW, Woodlyn		Big C Stores, Bristol
1970	AA	Rising Sun Hotel, Reading	N/A
	A	Nationwide Ins. Club, Souderton	Benny's Bar, Ridley
1971	AA	Rising Sun Hotel, Reading	N/A
	A	Maximillians Tavern, Ridley	Jim's Bar
	B	Horsham Inn, Horsham		?
1972	AA	Rising Sun Hotel, Reading	N/A
	A	Red Hill Cardinals, Red Hill	Benny's Bar, Ridley
	B	?				?
1973	A	Maximillians Pub, Ridley	Nationwide Insurance, Lansdale
	B	?				?
1974	A	Olympic Sports, Ridley		Dan Murphy's Tavern, Ridley
		(* see below - Foster's Clothes of Bucks County won, but used an illegal player)
	B	Burke's Inn, Havertown		?
1975	A	?				?
	B	Burke's Inn, Havertown		?
1976	A	Burke's Inn, Havertown		?
	B	?				?

District-3 ASA Fast Pitch Championship Standings (if available)
1938 Southeastern District - Hamilton Watch, Lancaster defeated West Reading Cowboys, Reading
1946 Southeastern District - Lukens Steel, Coatesville defeated ?
1951 Southeastern District - Lukens Steel, Coatesville defeated Stork Hotel, Reading

1953	Class-A District-3 (Southeastern Region) Standings of Top Teams, Leagues:
	1-	Boo-Boo's Cafe, Reading
	2- 	Norristown Blocks, Norristown
	no other info available
	Class-B District-3 (Southeastern Region) Standings of Top Teams, Leagues:
	1-	Phillip Carey AA, Conshohocken
	2-	St. Luke's Lutheran, Reading
	 -	Plymouth Fire Company, Conshohocken
	no other info available
1954	Class-A District-3 (Southeastern Region) Standings of Top Teams, Leagues:
	1-	Reading House Hotel, Reading
	2- 	Norristown Blocks, Norristown
	no other info available
	Class- B District-3 (Southeastern Region) Standings of Top Teams, Leagues:
	1-	LAM Club, Norristown
	2-	Bechtelsville AA, Bechtelsville
	 -	Norristown VFW 1804, Norristown
	no other info available
1955	Class-AA District-3 (Southeastern Region) Standings of Top Teams, Leagues:
	1-	Baer Park, Reading
	2- 	Norristown Blocks, Norristown
	 -	Fat's Bar, Marcus Hook
	no other info available
	Class-A District-3 (Southeastern Region) Standings of Top Teams, Leagues:
	1-	Norristown VFW, Norristown 3-0
	2-	Cassel's Insurance, Bucks County 2-2
	3-	Pennsy Flyers, Media 1-2
	4-	St. Luke's Lutheran, Reading 0-2
1956	Class-AA District-3 (Southeastern Region) Standings of Top Teams, Leagues:
	1-	Fat's Bar, Marcus Hook
	2- 	Norristown Blocks, Norristown
	3-	Hoover AC, Allentown
	 -	Birmingham Grill, West Chester
	 -	Fleetwood Fire Company, Reading
	 -	East End AA, Easton, 
	N/A	Reading House Hotel, Reading (already has state berth as Host Team)
	no other info available
	Class-A District-3 (Southeastern Region) Standings of Top Teams, Leagues:
	 -	no info available on winner
	 -	Norristown Eagles Club, Norristown
	no other info available
1957	Class-AA District-3 (Southeastern Region) Standings of Top Teams, Leagues:
	1-	Norristown Blocks, Norristown
	2- 	Clendenning AC, Marcus Hook
	-	Square Bar, West Chester
	no other info available
	Class-A District-3 (Southeastern Region) Standings of Top Teams, Leagues:
	1-	Mondracks, Allentown
	 -	Polish Eagles, Norristown
	no other info available
1958	Class-AA District-3 (Southeastern Region) Standings of Top Teams, Leagues:
	1-	Fat's Bar, Marcus Hook
	2- 	Hoover AC, Allentown
	no other info available
	Class-A District-3 (Southeastern Region) Standings of Top Teams, Leagues:
	1-	Mondracks, Allentown
	2-	Nationwide Insurance, Lansdale
	no other info available
1959	Class-AA District-3 (Southeastern Region) Standings of Top Teams, Leagues:
	1-	Neuweiler Beer, Allentown
	2- 	Norway Cleaners, Marcus Hook
	MVP - Pete Caniglia, Norway Cleaners
	no other info available
	Class-A District-3 (Southeastern Region) Standings of Top Teams, Leagues:
	1-	 Fats Bar, Marcus Hook 		6-1
	2-	 Pioneer Fire Co., Allentown 	3-2
	3-	 Cadillac Bar, Bristol (host) 	2-2
	4-	 Sportsman Club, Norristown 	2-2
	5-	 Bozzo's Bar, Bristol 		1-2
	5-	 Mondrick's Cafe, Allentown 	1-2
	7-	 Keystone Furnace, Reading 	0-2
	7-	 Compass Comets, Coatesville 	0-2
1960	Class-AA District-3 (Southeastern Region) Standings of Top Teams, Leagues:
	1-	St. Anthony's, Easton
	2- 	El Rancho, Chester
	 - 	Standard Pressed Steel, Abington/Bucks County
	 - 	Tactair AA, Bridgeport
	Class-A District-3 (Southeastern Region) Standings of Top Teams, Leagues: (Bristol)
	1-	Lower Bucks Democratic Club, Bristol
	2- 	Sportsmen's Club, Norristown
	3- 	Sbandi's, Chester
	 - 	Levittown
	 - 	Easton
	N/A	Fat's Bar, Marcus Hook (already has state berth as Defending State Champ)
	no other info available
1961	Class-AA District-3 (Southeastern Region) Standings of Top Teams, Leagues: (Oxford)
	1-	Rising Run Hotel, Reading
	2- 	Willow Grove AC, Montgomery County
	Class-A District-3 (Southeastern Region) Standings of Top Teams, Leagues: (Lansdale)
	1-	Ski Brothers, Allentown
	2- 	Upper Chi Legion, Chester
	3- 	Boyertown Legion, Boyertown
	-  	Sal's Luncheonette, Norristown
	-	Cannoneers Club, Lansdale (Host Team)
	no other info available - 
1962	Class-AA District-3 (Southeastern Region) Standings of Top Teams, Leagues: (Lansdale)
	1.  	Rising Sun Hotel, Reading (Defending Champ)
	2.	Nationwide Insurance, Lansdale (Montgomery County)
	- 	St. Marcos. Reading (Berks County)
	-	Oxford, Chester County
	-	St. Ann's, Bristo (Bucks County)
	-	Maennerchor, West Coplay (Lehigh County)
	-	McKenna Post, Marcus Hook (Delaware County)
	-	Alsco Aluminum, Easton (Northampton County)
	-	Cannoneers Club, Lansdale (Host Team)
	Class-A District-3 (Southeastern Region) Standings of Top Teams, Leagues: (Coatesville)
	1-	Sal's Luncheonette, Norristown (Montgomery County)
	2- 	Greenhalgh Industrial Piping, Marcus Hook (Delaware County)
	3-	Ski Brothers, Allentown
	 - 	Honey Brook/Chester County
	 -	Rising Sun (Upper Bucks County)
	 -	Colonial Bar, Lower Bucks County
	 - 	Bernie & Jennies, Reading/Berks County
	 - 	Red Men, West Chester/Chester County
	 -  	Gumtree, Coatesville (host team)
	MVP - Jack Wagner, Sal's Luncheonette
	no other info available
1963	Class-AA District-3 (Southeastern Region) Standings of Top Teams, Leagues:
	1.  	McKenna Post, Marcus Hook (Delaware County)
	2.	Nationwide Insurance, Lansdale (Montgomery County)
	 -	Ski Brothers, Allentown (Lehigh County_
	 -	Hellertown Legion, Hellertown (Northampton County)
	 - 	Bernie & Jennies, Reading/Berks County
	Class-A District-3 (Southeastern Region) Standings of Top Teams, Leagues: (Lansdale)
	1-	Greenlaugh Piping, Marcus Hook
	2- 	Marek's Cafe, Humleville
	 -  	Wagontown Flyers, Wagontown-Coatesville
	 -  	Holy Saviour Club, Norristown
	 -  	Cannoneers Club, Lansdale (Host Team)
	MVP - Don Westbrook, Greenhalgh Piping
	no other info available
1964	Class-AA District-3 (Southeastern Region) Standings of Top Teams, Leagues:
	Class-A District-3 (Southeastern Region) Standings of Top Teams, Leagues: (Bristol)
	1-	Greenhalgh Piping, Marcus Hook
	2-	Wagontown Flyers, Wagontown-Coatesville
	3- 	Marek's Cafe, Humleville (Host Team)
	 -	New Century House Vikings, Penllyn
	MVP - 	John Boulware, Greenlaugh Piping
	no other info available
1965	Class-AA District-3 (Southeastern Region) Standings of Top Teams, Leagues:
	Class-A District-3 (Southeastern Region) Standings of Top Teams, Leagues: (Chester)
	1-	Wagontown Flyers, Wagontown-Coatesville (25-3)	4-0
	2- 	Marek's Cafe, Humleville (20-5)
	3-	North End Republican Club, Bethlehem (20-2)
	4-	Avenue Hotel, Upper Darby (17-7)
	 - 	Oasis Cafe, Norristown (17-5)
	 - 	Nationwide Insurance, Lansdale (18-2)
	 - 	Lyons Fire Company, Reading (23-3)
	 -	Greenhalgh Piping, Marcus Hook (19-5) (Host Team) 
	no other info available
1966	Class-AA District-3 (Southeastern Region) Standings of Top Teams, Leagues:
	Class-A District-3 (Southeastern Region) Standings of Top Teams, Leagues: (Wagontown)
	1-	Greenhalgh Piping, Marcus Hook
	2- 	Pike's Cafe, Reading
	 -	Lancaster Auto Sales Flyers, Wagontown-Coatesville (Host Team)
	 -	Franconia, Lansdale
	 -	Nationwide Insurance, Lansdale
	 -	North End Republican Club, Bethlehem 
	MVP - Don Westbrook, Greenhalgh Piping
	no other info available
1967	Class-AA District-3 (Southeastern Region) Standings of Top Teams, Leagues:
	Class-A District-3 (Southeastern Region) Standings of Top Teams, Leagues:
	1-	Marek's Cafe, Humleville
	2-	Lyon's Fire Co., Reading
	3-	Nationwide Insurance, Lansdale
	4-	Rodale Mfg., Allentown
	5-	Jim Bozzos Bar, Levittown
	5-	Broad Street Cafe
	7-	Bull Moose Clue
	7-	Honey Brook Construction Comets, Honey Brook
	 -	Lancaster Auto Sales Flyers, Wagontown-Coatesville (Host team for States)
	N/A	Greenhalgh Piping, Wagontown-Coatesville (already has state berth as Defending State Champ)
	no other info available
1968	Class-AA District-3 (Southeastern Region) Standings of Top Teams, Leagues:
	1.  	Rising Run Hotel, Reading 
	2.	St. Marcos, Reading
	Class-A District-3 (Southeastern Region) Standings of Top Teams, Leagues:
	1-	Honey Brook Construction Comets, Honey Brook
	2-	Marek's Cafe, Humleville
	3-	Greenhalgh Piping, Marcus Hook
	4-	Lyon's Fire Co., Reading
	5-	Nationwide Insurance, Lansdale
	5-	Bethlehem YMCA, Bethlehem
	7-	Jim Bozzos Bar, Levittown
	7-	Rodale Mfg., Allentown
	N/A	Lancaster Auto Sales Flyers, Wagontown-Coatesville (already has state berth as Defending State Champ)
	no other info available
1969	Class-A District-3 (Southeastern Region) Standings of Top Teams, Leagues:
	1-	Greenhalgh Piping, Marcus Hook
	2-	Allentown
	 -	West Chester
	 -	Marek's Cafe, Humleville
	 -	Nationwide Insurance, Lansdale
	N/A	Honey Brook Construction Comets, Honey Brook (already has state berth as Defending State Champ)
	no other info available
	Class-B District-3 (Southeastern Region) Standings of Top Teams, Leagues:
	1-	Woodlyn VFW, Woodlyn
	2-	Big C Stores, Bristol
	 -	Jones Painting
	 -	Deveroux Dukes
	 -	Lebso
1970	Class-A District-3 (Southeastern Region) Standings of Top Teams, Leagues:
	1-	Nationwide Insurance Club, Souderton
	2-	Benny's Bar, Ridley Township
	N/A	Honey Brook Construction Comets, Honey Brook (already has state berth as Defending State Champ)
	no other info available
1971 	Class-A District-3 (Southeastern Region) Standings of Top Teams, Leagues:
	 1-	Maximillians Tavern, Ridley Township
	 2-	Jim's Bar
	 -	Marek's, Humleville
	 -	Catania Agency, Ridley Township
	 -	Blandin Fire Company, Reading
	 -	Dunn's Tavern, Montgomery County
	 -	Big C Stores, Bristol
	 -	Bethlehem Panthers
	 -	West Chester
	N/A	Nationwide Insurance Club, Souderton (already has state berth as Defending State Champ)
	Class-B District-3 (Southeastern Region) Standings of Top Teams, Leagues:
	1-	Broomall Inn, Ridley
	2-	Val's Horsham Inn, Horsham
	 -	Woodlyn VFW, Woodlyn
	 -	Honey Brook Comets, Honey Brook
	 -	Twin Slope Farmers Market, Reading
	 -	Hurst Performance, Warminster
	 -	Mullin & Sons, West Chester
	 -	Phoenixville AA, Phoenixville
	 -	Shartelsville, Schuylkill County
	no other info available
1972 	Class-A District-3 (Southeastern Region) Standings of Top Teams, Leagues:
	1-	Red Hill Cardinals, Red Hill
	2-	Benny's Bar, Ridley
	-	Nationwide Insurance, Lansdale
	no other info available
	Class-B District-3 (Southeastern Region) Standings of Top Teams, Leagues:
	 -	no info available on winner
	 -	Horsham Inn, Horsham
	no other info available
1973 	Class-A District-6 (Southeastern Region) Standings of Top Teams, Leagues:
	1-	Maximillians Pub, Ridley
	2-	Nationwide Insurance, Lansdale
	3-	Red Hill Cardinals, Red Hill
	no other info available
	Class-B District-6 (Southeastern Region) Standings of Top Teams, Leagues:
	 -	no info available on winner
	no other info available
1974	Class-A District-6 (Southeastern Region) Standings of Top Teams, Leagues:
	1-	Olympic Sporting Goods, Ridley
	2-	Dan Murphy's Tavern, Ridley
	3-	Red Hill Cardinals, Red Hill
	4-	Foster Clothes, Bucks County (Foster won the tournament, but used an illegal player)
	no other info available

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Email: sdimitry@verizon.net