ASA of PA Men’s State Slow Pitch Softball Champions



Champion, Home Town

Runner-up, Home Town



American Slovak Club, Glassmere-Creighton

Grande Lounge, New Kensington



Spot Tavern, Creighton

American Slovak Club, Glassmere-Creighton



Spot Tavern, Creighton

Yankee A.A., York



Dapper Dan's, Vandergrift-New Kensington 

(PBI) PA Business & Industry (Spot Tavern), Creighton



Krivan Club, Springdale 

Dapper Dan's, Vandergrift-New Kensington
Grande-Caruso, New Kensington (went to national as at-large team)
Jednota #831, Tarentum-Creighton (went to national as at-large team)



Krivan Club, Springdale

Victory Club, York

B Rich's Tavern, Pittsburgh Calhoun's Service, Breckenridge



Krivan Club, Springdale

Laurel Fire Company, York

B Segnaries, Corapolis York, York



Grande-Leah, New Kensington

Robert's-Caruso Carpets, Springdale

B Segnaries, Corapolis DeStouts, Pittsburgh



Grande-Leah, New Kensington

Moosic Merchants, Moosic-Scranton

B St. Joseph, Verona Rickel's, Butler



Krivan Club, Springdale

Villella's Lounge, New Kensington

B Madonna, Sharpsburg St. Joseph, Natrona



Vigilant FC Vigilantes, York

Grande Lounge, New Kensington

B Madonna, Sharpsburg Diamond AC, New Castle



Vigilant FC Vigilantes/Bollinger's,  York
Vigilante FC uses the same players in the York Firemen's League as Bollinger's uses in the York Community Leage.

Dante's Literary Society (Moosic Merchants), Scranton

B Butler A.S., Butler Butler Taxi Company, Butler



Dante's Literary Society, Scranton

IAES Club, Arnold

Regional Play ASA divided the country up into Regional Areas because the National Championships were getting too big, upwards of 60 teams were entering. The governing body decided that no longer can a state or metro champ go directly to the national. These state/metro champs and sometimes the runnerups along with the defending regional champs and a host team had to play in a Regional event and THAT winner went to the national championship. This would assure that the nationals would have around 34 teams. Pennsylvania was placed in Region-12 with Delaware State and Pittsburgh Metro from 1967-69. Philadelphia Metro was added and these teams competed for the coveted berth to the national championship until 1975 when the Regional format was revamped.

1967 – (Wilmington, DE, August 26-27) - Region-12 Open/Class-A Championship
(Rain shortened, Jim’s declared the winner as being the only undefeated team)
1. (Pittsburgh Metro Champ) – Skip’s/Jim’s Sport Shop (Skip’s AC), Pittsburgh 3-0 - (1st, 6-1 at Nationals)
2. (Host Team, Delaware State Champ) - Del Campo Baking, Wilmington, DE 1-1
3. (Delaware State Runner-up) – Blair’s Tavern, Wilmington, DE 1-1
4. (Defending Pennsylvania State Champ) - Vigilant A.A. (Bollinger’s), York 2-1
5. (Pittsburgh Metro Runner-up) - Main Hotel, Pittsburgh 0-2
6. (Pennsylvania State Champ) - Dante's Literary Society, Scranton 0-2


Region-12 Dante's Literary Society, Scranton (went to region-12 - 5th place, 0-2)
Vigilant AA/Bollinger's, York (went to region-12 as defending PA State Champ, went 3-1; 2nd place - lost to Jim's of Pittsburgh in final)
B Hubs, New Kensington Girard A.A., York



* Creighton Hose, New Kensington - (* state title taken away for use of an illegal player)

Farris Construction, New Castle - (finished second, but awarded state title)
Rick's Place, Chester - (finished third, but awarded state runner-up spot

Region-12 Jim's Sport Shop, Pittsburgh (defending Region-12 Champ, played a USSSA event and were suspended by ASA, could not defend their title)
* San Carlos (Vigilant AA), York (went to region-12 as defending Region runner-up, went 4-1, Won Region-12, defeating  Golf Oasis of Arnold in final)
Dante's Literary Society, Scranton (defending PA State Champ, decided not to attend Region-12)
Golf Oasis (IAES Club), Arnold (went to region-12 as defending PA State Runner-up -  2nd place; 5-2)
Girard AA, York (went to region-12 as host team - 6th place, 1-2)

* Golf Oasis filed a protest against San Carlos and Manager Clair Bollinger stating roster violations with the Vigilant AA team that played in the state tournament and the San Carlos (Vigilante AA) team that won the Region-12 title. Del Campo of Delaware was awarded the berth to the Nationals representing District-12 as this event coupled with the PA state championship winning team, Creighton Hose being stripped of their title for using an ineligible player put a black mark on the PA teams, so the District-12 committee selected the DE State Champ (Del Campo) to play in the national.

1968 – (York, DE, August 10-11) - Region-12 Open Championship
1. (Host Team) - San Carlos/Vigilante AA, York 4-1 * see note
2. (Defending Pennsylvania State Runner-up) - Golf Oasis, Arnold 5-2
3. (Pittsburgh Metro Champ) - Brookline BYM Club, Pittsburgh 2-2
4. (Delaware State Runner-up) Captain’s Log, New Castle, DE 1-2
5. (Pittsburgh Metro Runner-up) – Redwood Restaurant, Greensburg 0-2
6. (York At Large) - Girard A.A., York 1-2
7. (Delaware State Champ) - Del Campo Baking, Wilmington, DE 0-2 - (26th, 0-2 at Nationals) - declared Champ
NOTE - Defending Regional Champ, Jim's Sports Shop was not eligible to compete due to having played in USSSA events.
NOTE - Delaware State Runnerup, Blair's Tavern of Wilmington could not make trip, so third place team, Captain's Log of New Castle
NOTE - Defending PA State Champ, Dante's of Scranton declined to attend, so Defending State Runner up. IAES Club of Arnold took their spot. Their new name was Golf Oasis.

NOTE - Pennsylvania State Champ, Creighton Hose was stripped of their title for using an illegal roster, so they were not allowed to compete in this Regional. Second Place Team, Farris Construction of New Castle was never invited to take their spot. Girard AA of York was invited instead as the tournament was held in York. After the tournament was over, it was discovered that six of the seven teams entered were illegal. San Carlos used Len Mackalavage of Long Island as a pickup. Mackalavage pitched every game for San Carlos. Mackalavage had already played ASA events with County Sports. They were stripped of their title. Second Place, Golf Oasis used players that played in USSSA events and were disqualified. Brookline BYM Club used professional MLB player Pittsburgh Pirate, Frank Thomas and were disqualified. Captain's Log did not have their player affidavits notarized. This was really not their fault, as they received the invite the night before the tournament. Redwood Restaurant and Girard AA both used players that played in USSSA Tournaments and were disqualified. So, whoever said nice guys finish last never saw this event.

A Eckley TV, Greenville Ar-Den, Arnold
B Willie's Amusements, New Castle East Side Recreation, New Castle



Jay Weaver Motors, New Castle

Farris Construction, New Castle

Region-12 615 Lounge, York (went to Region-12 as defending Regional Champ, went 5-1, Won Region-12, beat Concord Esso of  DE in final) - (went to National)
Jay Weaver Motors, New Castle (went to region-12 as PA State Champ - 6th place, 1-2)

1969 – (Etna, August 16-17) - Region-12 Class-AA Championship
1. (York At Large) - 615 Lounge (San Carlos), York 5-1 - (11th, 3-2 at Nationals)
2. (Delaware State Champ) - Concord Esso, Wilmington, DE 3-2
3. (Pittsburgh Metro Runnerup) - BGI, Etna 3-2
4. (Pittsburgh Metro Champ) - Morningside AC, Pittsburgh 2-2
5. (Pennsylvania State Champ) - Jay Weaver Motors, New Castle 1-2
6. (Host Team) - Verona Café, Penn Hills 1-2
7. (Delaware State runnerup) - Delaware Boilers, Wilmington, DE 0-2
8. (Defending Region-12 Champ) - Del Campo Baking, Wilmington, DE 0-2


A Eckley TV, Greenville Edward A. DeCarbo Funeral Home, New Castle
B Bosak-Bushko Insurance, Scranton Cannon's Cafe, Chester



Arena News, York

Schaefer Beer, York


Aero Oil (615 Lounge), York (went to Region-12 as defending Regional Champ, went 4-0, Won Region-12, beat Arena News in final) - (went to National)
Arena News, York (went to region-12 as PA state champ - 2nd place, 4-2)
Girard AA, York (went to region-12 as host team - 4th place, 2-2)

1970 – (York, August 15-16) - Region-12 Class-AA Championship
1. (Defending Region-12 Champ) - Aero Oil (615 Lounge), York 4-0 - (20th, 1-2 at Nationals)
2. (Pennsylvania State Champ) - Arena News, York 4-2
3. (Delaware State Champ) - Blair’s Tavern, Wilmington, DE 2-2
4. (Host team) - Girard AA, York 2-2
5. (Pittsburgh Metro Champ) - Brookline BYM Club, Pittsburgh 1-2
6. (Delaware State Runner-up) - Concord Esso, Wilmington, DE 1-2
7. (Pittsburgh Metro Runner-up) - Huntz Tavern, Pittsburgh 0-2
8. (Philadelphia Metro Champ) - Shorty’s Bar, Philadelphia 0-2


A Ray Cooper Roofing, Greenville ?
- Held August 15-16 in Greenville. No information on runner-up
B Snap's Fighters, Scranton Cannon's Cafe, Chester



Dante's Literary Society, Scranton

Girard A.A., York


Schaefer Beer (Aero Oil), York (went to region-12 championship as defending Regional Champ - 3rd place, 2-2) 
Dante's Literary Society, Scranton (went to region-12 as PA state champ - 4th place, 3-2)
Girard AA, York (went to region-12 championship as Pennsylvania State Runner-up - 8th place, 1-2)

1971 – (New Kensington, August 21-22) - Region-12 Class-AA Championship
1. (Pittsburgh Metro Champ) - Brookline BYM Club, Pittsburgh 4-0 - (13th, 2-2 at Nationals)
2. (Pittsburgh Metro Runner-up) - Jim’s Sports Shop, Pittsburgh 5-2
3. (Defending Region-12 Champ) - Schaefer Beer (Aero Oil), York 2-2
4. (Pennsylvania State Champ) - Dante's Literary Society, Scranton 3-2
5. (Host team) - Greenfield Organization, Pittsburgh 2-2
6. (Delaware State Runner-up) - Worthy Construction, Wilmington, DE 1-2
7. (Delaware State Champ) - Delaware Boilers, Wilmington, DE 0-2
8. (Pennsylvania State Runner-up) - Girard A.A., York 1-2
9. (Philadelphia Metro Runner-up) - Tony’s Arco, Philadelphia 0-2
10. (Philadelphia Metro Champ) - Jim Lily’s Bar, Philadelphia 0-2


A Ray Cooper Roofing, Greenville Eckley TV, Greenville
B New Rainbow Tavern, Bristol Pittsburgh Plate Glass, Ford City



Iron Dukes, New Castle (69-7)

Zipay's Cafe, Scranton


Iron Dukes, New Castle (did not attend Region-12 as PA State Champ)
Zippay's Cafe, Scranton  (went to Region-12 as PA State runner-up, lost out in Region)

1972 – (Canterbury, DE, August 19-20) - Region-12 Class-AA Championship
1. (Defending Region-12 Champ) - Brookline BYM Club, Pittsburgh, PA 4-1
2. (Pennsylvania State Runner-up) - Zipay's Pontiac, Scranton, PA 6-2
3. (Delaware State Champ) - Captain's Log, New Castle, DE 3-2
4. (Pittsburgh Metro Champ) - Skips AC/Jim's Sports Shop, Pittsburgh, PA 2-2
5. (Host Team) - Delaware Boilers, Wilmington, DE 1-2
5. (Pittsburgh Metro Runnerup) -Blawnox AC, Pittsburgh, PA 2-2
7. (Philadelphia Metro Champ) - Ravens, Philadelphia, PA 1-2
7. (Pennsylvania State Champ) - Iron Dukes, New Castle, PA 0-2 (Forfeit, did not attend)
9. (Philadelphia Metro Runner-up) – Jones Bar, Philadelphia, PA 0-2
9. (Delaware State Runner-up) – Defiance AA, Wilmington, DE 0-2


A Clair's Grocery, Lititz Ray Cooper Roofing, Greenville
B Mercer Tire, Mercer West Easton Fire Company, Easton



Iron Dukes, New Castle    ------AND-------   Girard A.A., York      (Co-Champs, due to rain)


Iron Dukes, New Castle (went to Region-12 as PA Co-State Champ - 2nd place, 3-2)
Girard AA, York (went to Region-12 as PA Co-State Champ - 7th place, 1-2)
Arena News, York (went to region-12 as host team  - 5th place, 2-2)

1973 - (York, August 18-19) - Region-12 Class-AA Championship
1. (Defending Region-12 Champ) - Brookline BYM Club, Pittsburgh 4-0 - (10th, 2-2 at Nationals)
2. (Pennsylvania State Co-Champ) - Iron Dukes, New Castle 3-2
3. (Delaware State Runner-up) - Rejiggers, Wilmington, DE 4-2
4. (Pittsburgh Metro Champ) - Jim’s Sport Shop Hard Hats, Pittsburgh 2-2
5. (Host Team) - Arena News, York 2-2
6. (Delaware State Champ) - Blair’s Tavern, Wilmington, DE 2-2
7. (Pennsylvania State Co-Champ) - Girard A.A., York 1-2
8. (Pittsburgh Metro Runner-up) - Mount Royal Inn, Etna-Pittsburgh 0-2
9. (Philadelphia Metro Champ) - Lycoming Bar, Philadelphia 0-2
10. (Philadelphia Metro Runner-up) Franklin AC, Philadelphia 0-2


A Ray Cooper Roofing, Greenville  
New Era Dye, York (host team for national)
St. Ann's, Bristol
B J&L Grill, Williamsport Mercer Tire, Mercer



Iron Dukes, New Castle
New Era Dye, York (host team for national)

Amity Hall Inn, Harrisburg


Iron Dukes, New Castle (went to Region-12 as PA State Champ - 4th place, 1-2)
Brewery Products, York (went to Region-12 as host team  - 5th place, 0-2)

1974 - (York, August 17-18) - Region-12 Major Championship
1. (Pittsburgh Metro Champ) - Jim’s Hard Hats, Pittsburgh, PA 6-1 - (31st, 0-2 at Nationals)
2. (Defending Region-12 Champ) - Brookline BYM Club, Pittsburgh 3-2
3. (West Virginia State Champ) - Fruth's Pharmacy, Point Pleasant, WV 2-2
4. (Pennsylvania State Champ) - Iron Dukes, New Castle 1-2
5. (West Virginia State Runner-up) North Charleston, Charleston, WV- 1-2
5. (Host team) - Brewery Products, York, PA 0-2
6. (Pennsylvania State Runner-up) - Amity Hall, Harrisburg, PA 0-2
NOTE - New Era Dye, York - (Host team for Nationals) – did not have to play.

ASA revamped the Regional format a little. Philadelphia Metro and Delaware State were no longer in Region-12, they were moved to Region-7 with Maryland State and Metro Washington DC . West Virginia State was moved into Region-12 in place of those two associations.


A Stowe's Sporting Goods, Bristol Ray Cooper Roofing, Greenville
B Italian Civic Association (ICA), Meadville Edward A. DeCarbo Funeral Home, New Castle
C Carbon-Limestone, New Castle Zeka's Tavern, Sharpsville-Mercer County



Iron Dukes, New Castle

Library Lounge, Wilkes-Barre  

Regional Play  

1975 - (New Kensington, August 9-10) - Region-12 Open Championship
1. (Pittsburgh Metro Champ) - Brookline BYM Club, Pittsburgh, PA 4-0 – (Region 12 Champ)
2. (Defending Region-12 Champ) - Jim’s Sport Shop (Hard Hats), Pittsburgh, PA 3-2
3. (Pennsylvania State Champ) - Iron Dukes, New Castle, PA 2-2
-------------- no information on remainder of standings or records
- (Pennsylvania State Runner-up) - Library Lounge, Wilkes-Barre, PA
- (West Virginia State Champ) - Smoke House, Charleston, WV
- (West Virginia State Runner-up) - Sportsmen Billiards, Huntingdon, WV
- (Co-Host Team) - Huntz Tavern, Pittsburgh, PA
- (Co-Host Team) - Nu 88 Lounge, Chartiers Valley-Pittsburgh, PA


Region-12 Iron Dukes, New Castle (went to Region-12 as PA State Champ, lost out in Region)
Library Lounge, Wilkes-Barre (went to region-12 as PA State Runner-up, lost out in Region)
A Hilltop Inn, Ephrata Ray Cooper Roofing, Greenville
B Mercer Tire, Greenville Zeka's Tavern, Sharpsville-Mercer County
C The Civics, New Castle Markey Electric, Denver



Iron Dukes, New Castle - (unopposed as York already had a regional berth)

N/A - York Barbell, York - (Host team for Region-5/6 tournament, won regional over Addies, Silver Spring, MD))

Regional Play ASA revamped the Regional format even more. The old Region-12 was disbanded and Pennsylvania was now part of Region-5/6, which included,
Virginia State, Richmond (VA) Metro,  Norfolk (VA) Metro  and Tidewater (VA) Metro. Maryland State and Washington DC Metro, along with  Metro Philadelphia and Delaware State came over from Region-7 . West Virginia State and Pittsburgh (PA) Metro  were placed in region Region-11.


Iron Dukes, New Castle (went to Region-5/6 as PA State Champ - 5th place, 2-2)
York Barbell, York (went to Region-5/6 as host team - Won Region-5/6, went 4-0, beat Trainham of Virginia in final)  (went to national)

1976 ASA Region-5/6 Major Championship-York, PA
1. (Host team) - York Barbell, York, PA 4-1
2. (Washington DC Metro Champ) - Addies, Silver Springs, MD 5-2
3. (Delaware State Champ) - Riccio's, Wilmington, DE 3-2
4. (Metro Richmond Champ) - Jarrell Truck Plaza, Richmond, VA 3-2
5. (Pennsylvania State Champ) - Iron Dukes, New Castle, PA 2-2
5. (Metro Baltimore Champ) - Tate Crysler, Baltimore, MD 2-2
7. (Maryland State Champs) - Robert's Dislay Data, Easton, MD 2-2
7. (Virginia State Champs) - Scorpions Local 958, Lynchburg, VA 0-2
9. (Norfolk Metro Champs) - Tidewater A's, Tidewater, VA 0-2
9. (Defending Region 5 Champ) - Quality Meats (GL Howard's), Richmond, VA 0-2
9. (Metro Philadelphia Champ) - No team entered-forfeit 0-2


A Dohman's Sportique, Wilkes Barre (went to national, at-large team as PA State Champ) Hilltop Steelers, Easton
B Eagen's Bar, Larksville-Kingston Twin Kiss, Manheim
C Crystal Lake Tavern, Greenville Son's of Italy, Ellwood City
D Spring Ford AA, Linfield Alcaro's, Farrell



St. Margaret's Club, New Castle

York Barbells, York

Regional Play ASA completely revamped the Regional format. The old 30 Region System was replaced by 15 Regions. The old Region-5/6 was disbanded and Pennsylvania ASA was placed in the Central Atlantic Region (#3). It included the same associations from the old Region 5/6: Pennsylvania State, Metro Philadelphia, Maryland State, Virginia State, Metro (VA) Richmond, Metro (VA) Norfolk, Metro (VA) Tidewater, Delaware State and Metro Washington DC. Eventually, Virginia State, Metro Richmond, Metro Norfolk and Metro Tidewater were re-formed into Metro Central Virginia and Metro Piedmont Virginia. Metro (MD) Baltimore was formed and then re-absorbed back into Maryland State. Metro Washington DC and Maryland State were merged into Maryland-DC. Metro Pittsburgh became part of Region-9 until it was merged into Pennsylvania State ASA.


St, Margaret's Club, New Castle (went to Region-3 as PA State Champ - 4th place, 2-2) (went to national)
York Barbell, York (went to region-3  as host team - Won Region-3, went 4-0, beat Trainham of Virginia in final)
(went to national)

1977 ASA Central Atlantic Major Championship-Richmond, VA
1. (Defending Region 5/6 Champ) - York Barbell, York 4-0
2. (Host Team) - Trainham Chevrolet, Richmond, VA 5-2
3. (Delaware State Champ) - Clifco, Wilmington, DE 3-2
4. (Washington DC Metro Runnerup) - Associated Glass, Fairfax, VA-DC 3-2
5. (Virginia State Champ) - McDonald's, Danville, VA 3-2
5. (Washington DC Metro Champ) - Vienna Arco, Vienna, MD-DC 2-2
7. (Richmond Metro Champ) - Andy's, Ashland, VA 1-2
7. (Norfolk Metro Champ) - Castle Inn, Portsmouth, VA 1-2
9. (Delaware State Runnerup) - Delaware Diamonds, Wilmington, DE 1-2
9. (Richmond Metro Runnerup) - Al's Sporting Goods, Fredricksburg, VA 1-2
9. (Baltimore Metro Champ) - Betty & Jakes, Catonsville, MD 0-2
9. (Delaware State Wildcard Team) - Riccio's, Wilmington, DE 0-2
9. (Maryland State Champ) - Keystone Cops, Glen Burnie, MD 0-2
NOTE- "Wildcard" Teams won Regional Qualifiers


A R&T Mobil Homes Travelers, Ephrata (went to national, at-large team as PA State Champ)
VP-Bo Gantz
Duffy's Tavern, Greenville
3rd- Overbrook Inn, Wilkes-Barre
Al's Cold Cuts, Norristown - (won Regional Qualifier- went to region-3, went 0-2)
B Walt's Inn, Sharon Saegertown, Meadville
C Time Out Inn, St. Mary's Crystal Lake Tavern, Greenville
D Underside Bar, Abbottstown-Adams County Troxelville, Middleburg
Firemen Goodwill Fire Company, Pottstown Eddystone Fire Company, Eddystone-Chester



York Barbells, York (went to national, at-large team as PA State Champ)

N/A - no opposition


R&T Mobil Home Travelers, Ephrata (went to national, at-large team as PA State Champ)

The Godfather Lounge Misfits, Easton
Hoffman Products Blue, York (won "A" regional Qualifier over Medure's Lounge, New Castle)


Vince's Tavern, Phoenixville
Bob Hoffman Red, York (won "B" regional over Vince's Tavern, Phoenixville

Chippers, Lock Haven


Griesemer Enterprises, Pottstown

Crest Sporting Goods, Allentown


Ambler Sporting Goods, Ambler

Town and Campus, Gettysburg

Firemen West Easton Fire Company, Easton Goodwill Fire Company, Pottstown



Bob's American, Ephrata - (won unopposed)
(went to national, at-large team as PA State Champ)
N/A - York Barbell, York
(host team for the Open SP national, did not have to play States)


Hoffman Products Red, York (went to national, at-large team as PA State Champ)

Hoffman Products Blue, York
3rd- Overbrook Inn, Wilkes-Barre


Cobras, Martinsburg

Crest Sporting Goods, Allentown


Marine Corps League, Chambersburg

Jo-Lees Market, Beaver Springs-Middleburg


Driebelbis Reality, Pottstown

McCambliss Ford, Harrisburg

Firemen Goodwill Fire Company, Pottstown West Easton Fire Company, Easton



York Barbells, York   (went to national, at-large team as PA State Champ)

N/A - no opposition


Holiday Jack's, Easton (went to national, at-large team as PA State Champ)

Overbrook Inn, Wilkes-Barre
3rd- Hoffman Blue, York


Lemoyne Sleeper, Lemoyne-Camp Hill

Pete's Bingo, Reading


Markee's, Washington

American Speed Center, York


J&J Corner Store, Everett-Bedford County

Gino's Central News, Moosic

16 " Sports Page, Pittsburgh N/A



N/A - York Barbell/Ken Sanders, York (went to ASA Super Nationals)

N/A - no opposition


Bob Hoffman Blue, York  (went to national, at-large team as PA State Champ)

Cobras, Martinsburg
3rd- Holiday Jacks, Easton


Engle Printing, Manheim  (went to national, at-large team as PA State Champ)

Blatz Beer, New Brighton-Beaver County
3rd-Charlie G's, Norristown


All-Star Builders, Linfield

John & Kay's Pub, Scranton


J&L Towing, Norristown

Hearthstone Pub, York


Big Valley, Spring Run-Beaver County

Shankys Cafe, Wilkes-Barre

16" Sports Page, Pittsburgh N/A
Open Field Bob Hoffman Blue, York Cobras, Martinsburg



N/A - York Barbell/Ken Sanders, York (went to ASA Super Nationals)

N/A - no opposition


Bob Hoffman Blue, York (won regional over Glenn's Colony, MD) - went to National

Holiday Jack's, Easton


Doc's Sports Bar, West Pittston (went to national, at-large team as PA State Champ)

Norristown Sporting Goods, Norristown
Blatz Beer, New Brighton


Spingler's, Radnor

Bierly's Meat Market, State College


JC Perry, Ridley Township

Perrone Catering, Norristown - (Finished 3rd, awarded 2nd)
* Pyramid Temp Services, Ridley Township - (Finished 2nd)
* (an illegal player and vacated spot)


Curfman's, Williamsport 

Upland A.C., Chester

Firemen Liberty Fire Company, Berks County Harwood Fire Company, Hazleton
16" I.S.I., Albion, Erie County ?



Bob Hoffman Blue, York (went to national, at-large team as PA State Champ)

Farrell's Maintenance, Lititz
NOTE- only 4 "Major" teams in the State, Farrell's was the only team that agreed to play Hoffman Blue and Blue beat them in a best of 3; 14-2 nd 15-0


Holiday Inn, Meadville (went to national, at-large team as PA State Champ)

Diamond K, Scranton
3rd-Barbell Hall of Fame, York - (qualified at Regional, went to national)


Bob's Market, Lititz

Roger's Trucking, Grove City-Mercer


D'Aiello's Construction, Pottstown

Temple Car Wash, Reading


Blazers, Lancaster

Marchose Honda, York Springs-Adams County

Firemen Lower Alsace Fire Company, Temple-Muhlenburg Reiffton Fire Company, Reading



N/A - Bob Hoffman Blue, York (went to national, at-large team as PA State Champ)

N/A - no opposition


Al's Cold Cuts, Norristown (went to national, at-large team as PA State Champ)

Holiday Jacks, Easton
3rd-Farrell's Maintenance, Litiz


Lemoyne Sleeper, Lemoyne

Arena Resturant, Middleburg


Town & Campus Barber Shop, Gettysburg

Berube Beverage, Lewistown


B&B Roofing, Chambersburg

Maxie's Lounge, Scranton

Firemen Columbia Fire Company, Columbia Lehigh Township Fire Company, Slatington-Lehigh



N/A - Jackie B's/ Champion Line, York (went to national, at-large team as PA State Champ)

N/A - no opposition


Barbell Hall of Fame, York (went to national, at-large team as PA State Champ)

Brogna's Deli, Wilkes-Barre
3rd-Oasis Sports bar, Ellwood City
4th-Holiday Jacks, Easton - (qualified at Regional, went to national)


The Sting, Huntingdon

Berube Beverage, Lewistown


Sites & Stouffer, Chambersburg

Rainbow Restaurant, Everett-Bedford


Easy Pieces, Bensalem

My Place, Scranton



N/A - Jackie B's/Bud Light, York (went to national, at-large team as PA State Champ)

N/A - no opposition


Al's Cold Cuts, Norristown (went to national, at-large team as PA State Champ)

Our Place, Pottstown
3rd-Farrell's Maintenance, Litiz
4th-Holiday Jacks, Easton


John Rugala Chevy, Meadville

Absco, Bristol


New Bethleham Bank, New Bethleham-Clarion

Demon's, Easton


CJ Asphalt, Wilkes-Barre

Weaver Printing, New Holland-Lancaster






Farrell's Maintenance, Lititz  (went to national, at-large team as PA State Champ)

Jackie B's/Champion Line, York
3rd-Annville Auto, Elizabethtown
(Won Regional Qualifier) -  J.C. Perry, Ridley Township (won region-3, went to national)


Gregg's Associates, Pittsburgh

Penn Reality, Lititz
Rox A's, McKees Rocks (Won NQ, also went to national)


Charles Adler Insurance, Harrisburg

Casey's Auto Sales, Allentown


Eckert's Mobil Homes, York

Harvey's Auto Sales, Harrisburg

A/B Tavern Jackie B's/Champion Line, York Lemoyne American Legion, Lemoyne


Major N/A - Maroadi Transfer, Jeannette - (did not go to national)
N/A - Stewart's Lounge, Pittsburgh - (did not go to national)


Farrell's Maintenance, Lititz  (went to national, at-large team as PA State Champ)

Smith Transport/Cobra's, Roaring Springs - (Won National Qualifier, Won National)


C.H. Bachman, Lititz

Casey Auto Sales, Allentown


Sites & Stouffer, Chambersburg

Lynn Chevy, Waynesboro-Greencastle


Brian Kaufman Autorama, York

Faust Auto, Bethlehem

A/B Tavern Smith Transport/Cobra's, Roaring Springs Farrell's Maintenance, Lititz



N/A - Stewart's Lounge, Pittsburgh - (Won Super Qualifier - went to Super National)


Major N/A - Stewart's Lounge, Pittsburgh - (Won Major Qualifier - went to "Major" national)
N/A - Maroadi Transfer/Mifflin Club, Jeannette - (did not go to national)


Lemoyne Sleeper, Lemoyne  (went to national, at-large team as PA State Champ)
(won Class-A National Qualifier over Jolles Brothers of Maryland)

Smith Transport, Roaring Springs  (went to national as defending National Champ)


Orange Crush, Juniata

Valley Chevrolet, Wilkes-Barre


Strait Mfg, Greencastle

Fat Daddy's, York


Trophy Lounge, Washington

Penn Tech, Johnsonburg- Elk County

A/B Tavern Farrell's Maintenance, Lititz Lemoyne Sleeper, Lemoyne



N/A - Stewart's Lounge, Pittsburgh (went to Super national)

N/A - no opposition


Lemoyne Sleeper, Lemoyne (finished 2nd in Super Qualifier) - Went to Major Nationals

N/A - no opposition


P.J. Greco/WP Nix, Pittsburgh  (went to national, at-large team as PA State Champ)

Smith Transport, Roaring Springs (went to national, also won a NQ)
Farrell's/Holiday Jacks, Lititz - (won NQ, also went to national)
Gregg & Associates, Pittsburgh - (won NQ, also went to national)


Casey's Auto, Allentown

Charles Adler Insurance, Harrisburg


Hoffman Chevrolet, Mercersburg

Thomas Chevrolet, Osterburg-Altoona


Della Polla, Swarthmorewood-Woodlyn

Fadely's Garage, York



N/A - Lemoyne Sleeper, Lemoyne - (Class-A team - went to Super National)






Lemoyne Sleeper, Lemoyne  (went to national, at-large team as PA State Champ)

Lemoyne/JPS, York (went to national)


Strait Mfg., Greencastle

Shoemakers Sports, Mechanicsburg
WP Nix, Harmerville (Won NQ, also went to national)


Nitro, Altoona

Accent Computing, Lewisburg


Dave's Tavern, Ridley Township

Bobtown Pizza, Bobtown-Greene County






Jo Jo's Pizza, Elizabethtown  (went to national, at-large team as PA State Champ)

WSBA Sports Talk, York  (went to national)
Eddie Macks, McKees Rocks (Won NQ, also went to national)


Santanna A.C., Hershey

Rip Van Winkle, Easton
Uniontown Chiropractic, Uniontown (Won NQ, also went to national)


Willowbrook Pub, Wallingford

Prime Time Sports Bar, Pittsburgh


Good Spirits, Beaver County

Orgals, Pittsburgh






WSBA Sports Talk, York  (also won a NQ over Thomas Engineering, VA)
(went to national, at-large team as PA State Champ)

Tri-Gem Builders, Levittown  (went to national)


Lititz American Legion, Lititz

Stitchworks, Elizabethtown


Stouffer Auto, Chambersburg

George's Family Restaurant, Harrisburg


Beacon Softball, Reading

Acoustic Kleen, Sunbury






N/A - Cancelled - no team went to national
White Roses, York (only team that entered state tournament)



Cooperstown Sports Cards, Lewisburg

Hubler's Well Drilling, Mifflintown


Primetime Sports Bar, Pittsburgh

Diversified Construction, Bobtown-Greene County


B&B Cards, Hazelton

Matt's Service Station, Old Forge






N/A - Lewisburg Legion, Lewisburg  (went to national, at-large team as PA State Champ)

N/A - no opposition


Ernst Trucking, Orwigsburg/Wilkes-Barre

Vector Security, Harrisburg


JD Vending, McKees Rocks

Red Coach Inn, Mercersburg


CRS Insurance, Gettysburg

Dobyn's Taxidermy, Newport-Perry County

Rec Polkas Candies, Girard-Erie Main Street Pub, Girard-Erie





A Crock's Sports Bar, Allentown  (went to national, at-large team as PA State Champ) Steve Black Builders, Lititz


Frank-N-Stein, Pittsburgh  (went to national, at-large team as PA State Champ) Spikes, Reading
Keystone, Pittsburgh (Won NQ, also went to national)


Hubler's Well Drilling, Port Royal-Mifflintown Century 21, York


Gray's Pallets, Mifflintown Jerry's Softball Club, Wilkes-Barre

Coors ASA

ZoZo's Softball, Pittsburgh
(Won Regional, advanced to Coors ASA National)
Jerry's Softball Club, Wilkes-Barre (advanced to regional)


Major N/A


A N/A - Frank-N-Stein, Pittsburgh  (went to national, at-large team as PA State Champ) N/A - no opposition


Marcello's Pizza/Porky's Place, York Beacon Softball, Reading
Maroadi Transfer, Jeannette (Won NQ, also went to national)


Hopson's Seal Coating, Marcus Hook Sports of Course/11th Frame, York


Saturn of York, York Trindle Inn, Carlisle
Coors ASA Enola Sportsmen, Enola Pasco Tool, Girard-Erie





A N/A - Maroadi /Mifflin Club, Jeannette  (went to national, at-large team as PA State Rep) N/A - Tailgaters/Frank-N-Stein, Pittsburgh  - (did not attend national)


GPAC Mustangs/Reda Sports, Easton

Dobyn's Taxidermy, Newport-Perry County


Team Supply, Hazelton

Geo's, Harrisburg


Sheely Kokomos, Mechanicsburg

JBS Hauling Sharks, Gap-Lancaster





A N/A - Maroadi Transfer/Mifflin Club, Jeannette - (did not attend national)
N/A - Beloli/Tailgaters, Springdale - (did not attend national)


Shadow Fax, York

DeAngelo Brothers, Hazelton


Penepacker Insurance, Lewistown

Gates Logging, Howard


PA Embroidery/Berry Mowing, Norristown

John's Bar, Evans City-Butler County






N/A - Maroadi/Frank-N-Stein, Jeannette  (went to national, at-large team as PA State Champ)

N/A - no opposition


Beloli/Tailgators, Springdale

Mim's Hoagies, Chambersburg
W&H/Frank-N-Steim, Allison Park (Won NQ, also went to national)


Ebersole Excavating, Harrisburg

Miller Transfer, Turbotville-Danville


Red Lion Antique/Roma's Pizza, York

JTL Chariot/McDonald's, Lebanon





A N/A - Beloli/Tailgators, Springdale - (did not attend national)
N/A - JC Casner, Reading - (did not attend national)
N/A - EMO, York - (did not attend national)
N/A - Beacon Softball, Reading -(did not attend national)


Frederick's/Doc's/Geo's, Harrisburg

Dibella's Pizza, Spring Run-Franklin County
Gators, Pittsburgh (Won NQ, also went to national)


Rox Stars, McKees Rocks

Penepacker Insurance, Lewistown


Eye-Care/Harley-Davidson, York

Lanco Concrete Walls Blazers, Intercourse






N/A - Maroadi/Frank-N-Stein's/Mizuno, Jeannette - (did not attend national)



EMO Communications, York

Frederick's Chevrolet, Harrisburg
Gators, Pittsburgh (Won NQ, also went to national)


Robert Phillips Construction, Line Mt-Herndon

PF Environmental/All-State, New Castle


Lamparter Trucking, York

Phillips Ford, Manheim



A N/A - Theme Lounge, Mechanicsburg - (did not attend national)
N/A - SSS/Maroadi/Tailgaters, Jeanette - (did not attend national)


EMO Communications, York Square News, Pittsburgh
Rock Star, New Castle (Won NQ, also went to national)


Jackdaddy's, Palmer Township-Lehigh Valley Custom Blends, York


Shiderly's/T-Time, New Castle Great American Pub, Radnor
2004 Major N/A N/A
A N/A - Maroadi Transfer, Jeanette - (did not attend national) N/A
B XTL Trucking/Frederick's, Marcus Hook Hollywood Show Bar, West Mifflin-McKeesport
C Louie's Auto Service, York Shorb's, York
D Tony's Topton Pizza/BK Clams, Trexlertown Jabco-Maggi Isuzu, Bellefonte
2005 Major ASA discontinued the ASA Major Class after this year. N/A
A N/A - Big Dogs, Pittsburgh - (did not attend national) N/A
B N/A - Craig's Bullshippers, Chambersburg (went to national)
N/A - Shorbs, York - (did not go to national)
N/A - Louie's Auto, York - (did not go to national)
C Streamline Fitness, Pittsburgh T-Time/Shiderly's, New Castle
D Team Audacity/Clancy's, Steel Valley-McKeesport Fabri-Kal, Wilkes-Barre
2006 A N/A N/A
B N/A - Craig's Bullshipper's, Chambersburg (went to national)
N/A - AMR/Tailgators/Big Dogs, Pittsburgh (went to national)
C Wagner Farms/EFX, Bethlehem Mel's Pub/Primo's Pizza, Norristown
D Team Apex/Tanel, York Team Fury, Pittsburgh
2007 A N/A N/A
B Craig's Bullshippers, Chambersburg Fisher's Deli/Rebel's, Intercourse
C Gates Logging, Howard-Centre County Landis Express/V&S/Al's, Denver-Lancaster
D Santana Banana, Harrisburg Giannilli’s II, Greensburg
2008 A N/A N/A
B N/A - King's Investigation/Pizon's/PNA, Pittsburgh - (did not attend national)
N/A - Fisher's Deli, Intercourse - (did not attend national)
C-Major Craig’s Bullshippers, Manheim New Holland Legion, Denver-Lancaster
C J&P/Eagles Den/Catagnus/GAP, Norristown Savorys/Team Combat/ADU, York
D Trio's/Bud Light, Manheim Cook-Denome, Ben Franklin-New Castle
D-East Geedey's Towing, Mifflintown Upland AC, Upland-Chester
D-West Cedars Schemers, Ben Franklin-New Castle Cook-Denome, Ben Franklin-New Castle
E Kelly Insurance/Trappe Tavern, Collegeville Catagnus/Rapid Recycling, Norristown
2009 A N/A N/A
B N/A - Chain Gang, Brownsville - (did not attend national) N/A
C-Major Craig’s Bullshippers, Denver-Lancaster Vigilant Social Club/APC, York
C Steppy's/TNT Sports/Worcester, Norristown Paragon Alliance, Norristown
D Brooks Motors, Manheim Geedey's Towing, Mifflintown
D-East Pro Ink Screenprinting, Middleburg Reichard Auto Sales, Lewisburg
D-West Steeltown/Bellisario's, South Hills-Pittsburgh Monte Cello's, Glenshaw-Cranberry Township
E-East Barnaby's UBBIBC, Millennium-Upland Five Points Inn/Centimark, Quakertown
E-West Herman's Garage, New Castle Freedom SOI, Freedom-Beaver County
16" Down & Dirty/Spectrum, Norristown Norristown Rec, Norristown
2010 A N/A N/A
C-Major N/A - Craig’s Bullshippers, Chambersburg (went to 'C' national)
N/A - Tailgaters/Wampum, Pittsburgh (went to 'C' national)
N/A - Gates Logging, Howard (went to 'C' national)
N/A - Chaotik Tatoo, York - (did not go to 'C' national)
N/A - New Holland Legion, Intercourse
- (did not go to 'C' national)
C Shorbs/Pro-Con/Custom Blends, York    ------AND-----    Sunbury Eagles #503, Lewisburg - (Co-Champs-Rain)
D Municipal Capitol Corporation, Bethlehem M&M Medical, Mountain Top-Johnstown
D-East Municipal Capitol Corporation, Bethlehem Moosic Diner, Moosic-Old Forge
D-West Diamond Devils New Gallilee-Beaver County Giannilli's-II/Dom's, Greensburg-Westmoreland
E-East Rusty Trombones, Quakertown Beer Boys/Piss Missiles, Kingston
E-West N/A - (Cancelled) N/A
16" N/A - (Cancelled) N/A
2011 A N/A N/A
B N/A - Craig’s Bullshippers, Chambersburg (did not attend national)
N/A - Tailgaters, Springdale (did not attend national)
C-Major N/A - McKeesport PNA-#352, Steel Valley-Pittsburgh (went to 'C' national)
N/A - NET/New Holland Legion, Intercourse (went to 'C' national)
N/A - LTS/PAS Angry Cowboys, Sunbury - (did not go to 'C' national)
N/A - Shorbs/PLTS/Elite, Hanover - (did not go to 'C' national)
N/A - Gates Logging, Lewistown - (did not go to 'C' national)
C Torco Supply/Seitz, Bavarian-Barnesville Peppers Restaurant/Hopson Seal, Norristown
D 915 Cafe/Steve Black , Manheim Township M&S Softball/Bass, Lewisburg
D-East M&S Softball/Bass, Lewisburg Moosic Diner, Moosic-Old Forge
D-West Gianilli's-II/Dom's Pest, Westmoreland County Brewski's, Brady's Run-Beaver County
E-East Wreck-It Softball, Kish Area-Lewistown Nocchi's Pharmacy, Northside-Drifton
E-West Johnson Club, Ben Franklin-New Castle Cedars, Ben Franklin-New Castle
E-Fall Jake's/Fabri-Kal, Northside-Drifton Ron Davis Auto, Bridgeport
16" N/A - (Not Held) N/A
2012 A N/A N/A
B N/A - Tailgaters/B&E/Jett/Tyler Trucking, Pittsburgh - (did not attend national)
N/A - McKeesport PNA-#352, McKeesport  - (did not attend national)
C-Major N/A - Bullshippers, Chambersburg (went to 'C' national)
N/A - Torco Supply, Bavarian-Barnesville (went to 'C' national)
N/A - New Holland Legion, Intercourse - (did not go to 'C' national)
C PLTS/Elite, Tri County, Mechanicsburg APC/Savory's/M&S, York
D Relax Lounge, Chambersburg J&C Autobody/Mid-State, Mifflinburg
D-East Progress Marine, Millennium-Sunday-Delco C&M Auto, Columbia
D-West Diamond Devils, Bradys Run-Beaver County Michael's Tavern, South Hills Sunday
E-East Kinsley's Razorbacks, York Bridgeport Beer, Norristown
E-West N/A - (Cancelled) N/A
E-Fall Reppin Time, Leighton Sunday-Wilkes-Barre Kline's Runnin Rebels, Lewisburg
2013 A N/A N/A
B N/A - Tailgaters/B&E/Boys, Pittsburgh - (did not attend national) N/A
C-Major N/A - Guttermaster/Torco, Drifton (went to 'C' national)
N/A - Planet RYO/PLTS, Mechanicsburg - (did not go to 'C' national)
N/A - Bullshippers, Chambersburg -
(did not go to 'C' national)
C Button Oil, Kingston Rec Hopson Seal, Radnor Township
D Ryan's Pub, Chester County-West Chester Down 'N' Hard/Rohto Softball, Bensalem
D-East Unwanted, Palmer Township-Easton Lehigh Valley Polish Water Ice, Bethlehem
D-West Steel City/Whitehawk Café,  PPMSL-Penn Hills P-Bar/Centimark, South Hills
E-East Pintos, Gap Maggie's Irish Pub, Radnor Township
E-West Gallitzin Legion/Snare & Associates, Altoona Scoreboard, Meadville
E-Fall N/A - (Cancelled) N/A
2014 A N/A N/A
C Steve's Stump Removal/The Crows, West Chester Button Oil, Kingston Rec
Tailgaters/B&E/Boys, Pittsburgh - (Won Nationals, went as an Ohio ASA team)
D1-East PT's Late Night/NES, Kingston Rec Railroad House, Reading
D2-East Chickie's & Pete's/Side Bar, West Chester A&R Iron Works, Chester County-West Chester
E-East Gibbons Legal, Norristown Klines, Lewisburg
D1/D2-West Gianilli's II, Westmoreland County Lot 17, Wolfpack-Lower Burrell
E-West BCB-Beaver County BrewCrew, 7th Ward-New Castle Pal's Club, Uniontown
Wood Bat N/A - (Cancelled) N/A
2015 A N/A N/A
B N/A - JBL/Tailgaters/Boys, Pittsburgh - (did not attend national, based in Ohio) N/A
C Triple C/Hopson's, Linfield Steve's Stump Removal/The Crows, West Chester
D1-East Baldy Beard Brewery, Columbia Station House, Columbia
D2-East Play it Again Sports, Columbia Dolans/Benny's, West Chester
E-East Rage, Gap Barnaby's of Ridley/Danese, Millennium-Delco
D1/D2-West Shinetime/Pit Stop/Sheetz, Altoona Gianilli's II, Westmoreland County`
E-West Quaker Steak, North Pittsburgh BCB-Beaver County BrewCrew, 7th Ward-New Castle
Wood Bat N/A - (Cancelled) N/A
2016 A N/A - JBL/Tailgaters/Boys, Pittsburgh - (did not attend national, based in Ohio) N/A
B N/A - All In/Elite/Worth, Pittsburgh - (did not attend national) N/A
C Major Mahem/Walk Off Sports, Palmyra Swampdonks/PTs, Wilkes-Barre
D1-East Paragon Alliance, Norristown Bull Frog Brewery/Two Boys, Williamsport
D2-East Jessup Side Bar, Archbald MKS/Creekside, Linfield
E-East Applegate Softball, Millennium-Delco Hawks, Gap
D1/D2-West Underfunded, Westmoreland County Gianillis-II/Alpha Protection Force, Westmoreland County
E-West 26 Bar & Grill/Preston Motors, New Castle Full Throttle Signs, Moshannon Valley-Houtzdale
2017 A N/A - JBL/Tailgaters/All in/B&E/Worth, Pittsburgh - (did not attend national) N/A
B N/A - Maroadi Transfer, Jeannette - (did not attend national) N/A - All In/Elite/Worth, Pittsburgh - (did not go to national)
C Swing Mafia/Inferno Sports/Eagle Pest, Norristown Unwanted, Palmer Township
D1-East Green's Lawn Care/Ted's, Harrisburg Rage, Intercourse
D2-East Quan Ta Productions/Slurricanes, Millennium-Delco Unhinged/Danville Moose/Sunbury Eagles, Lewisburg
E-East Tony Hoey Construction/Wolfpack, Altoona Underhill Moving Services, Mifflinburg
D1/D2-West Charles Law, South Hills Brickhouse Tap & Grill, McKeesport
E-West Yank Deez, Bradys Run-Beaver County Mario's Dockside, Moshannon Valley-Houtzdale
2018 A N/A - Tailgaters/All in/B&E/Worth, Pittsburgh  - (did not attend national) N/A
B N/A - LaFamiglia, Pittsburgh - (went to 'B' national) N/A - Maroadi Transfer/Worth/Miken, Jeannette - (did not attend national)
C Complete Game Academy/Ted's, York Fisher's Deli, Gap
D1-East MRC/ShowWithJoe, Marcus Hook New Holland Legion/Big Crack Auto Glass, Intercourse
D2-East Fusion, Gap Juniata Beverage/MHT, Mifflintown - (Tied for Second due to rain)
Deck, Ephrata - (Tied for Second due to rain)
E-East Elite, Wilkes-Barre Klines Trucking, Lewisburg
D1/D2-West N/A - (Cancelled) N/A
E-West Slippery Pumpkins, Beaver County Berserk/Forty Bar & Grille, Washington
2019 A N/A - Maroadi Transfer/Worth/Miken, Jeannette - (did not attend national) N/A
B N/A - Tailgaters/Boys/B&E, Pittsburgh  - (did not attend national)
N/A - One Nation/All In, Pittsburgh
- (did not attend national)
C Fishers Softball, Gap Inch & Company, York
D1-East D R Mahaffey, Lewisburg Epidemic/Window World, Bethlehem
D2-East Savage, Reading Elite, Wilkes-Barre
E-East Sabres, Gap Barn Boys, Gap
D1/D2-West N/A - (Cancelled) N/A
E-West Mario's Dockside, Beaver County French Frys, Beaver County
2020 A N/A N/A
C N/A - Cancelled - New Holland Legion, Lancaster (went to 'D' national) N/A
D1 MRC, Marcus Hook Sons of Italy, Lewisburg
D2 Hammer Creek Mennonite Church, Ephrata Wood's Construction/Nailers, Gap
E RamCats, Gap Coras Creekside Tavern, Lewistown
D1/D2-West N/A - Cancelled - 7 Wiring, Harrison City (went to 'D' national) N/A
E-West HMD, New Castle Tobacco 4 Less, Beaver County


C - Cancelled - Fisher's Deli, Lancaster - (went to "C" National)------ N/A
D1 - BDS/Audi, Reading --------------------------- MOB/Kreative Displays, Kingston
D2 - Renegades, Gap --------------------------Nate's Auto, Gap
E - Untamed, Kingston --------------------------Blue Mountain Flooring, Lewistown
D West -  N/A
E West -  Relentless, Dubois ------------------------ SMD, New Castle


D1/C - Showcase Sports/Cobras, Altoona  --------------------------- Evans WW/Avona, Palmer Township
D2 - Main Street Bar, Lewistown --------------------------Heavy Hitters, Marcus Hook
E - Rampage, Gap --------------------------Lance's Auto, Lewistownn
D West -  N/A
E West -  SMD, New Castle ------------------------ UILS/El Canelo, New Castle


C - Fishers Deli, Kinzers - (went to Nationals)
D1/C - SOI-Sons of Italy, Lewisburg ----------- Marty Magees Canes, Millennium
D - BDS/Audi, Reading (went to Nationals)
D2 - Dirty Ducks, Wilkes-Barre --------------- Miller's, Lewisburg
E - Titans, Gap --------------------- Pro Rehab, Kingston
D West  - Cancelled
E West - SMD, New Castle ---------------- Super Penguins, New Castle


D1/C - Cancelled
D - BDS/Audi, Reading (went to Nationals)
D2 - Main Street, Lewistown --------- PA No Shows, Lewisburg
E - Savage, Kingston ---------- Printz Beverage/Deuces Wild, Millennium
D West - Appalachian Seeds/AXIA, Washington ----------- SMD, New Castle
E West - Slap n Tackle, Punxsutawney ---------------- The Ones, New Castle



* Note (1968 Class-AA):
Creighton Hose of Creighton had their title taken away after the fact by State Commissioner Howard Markle for use of an ineligible player. The State Title was subsequently awarded to 2nd place team Farris Construction of New Castle. Rick's Place of Chester finished third. They were subsequently awarded second place.

** Note (1982 Class-C):
JC Perry of Ridley beat Pyramid Temp Services of Ridley in the finals. However, it was later determined that Pyramid used an illegal player and they were stripped of second place. Perrone's Catering of Marcus Hook, the third place team was then awarded second place. 

NOTE- In 2008, the State went to an East/West format for Class-D Area States and did away from the multiple sectional area states

NOTE- In 2011, the state added a Class-E Fall States

Go to this page to see the Class-C and Class-D Area States Champions

ASA of PA Class-C and Class-D Area States Champions Page

ASA of PA Slow Pitch Softball History Home Page

©1998 Steve Dimitry, all rights reserved.
