ASA of PA Men’s Major Fast Pitch Softball Champions

(Note - Church and Industrial champs are listed below in a separate Table


NOTE - Major/Open was sometimes called Class-A and Minor/Class-A was sometimes called Class-B



Champion, Home Town

Runner-up, Home Town


Major Open

Hamilton Watch Co., Lancaster - (Eastern State Champ)
(Eastern Championship; Hamilton Watch defeated Yorkville Barbers, Pottsville)

Note - Pitcher -
Stewart Snodgrass (East States 2-0, 16 IP, 16 Ks, 2 ShO)
Note - Pitcher -
Fred Hauer (East States 1-0, 7 IP, 7 Ks)

Won State Final over Meadville 12-3 (Stewart Snodgrass, 9 IP, 11 Ks, HR)
- went to National

Rice Billiards, Meadville - (Western State Champ)
Championship; Rice Billiards defeated Bellefonte, State College)
1936 Major Open Hamilton Watch Company, Lancaster - (Eastern State Champ)
(Eastern Championship; Hamilton Watch defeated Lancaster Dodgers, Lancaster)

Note - Pitcher -
Milt Sinker Berman (East States 1-0, 12 IP, 6 Ks)
Won State Final over Oil City 6-0 (Bergman, 7 IP, 12 Ks)

- went to National
Oil Well Supply, Oil City - (Western State Champ)
Championship; Oil Well Supply defeated Erie County, Erie)
1937 Major Open Armstrong Cork AA, Lancaster - went to nationals
Note - Pitcher -
Dan Horst (2-0, 13 IP, 4 Ks, ShO)
Note - Pitcher -
Carl Fisher (1-0, 4 IP, 2 Ks)
Harrisburg Trojans, Harrisburg
Note - Pitcher -
Pete Zirelli (2-1, 20 IP, 22 Ks, No Hitter)
Minor AB Columbia Bluebirds, Columbia Fifth Street Methodist, Harrisburg
1938 Major Open Armstrong Cork AA., Lancaster - could not make Nationals
Note - Pitcher -
Carl Ficher (2-0, 14 IP, 20 Ks, 2 ShO, No Hitter)

Note - Pitcher -
Dan Horst (
1-0, 7 IP, 2 Ks)
Hurr's South Siders, Williamsport
Minor Erie Polish Falcons, Erie Knights, Williamsport - (lost by forfeit)
NOTE - Williamsport Knights were losing 11-1 in the championship game going into the 5th inning, They  declared to be stalling and the Tournament Director (Commissioner William Schultz), awarded the Championship to Erie. The decision was a popular one with fans as many said the Knights were making a mockery of the game by doing everything they could to stall the game as darkness approached.

Major Open

Carpenter Steel, Reading - went to nationals
Note - Pitchers -
Norm DeTemple (2-0) and Mike Macsisik (1-0)
Hurr's South Siders, Williamsport
Minor Memorial Presbyterian, Lancaster Milroy All-Stars, Milroy

Major Open

Hamilton Watch Company, Lancaster - went to nationals
Note - Pitcher -
Vernon Nagle (3-0 States)
Hurr's South Siders, Williamsport
Minor Scranton Third National, Scranton Morganland AC, Allentown

Major Open

Shankweiler Hotel AC, Orefield-Allentown
NOTE - Pitcher-Bing Conlin (4-0)
Taft Tailors, Scranton YMCA
NOTE - Pitcher-
Tom Ward (3-1)
Minor Neffs, Lehigh County Allentown Trojans, Allentown

Major Open

Shankweiler Hotel AC, Orefield-Allentown - went to region
(Eastern Championship; Shankweiler AC defeated Carpenter Steel, Reading)

Note - Pitcher -
Bing Conlin (East States 2-0)

Central Champ - Junction Fire Company, Lewistown

Western Camp - Meadville Eagles (2-0 - beat Bradford Bodies)

Host Team - Columbia, Williamsport

State Final Champ - Shankweiler Hotel AC, Orefield-Allentown
Bing Conlin
(4-0 total at States, 0-1 Region, 7 IP, 2 Ks)

Columbia, Williamsport
Red Campbell (1-1 States)
Minor Points, Williamsport - (won by forfeit) N/A
won by default, teams from Allentown and Reading failed to appear.

Major Open

N/A -not held - WW-II
Lewistown Flame and Fire Company defeated Valley Forge Wacs
Hoover AC beat Friendly AC for Allentown title.
Minor N/A -not held - WW-II N/A

Major Open

Pittsburgh Steel Foundry, Glassport
NOTE - Pitcher-
Tom Dyga
NOTE - Mostly a Western Championship as No Eastern teams attended
went to Central Atlantic regional, 0-2
R.M. Ridgley's (Mon-Dons), Monongahela-Donora
Minor N/A -not held - WW-II N/A

Major Open

Westinghouse Electric, East Pittsburgh - (won East Central regional)
Pitcher-Scotty Harkness (5-0) won final championship game 2-0 on a 1-hitter
NOTE - Westinghouse did not go to Central Atlantic regional, but went to the East Central regional and won.

NOTE - Lukens Steel, Coatesville won the Philadelphia Metro Championship and went to Central Atlantic regional as a Metro Philly Team.
Union Springs, New Kensington
Minor General Electric Building #62, Erie Penn Club, Erie

Major Open

Knights VFW Post of St. John, Erie
Pitcher - Leo Cull (2-0)
went to
East-Central Regional
By Default on a Double Forfeit
NOTE - Spotts Brothers of Williamsport and Lukens Steel of Coatesville refused to play their semi-final, because the Erie Pitcher, Leo Kull was using an illegal delivery and would use that pitch against the winner in the final.  The Protest was denied because only an umpire can declare a pitch illegal and you can not protest a pitch until it is used  against you during the game, but the two teams still refused to play, so Erie was awarded the State Title as both Williamsport  and Coatesville forfeited out of the tournament) -  The State Commissioner was Ed Ward of Erie.
A Fulton AC, Erie Sherry's Grill, Meadville

Major Open

Shankweiler Hotel AC, Orefield
Roy Miller won final game 5-0, he was 2-0, as was Royal Stortz (2-0, 14 IP, 11 Ks) for the Shanks  - (Shankweiler's went to Regional)
West Reading Cowboys, Reading
Pitcher-George Powell 5-2
A Moose Club, Franklin Shine Tavern, Greenville

Major Open

Hoover AC, Allentown
went to regional, Pitcher-Bob Zimmerman (2-0 states) and Bob Schaeffer (1-0)
Seidel's Cafe, Altoona
Hal Wiemer
A Alberts, Williamsport Avisco, Meadville

Major Open

Prince AA, York
went to regional, Pitcher-George Powell (4-0 in states, 38 IP)
Polish Falcons, Erie
Pitcher-Verda Stephens
A Avisco, Meadville PNA, Oil City

Major Open

Prince AA, York
went to regional, Pitcher-George Powell (4-0 in states, 31 Ks, 29 IP)
NOTE - West York VFW, York - (host for regional)
Italian-American CC, Lancaster
Tiny Nagle
A Chef Boy-ar-dee, Milton
Avisco, Meadville

Major Open

Derrick City Firemen, Bradford
went to regional, Pitcher - Jerry Powell
NOTE - Pickelners, Williamsport - (host for regional)
Prince AA, York
Pitchers-George Powell and Dick Rawlinson
A Trianon Grille, Altoona Nuova-Aurora, Erie

Major Open

Jednota (Jeddo) Club, Tarentum
went to regional, Pitcher-Mike Karluk
Z.O. Gas (Zogas) Company, Meadville
Pitcher-Verda Stephens
A Bumgartners Cafe, Altoona Farrell,  Mercer County

Major Open

Jednota (Jeddo) Club, Tarentum
went to regional, Pitcher-
Bill Miller
NOTE - Pickelners, Williamsport - (host for regional)
Metropolitan Edison, York
Pitcher-George Powell
A Hanover Wood Heel Dodgers, Hanover Nuova-Aurora, Erie

Major Open

Z.O. Gas (Zogas) Company, Meadville
went to regional, Pitcher-Verda Stephens (3-0, 2 shutouts)
Pete's, New Kensington
Pitcher-Alex Olszeswki
A Rainey's, New Castle LAM Club, Norristown

Major Open

Allied Trades Council-GE, Erie
went to regional,
Pitcher-Joe Passeroti (4-0)
Baer Park AC, Reading
Pitcher-John Hollywood Hallas
A Ideal Billiards, Farrell-New Castle Liberty AC (Rainey's), New Castle

Major Open

Reading House Hotel, Reading
2nd-regional, Pitcher-Dick Rawlinson
Yankee AA, York
John Erny and Dick Rawlingson

NOTE - Pickelners, Williamsport - (host for regional)
A Ideal Billiards, Farrell-New Castle Fowler & Williams, Scranton


Major Open

Norristown Blocks, Norristown (pitcher-Cal Miller)
State MVP-Jim Mobley - 5 HRs
NOTE - won regional, MV Pitcher - Cal Miller

Fulton AC, Lancaster
NOTE - Pickelners, Williamsport - (host for regional)
A Liederkranz, Allentown
Pitcher-George Kuhns
South End AC, Lancaster


Major Open

Girard A.A. Softball Team, York - (went to regional)
went to regional, Pitchers-John Erny and Dick Rawlinson
Norristown Blocks could not defend state or regional title due to being suspended by the ASA for playing non-ASA tournaments.

Future AC, New Castle
Joe Embrowski and Floyd Fair
A Mondrick's Cafe, Allentown
Charile Surfass
Bradford Aces, Bradford


Major Open

New Castle Eagle's Club (Future AC), New Castle
Joe Embrowski, Clark Miller and Floyd Fair

Fowler & Williams, Scranton
Dick Rawlingson
A Fats Bar, Marcus Hook
Pitcher- Russ Kline (2-0) and Bill Icy Woodward (2-0)
Ranck's, Milton
Pitcher-Jake Moser


Major Open

Koehler Beer, Erie
went to regional, Pitcher-
Bob Kenny
New Castle Eagle's Club, New Castle
Joe Embrowski, Clark
Miller and Floyd Fair
A Lower Bucks Democratic Club, Bristol
Chuck Thomas
Fats Bar, Marcus Hook
Pitcher- Russ Kline (4-2, 2 Shutouts)


Major Open

Koehler Beer, Erie
went to regional, Pitcher-
Bob Kenny
Schautz Sabres, Scranton
Joe Drach
A Melody Coal, Scranton Bozzo Bar (Democratic Club), Bristol
Pitcher- Chuck Thomas (4-2) and Russ Kline (pickup, 2-0)


Major Open

Rising Sun Hotel, Reading
State MVP- Paul Price, -Pitcher-Clark Miller 3-0
NOTE - (2nd in  regional - MVP - Paul Price, even though they were 2nd)
NOTE - Hartman Cafe, Lancaster - (host for regional)
York Building Products, York
MV Pitcher - John Erny
A Nittany Gas & Oil, State College
NOTE - Pitcher-
Bill Pennabaker
Warren Beverage, Warren


Major Open

Rising Sun Hotel, Reading
NOTE - Pitchers-Charlie Booker and Clark Miller
First National Bank, Dunmore
Pitcher - Paul Ross (3-2, 3 shutouts)
A South End AA, Lancaster
 (State MVP- Ron Herr)
Greenhalgh Piping, Marcus Hook
Pitcher -
Don Westbrook


Major Open

Rising Sun Hotel, Reading
NOTE - 2nd-regional, Pitchers-Charlie Booker and Clark Miller
First National Bank, Dunmore
State MV Pitcher - Paul Ross, 6-2, 54 Ks, 50 IP
State MVP- Joe Lalli
A Greenville VFW, Greenville
NOTE - State MVP  -
Floyd Fair (5-1 pitching, won last 3 games in a row & hit 2 HRs)
Old Colony Inn, Lancaster
Pitcher -
Harry Pinky Geraci


Major Open

First National Bank, Dunmore - (went to regional)
NOTE - State MV Pitcher-
Paul Ross 5-1
NOTE - State MVP- Joe Lalli, 4 HRs
Erie Boosters, Erie
NOTE - Pitcher-Carl Zappitelli
A Calkins-Vickery, Troy Old Colony Inn, Lancaster
Pitcher-John Erney



First National Bank, Dunmore
NOTE - State MVP- Joe Lalli (8-16, .500, 24 assists - 3rd straight year)
Pitcher - Paul Ross (2-0), Frank Kremitske (1-1) and Bill Francis (2-0)
Erie Boosters, Erie
NOTE - Pitcher-Carl Zappitelli
A Greenhalgh Piping, Marcus Hook
Pitcher -
Don Westbrook (2-0), John Boulware (2-1) and John Johonette (1-0)
Allenwood Aces, Union County
Pitcher - Ed Johnson (4-2, 3 Shutouts,  No hitter, 47 IP, 65 Ks)



Millersville VFW Post 7294, Lancaster
Pitcher-Jim Kaufman
Old Colony Inn, Lancaster
Pitcher-John Erney
A Wagontown Flyers, Lancaster
Jake Cauler
Marek's Cafe, Bensalem



Millersville VFW Post 7294, Lancaster
Pitcher-Jim Kaufman

NOTE - Security Peoples Bank, Erie - (host for regional and 3rd place)
Rising Sun Hotel, Reading
Pitcher-Tommy Thomas
A Honey Brook Comets, Honey Brook
Bob Martin
Player/Manager - Dean Amick
Niagara, Greenville
Floyd Fair
B Broomall Inn, Delaware County Art's Luncheonette, Meadville



Old Colony Inn (Millersville VFW), Lancaster
NOTE - (2nd-regional, State MVP -Pitcher-Jim Kaufman)
South End AA, Lancaster
Pitcher - Barry Parmer
A Honey Brook Comets, Honey Brook
Jake Cauler

Player/Manager - Dean Amick

Bill Glessner (3 HRs, 12 RBIs, before getting hurt)
Greenhalgh Piping, Marcus Hook
Pitcher -
Don Westbrook and John Boulware

State MVP-
Dennis Marchalonis, Greenlaugh
Outstanding Pitcher-
John Boulware, Greenlaugh (4-1)
B Lord Corporation AA, Erie Mertz, Lancaster



Rising Sun Hotel, Reading -Ty Sofflett (State MVP 7-1, 58 IP, 96 Ks)
NOTE - (3rd-regional,
Ty Stofflet (3-0, 14 IP, 21 Ks)
South End AA, Lancaster
Pitcher - Barry Parmer (2-1), Pinky Geraci (1-1)
A Nationwide Insurance Club, Lansdale
Dave Landis (2-0), Will Lapp (1-0), Art Yerk (4 HRs)
Kepler Trucking, Milton
B Clements Insurance, Souderton Kerners, Erie



Rising Sun Hotel Sunners, Reading Ty Sofflett (State MVP 3-0, 21 IP, 40 Ks)
won regional, Regional MVP-Ty Stofflet (5-0, 40 IP, 65 Ks, 5 ShO, 2 NHs)
Millersville VFW Post 7294, Lancaster
NOTE - Pitcher-Jim Kaufman (27 IP, 55 Ks)
A South Lebanon, Lebanon
Pitcher- Charlie Roades (2-0), Ron Keller (2-0)
Nationwide Insurance Club, Lansdale
Dave Landis
B Weaver's Store, New Holland
Dwayne Hostetter (won final 1-0, hit HR to win game)
Keystone Lanes, Waynesburg



Millersville VFW Post 7294, Lancaster
Pitchers-Jim Kaufman and Harry Geraci
NOTE - Rising Sun Hotel Sunners, Reading -
(2nd-regional, MVP-Ty Stofflet, 5-2, 49 IP, 77 Ks)
NOTE - Sunners, Reading  did not have to play States, defending National Champs
South End AA, Lancaster
NOTE - John Erney
A Thrifty Beverage, Wilkes-Barre
NOTE - Pitcher
- Wilbur Whitman (5-0)
South Lebanon, Lebanon
Barry Lutz (3-1)
B Weaver's Store, New Holland
MVP - Arnie King (6-15, .600, 2 HRs)

MV Pitcher-
Dwayne Hostetter (3-0, 21 IP, 32 Ks - 8-17, .471, 2 HRs)
Casey Cole, Honeybrook



Rising Sun Hotel Sunners, Reading  (2nd-regional)
NOTE - State MV Pitcher-Ty Stofflett (3-0, 22 IP, 27 Ks)

NOTE - Regional MV Pitcher- Ty Stofflet (3-2, 39 IP, 58 Ks, 3 ShO, NH)
Millersville VFW Post 7294, Lancaster
Pitchers-Jim Kaufman and John Erney
A Maximillians Pub, Ridley
NOTE - Pitchers
Jim Miller and Chief Underwood
Hellam VFW, Southern York
Ken Dierdorf (5-2, 3 shutouts)
B Carpetown, Erie ? no info - many rain delays


Rising Sun Hotel Sunners, Reading (won regional)
NOTE - State MVP-Paul Price, MV Pitcher-Ty Stofflett, 2-0, 18 IP, 30 Ks)

Regional MV Pitcher --Ty Stofflett  3-0, 21 IP, 40 Ks, 2 ShO)
Allentown Patriots, Allentown
Pitchers-Danny Kell, Rick Gilbert, Herb Dudley
NOTE - Millersville Yingst, Lancaster - (host for regional)
A South Lebanon, Lebanon
NOTE - Pitchers
Barry Lutz (3-0), Charlie Roades (3-1), Ron Keller (1-0)
Jolly Molly, Lebanon
NOTE - Pitchers
Wil Whitman (3-1)
B Burke's Inn, Havertown
NOTE - Pitcher
- Carl Walker (won final 3 games)
Carpetown, Erie



Yingst Auto Sales, Lancaster (3rd in regional)
Pitcher-Jim Kaufman

NOTE - Rising Sun Hotel Sunners, Reading -  (won regional)

NOTE - Regional MVP-Ty Stofflet - won 2-1; 19 inning final and struck out 33 batter in the game, went 5-0, 44 IP, 82 Strikeouts, 2 ShO, NH)

NOTE - Sunners, Reading  did not have to play States, defending National Champs
Allentown Patriots, Allentown
Pitcher-Denny Hollinger

A South Lebanon, Lebanon - (went to 1st ASA Class-A National)
Pitchers - Barry Lutz (3-0), Bob Martin (1-0) and Dean Hostetter (1-0)
Werner Bus Company, Phoenixville
Pat Nattle (3 HRs)
B Burke's Inn, Havertown
NOTE - Pitcher
- Carl Walker
Burkholders, Ephrata


Yingst Auto Sales, Lancaster (won regional)
NOTE - MVP-Ron Hoak (6-9, .667, 3 HRs, 8 RBIs)
NOTE - Pitcher-Barry Parmer (3-0)

NOTE - Billard Sunners-
Rising Sun, Reading (went to national as Defending Champ, did  not have to play States or Regionals) -
NOTE - Pitcher-Ty Stofflet
Allentown Patriots, Allentown
NOTE - Pitcher-
Dave Bilger, Jack Ohl, Rick Gilbert
Allentown Patriots host team for National
NOTE - Bull & Barrell, Montgomeryville (went to regional as Metro Philadelphia team)
A Millersville Merchants, Millersville (won regional, won national)
NOTE - Pitcher - Jere Glantz (2-0) and Glen Witmer (2-0), Rick Barley (4 HRs)
Nittany Gas & Oil, State College
NOTE - Pitcher
- Duane Miller (3-2), Denny Leathers (3 HRs)
B Burke's Inn, Havertown
NOTE - Pitcher
- Carl Walker
Caras Bar, Schuylkill County
C Bull Run Inn, Lewisburg Herring's Sportig Goods, Hazleton



Billard Barbell Sunners, Reading
Ty Stofflet (1-0, 7 IP, 18 Ks, No-Hitter - States)
(did not have to play regionals ASA-PA Champ went to national as at-large team)
York Barbell (Yingst Auto Sales), Lancaster
Bill McNellis (0-1, 5 IP) and Jim Kaufman (2 IP)
NOTE - went to regional as defending champ -
(won regional)
NOTE - MVP-Ron Hoak, MV Pitcher-Bill McNellis
A Wood Homes Sales, Lancaster
NOTE - Pitcher-
Dean Hostetter and Rex Giberson
Millersville Merchants, Millersville
NOTE - Pitchers - Jere Glantz and Glen Witmer

NOTE - Oakwood Cafe, Erie (went to National)
NOTE - Big Jim's Bar, Pendell (went to National)
B Allenport Fruit Market, Huntingdon
NOTE - Pitcher
- Gail Bowman (MVP)
Bally BWB, Bally
NOTE - Pitcher
Bill Graham
C Arc AA, York Bull Run Inn, Lewisburg


York Barbell, Lancaster (ASA-PA  Champ at-large team for National)
NOTE - Pitcher-
Barry Parmer (1-0, ShO) and Bill McNellis (1-0, ShO)

NOTE - Billard Barbell Sunners, Reading   (went to national as Defending Champ, did  not have to play States or Regionals) - NOTE - Pitcher-Ty Stofflet
Allentown Patriots, Allentown
(went to regional)
A Jolly Molly Softball Club, Lebanon
Pitchers - Steve Ondrejicka (2-0), Ron Yiengst (2-1) and Rod Zellers (2-0)
Weavers Store, Lancaster
NOTE - Pitcher- Duane

Millersville VFW, Millersville (won regional)
NOTE - Country House, South Lebanon  (went to national
B Art's & Conrad's, Meadville Doc's, Erie
C Stroh's, Erie ?



York Barbell, Lancaster - (ASA-PA  Champ at-large team for National)
NOTE- George Ulmer, York Barbell (3-0 at States, No-hitter; 21 IP, 24 Ks)
NOTE- Jim Kaufman, York (0-1) and Barry Parmer (1-0)

NOTE - York Barbell Sunners, Reading - (went to national as Defending Champ), did  not have to play States or Regionals) - NOTE - Pitcher-Ty Stofflet
Faust Auto Sales, Allentown - (went to regional)
Pitchers -
Darryl Stofflett
A De-dad's Tavern, Erie Kuhnsman Roofers, Bethlehem
NOTE - SH Good, New Holland 
(2nd regional)
B Green Machine, Burgettstown - (went to Class-A Nationals)
Pitcher - Rod Jarvis
Parkland Fire Company, Parkland
C Orloski, Mountaintop Carlisle Street, York


Major York Barbell Sunners, Reading - (ASA-PA  Champ at-large team for National)
NOTE - Pitchers George Ulmer and Larry Bergh. Ty Stofflet out for the season with injury (broken wrist)
Allentown Patriots, Allentown - (3rd-regional)
A S.H. Good, New Holland -  (won regional, won national) Jolly Molly Softball Club, Lebanon - (went to regional)
Pitchers - Ron Yingst and Rod Zellers
NOTE - Berkley Inn, Reading  (won regional qualifier and went to regional)
B Heisey's Diner, Lebanon 10th and Oley, Reading
C White Distributing Company, Phillipsburg Hempfield Merchants, Lancaster 


Reading Sunners, Reading - (ASA-PA  Champ at-large team for National)
A St. Marco AC, Reading  (2nd regional)
Pitcher - Milt Howe
NOTE - S.H. Good, New Holland - (Defending National Champ - did not have to play states; won regional, won national)

NOTE-  S.H. Good - Regionals: Randy Slanger-MVP, Rex Giberson, MV-Pitcher

NOTE- Frank "Rocky" Long, St. Marcos - Special Award (13-15, .867)
Door Distributing
Faust Auto Sales - (went to regional)
B Stouchburg, Berks County Brogue, York
C White Distributing Company, Phillipsburg Johnson & Morgan Coal Company, Phillipsburg


Allentown Patriots, Allentown - (2nd regional)
NOTE- Pitcher -
Gib Glessner (2-0, 18 IP),
Bank of Pennsylvania Sunners, Reading   (went to national as at-large team)
Powey Park, Williamsport
NOTE- Pitcher -
Terry Laudenslager (1-1, 24 IP), Craig Scott (0-1)
A Wood Home Sales, Lancaster
NOTE- Pitcher - Rex Giberson

NOTE- Zinn's Diner (S.H. Good), New Holland  (went to regional as def champ )
Schwanger Brothers, Lancaster
NOTE- Hershey Equipment, Lancaster (Won NQ, went to national)

NOTE- Armour Electric, Penndel (went to Regional- 2nd)
NOTE- St. Marco AC, Reading (went to regional)
NOTE- Country House, Lebanon (went to regional)
B Brogue, York Chambersburg American Legion, Chambersburg
C Marstown Chicks, Pine Grove Hunter Inn, Erie



Bank of Pennsylvania Sunners, Reading
NOTE- Bank of PA Sunners, Reading went to Nationals as at-large team
Ty Stofflet
Allentown Patriots, Allentown
NOTE- Pitcher -
Jim Mills
(went to regional, 1-2)
A Hershey Equipment, Lancaster
NOTE- Pitcher -
Jere Gantz (3-1) and Glen Witmer (2-0)
Temple Hotel, Reading
NOTE- Pitcher -
Ed Parliman
NOTE- Zinn's Diner (SH Good), New Holland (won regional - MVP-Randy Sanger)
NOTE- Rasputin's Cafe, Reading  (won National Qualifier, went to National)
B Peach Bottom, Quarryville
(won regional)

Chambersburg American Legion, Chambersburg
C Herrings Sporting Goods, Freeland Bromiley Machine Company, Telford


Allentown Patriots, Allentown
NOTE- Pitcher - Jim Sharer

Bank of PA Sunners, Reading went to Nationals as at-large team
Ty Stofflet
Powey Park, Williamsport
NOTE- Pitcher -
Terry Laudenslager
A Jolly Molly Softball Club, Lebanon
NOTE- Pitcher -
Rod Zellers (4-0, 28 IP, 24 Ks)
Carpetown, Erie
NOTE- Pitcher -

Wood Home Sales, Lancaster - (won NQ, went to national)
NOTE- Hershey Equipment, Lancaster (won regional)
B Dotties Snack Bar, Quarryville Hurst, Denver
C First National Bank of Berwick, Berwick  Hazle Pumps, Hazleton
NOTE- Herrings Sporting Goods, Freeland (won regional)
1985 Major Bank of Pennsylvania Sunners, Reading
NOTE- Pitcher -
Ty Stofflett (1-0, 7 IP, 18 Ks) and Dennis Amell (1-0, 7 IP, 14 Ks)
NOTE- Bank of PA Sunners, Reading went to Nationals as at-large team
Ty Stofflet
Ski Brothers, Coopersburg
NOTE- Pitcher -
Larry Bergh (0-2)
Jolly Molly, Lebanon (Class-A Team, went to Major Regional)
Wet Your Whistle Lebanon (
Class-A Team, went to Major Regional)
A Stamm TV, Lewisburg
NOTE- Pitcher-
Earl Rutledge (pickup)
Sammy Steaks, Reading
B Green Machine, Burgettstown
NOTE- Pitcher -
Rod Jarvis
C Little Wheel, Erie CPO-2, Bloomsburg


Allentown Sunners, Reading/Allentown
NOTE- Allentown Sunners, Reading went to Nationals as at-large team
Ty Stofflet
and Mitch Gray
N/A - unopposed
A Hershey Equipment, Lancaster
NOTE- Pitcher -
Barry Parmer
RAS-Deluxe, Reading
NOTE- Howe Construction, Honeybrook (won  regional)
Jolly Molly, Lebanon (went to Regional)
Wet Your Whistle Lebanon (
went to Regional)

Armour Electric, Penndel (
went to Regional)

Electro Platers, Lancaster (
went to Regional)
B Kulp's/Nationwide Insurance, Telford ?
C Colony Park-Daubert's, Pine Grove Fleetwood Chiropractic, Reading


Mrs. T's Sunners, Allentown - (went to national)
Craig Smith and Tony Hunoff
N/A - unopposed
A Hershey Equipment, Lancaster
NOTE- Pitcher -
Barry Parmer
Jolly Molly, Lebanon - (won national)
Wet Your Whistle Lebanon (
went to Regional)

NOTE- Howe Construction, Honeybrook  - (won  regional; 5-0)

Pitcher - Marv Horst (won final game)
B Blue Mountain View, Lebanon Longacres, Franconia
C First National Bank of Berwick, Berwick Berks Construction, Reading


Mrs. T's Sunners, Allentown
Pitcher-Tony Hunhoff
N/A - unopposed
A Red Lion Cafe, Pine Grove 
Keith Engle (3-0)
DC Tire, Penndale - Rex Giberson-Pitcher (2nd  regional)
NOTE: Hershey Equipment, Lancaster - (Won NQ, went to national)

NOTE- Howe Construction, Honeybrook  - (won  regional)
Wet Your Whistle Lebanon (
Regional Host)
NOTE: Blue Mountain View, Lebanon (went to regional)
NOTE: Cable TV, Lewisburg (went to regional)

NOTE: Allentown Patriots, Allentown (went to regional)
B Manatawny, Oley
NOTE- First National Bank, Berwick (went to nationals)
Longacres, Franconia
C Jonestown Merchants, Jonestown
NOTE- Star Parts, Drifton  - (won  regional)
Bowers Lab, Williamsport


Mrs. T's Sunners, Allentown - (went to national)
NOTE - Pitcher-Tony Hunhoff
N/A - unopposed
A Ski Brothers, Coopersburg
NOTE - Pitcher-
Denny Hollinger (5-0, No-Hitter, MVP), Rich Slodowski (2-1)
Heisey's Diner, Lebanon
NOTE- Howe Construction, Honeybrook - (2nd in regional)
NOTE- Jolly Molly, Lebanon - (3rd in regional)
NOTE- Domino's Pizza, Lancaster (went to nationals)
B Your Place, Chambersburg Fleetwood Chiropractic, Reading
Loag's Corber, Morgantown- (won regional)
C Sanford Alderfer Realtors, Hatfield Pottsville Generals, Pottsville
1990 Major Coors Light Sunners, Reading - (went to national)
NOTE - Pitcher-
Rod Mease and Dennis Amell
N/A - unopposed
A Jolly Molly Softball Club, Lebanon
NOTE - Pitcher-
Gob Glessner (4-0, 28 IP, 15 Ks)
Manatawny, Oley 
NOTE- Howe Construction, Honeybrook -
went to nationals)
NOTE- Domino's Pizza, Lancaster
(went to nationals)
B Hazle Pumps, Hazleton Dotties Snack Bar, Quarryville
C Sports Page Bar, Allentown Star Parts, Hazleton
RM Kurtz, Ephrata - (won Regional Qualifier)


Coors Light Sunners, Reading
Pitchers-Rod Mease & Reno Lato
First National Bank of Berwick, Berwick
A Jolly Molly Softball Club, Lebanon
NOTE - Pitcher-
Earl Rutledge
Patriots-Saracino, Allentown
B Young Men's Polish Association (YMPA), Hazleton CATV Cable TV, Milton
C Reamstown AA, Reamstown Virginville Hotel, Kutztown


Coors Light Sunners, Reading - (went to national)
- Pitcher-Rod Mease
N/A - unopposed
A Howe Construction, Honeybrook Wet Your Whistle, Lebanon
- Pitcher-
Larry Gibble
B Fleetwood Chiropractic, Fleetwood Reamstown AA, Reamstown
NOTE- Early Printing,
Trumbauersville - (won NQ - went to National)
C Athletic Department, Sunbury True Value, Clearfield


Coors Light Sunners, Reading - (went to national)
- Pitcher-Rod Mease
N/A - unopposed
A Wet Your Whistle, Lebanon
- Pitcher-
Larry Gibble
Manatawny, Oley 
Apple Auto Sales, Millersville  - (won national qualifier)

rmour & Sons, New Holland - (went to nationals)
B Blue Mountain View, Lebanon Hatfield Packing, Quakertown
NOTE- Early Printing, Trumbauersville  - (won national qualifier)
NOTE- Bob's, Lancaster  - (went to  national)
C Yuengling Brewery, Pottsville - (also won national qualifier in MD) Richland Legion, Richland


Coors Light Sunners, Reading - (went to national) 
- Pitcher-Rod Mease, Mike Ohl and Reno Lato
N/A - unopposed
A Apple Auto Sales, Millersville Wet Your Whistle, Lebanon
B All-Seasons/B&N, Trexlertown Derr's Income Tax, Lewisburg
Zeke's Bar, Lewisburg - (went to national)
C Mummert Construction, Morgantown ? -Kemp's Catering, Lyons - (went to national)
? -Dickman Sargent, Penndale - (went to national)
1995 Major Coors Light Sunners, Reading - (went to national) N/A - unopposed
A All-Seasons/B&N, Trexlertown  Apple Auto Sales, Millersville
B Hatfield Packing, Quakertown Zeke's Bar, Lewisburg
C Bedford Merchants, Bedford Bugar Concrete, Lancaster
1996 Major Allentown Coors Light Sunners, Reading - (went to national) N/A - unopposed
A Blue Mountain View, Lebanon Apple Auto Sales, Millersville
NOTE- All Seasons Patriots, Allentown - (went to  national)
B Dickman Sargent, Penndel ? -Fleetwood Chiropractic, Berks (went to national) 
? -
Fatzinger's Auto, Bangor (went to national) 
C Reliable Furniture, Williamsport Spinaker Trucking, Lebanon
RM Kurtz, Ephrata - (won Regional Qualifier)
1997 Major Coors DC/Risco Sunners, Reading - (went to national)  N/A - unopposed
A DC Tire Roadrunners, Penndel - (won national) Blue Mountain View, Lebanon
NOTE- All Seasons Patriots, Allentown - (went to  national)
B Holy Spirit, Lancaster King Chiropractors, Milton
C Bob Hoffman's Garage, Reading ?- Roovers, Inc, Hazelton
 (won regional)
1998 Major DC Tire Roadrunners Sunners, Reading
Pitcher-Craig Gibson
N/A - not held
A All Season Patriots, Allentown
Pitcher-Keith Engle
Blue Mountain View, Lebanon
B Bower's Lab, Williamsport Forest Hill Store, Mifflinburg
C Central Tank and Tower, Ebensburg Eagle AA, Pennsburg
RM Kurtz, Ephrata - (won Regional Qualifier)
1999 Major DC Tire Roadrunners Sunners, Reading
Pitcher-Craig Gibson
N/A - not held
A Blue Mountain View, Lebanon All Season Patriots, Allentown
B Central Tank and Tower, Ebensburg Mile Level Pizza, Bedford
C Michael B's, Deer Lake Eagle AA, Pennsburg
2000 Major DC Tire Roadrunners Sunners, Reading
Pitcher-Craig Gibson
N/A - not held
A All Season Patriots, Allentown -  (won national) N/A - not held
B Yordy Builders, Lebanon Longacres, Telford
C Crown Lanes, Shamokin ?
2001 Major N/A - not held N/A - not held
A All Season Patriots, Allentown  (went to Major National) N/A - not held
B Keating Fitness Center, Wilkes-Barre Bowers Hotel, Kutztown
C Conlin's Copy Center, West Chester South Lebanon, Lebanon
2002 Major N/A - not held N/A - not held
A All Season Patriots, Allentown N/A - not held
B Keating Fitness Center, Wilkes-Barre ? -Kreider and Flick, East Petersberg (went to national)
? -
Landis Market, Telford (went to national)
C Old Village Inn, Morgantown ? - (8 teams went to Class-C National)
2003 Major N/A - Can-Am Windmillers, Reading - (went to national)
-Mike Smith and Craig Gibson
N/A - not held
A Quaker Riversharks, Ambler/Lebanon
Canadian based team sponsored by Ambler businessman Bob Nydick
N/A - not held
B Keating Fitness Center, Wilkes-Barre - (won national) ? -Kreider and Flick, East Petersberg  (went to national)
? -
Landis Market, Telford 
(went to national)
? -
Michael B's, Schuylkill (went to national)
C Marysville VFW, Marysville ? - (11 teams went to Class-C National)
2004 Major N/A - not held N/A - not held
A Keating Fitness Center, Wilkes-Barre - (2nd-national) N/A - not held
? -
Armour Electric Rise, Pendel
B Kreider & Flick Painting, East Petersburg - (won national) Landis Supermarkets, Skippack
C Marysville VFW, Marysville ? - (8 teams went to Class-C National)
2005 Major N/A - Keating's Fitness Center, Wilkes-Bare - (went to national)
Greg Garrity and Bill Hillhouse
N/A - Quaker Riversharks, Ambler/Philadelphia - (went to national)
-Paul Koert

NOT a PA Team, Canadian based team sponsored by Ambler businessman Bob Nydick
N/A - not held
A Kreider & Flick, East Petersburg - (2nd-national) N/A - not held
B Landis Supermarkets, Telford
(went to national)
C Pennsylvania Power, Harrisburg - (won national) ? - (7 teams went to Class-C National)
2006 Major N/A - Keating Fitness Center, Wilkes-Barre - (went to national)
Greg Garrity and Bill Hillhouse
N/A - not held
A TNT, South Lebanon N/A - not held
B Bob Hoffman Softball, Reading ?- Landis Supermarkets, Telford - (went to national)
?- Pennsylvania Power, Harrisburg -
(went to national)
C Bonnell’s 84 Lumber, Erie (Modified Team) Busters Pub, Old Town-Clearfield
NOTE- Allentown Patriots, Allentown  - (2nd in national)
NOTE- - (6 other teams went to Class-C National)
2007 Major N/A - Quaker Riversharks, Ambler - (went to national)
Pitcher-Rob O'Brien

NOT a PA Team, Canadian based team
sponsored by Ambler businessman Bob Nydick
N/A - not held
A N/A - Hoffman Rise, Telford - (went to national)
N/A -
TNT, South Lebanon - (went to national)
N/A - not held
B N/A - Landis Supermarkets, Telford - (went to national)
N/A - Pennsylvania Power, Harrisburg - (2nd in national)
N/A - not held
C Marysville VFW, Marysville - (2nd in national) Garden Spot Bowl, Elanco-Quarryville
NOTE- Twin Pine Auto Group, Allentown - (also went to national)
NOTE- Blue Lake, Myerstown - (also went to national)
2008 Major N/A - Rivershark Twins, Ambler - (went to national)
Todd Martin
NOTE - NOT a PA Team, Canadian based team sponsored by Ambler businessman Bob Nydick
N/A - not held
A TNT, South Lebanon N/A - not held
B Pennsylvania Power, Harrisburg - (2nd in  national) N/A - not held
C1 D’Ambrosio Dodge, Morgantown
NOTE- Landis Markets, Telford - (won Class-C National)
Ormrod-ABE Doors, East Penn-Allentown
NOTE- Twin Pine, Adamstown - (also went to Class-C national)
NOTE- Eagle AA, Pennsburg - (also went to Class-C national)
NOTE- Blue Lake, Lititz - (also went to Class-C national)
C2 Yuengling, Penn Valley-Allentown Precision One, Reading
2009 Major N/A - not held N/A - not held
A N/A - not held N/A - not held
B Keating Fitness Center, Wilkes-Barre - (won national) N/A - not held
C1 Bedford Rays, Reading Condo's, Jersey Shore
NOTE- Blue Lake Builders, Myerstown-Adamstown   - (won Class-C national)
NOTE- Hoffman Garage Elite Coach, Reading - (also went to Class-C national)
C2 A&A Courier, Penndel Hill Top Bar, Burgettstown
2010 Major N/A - Kitchener Rivershark Twins, Ambler - (went to national)
NOTE - NOT a PA Team, Canadian based team sponsored by Ambler businessman Bob Nydick
A NOTE - State eliminated Class-A States N/A
B NOTE - State eliminated Class-B States N/A
C1 Bob Hoffman/Elite Coach, Stevens-Lancaster Memorial Angels, Willow Street
NOTE- Bedford Rays Fastpitch, Bedford - (also went to Class-C national)
NOTE- Marysville VFW, Marysville - (also went to Class-C national)
NOTE- Willow Street Tire & Auto, Willow Street  - (also went to Class-C national)
NOTE- BBK Fastpitch, Wyomissing - (also went to Class-C national)
NOTE- Busters, Clearfield - (also went to Class-C national)
C2 Shorty's Bar, Kutztown - (went to Class-C national) Wild Bucks, York
2011 Major Pennsylvania Power, Harrisburg - (went to national) N/A
C1 Busters Pub, Old Town-Clearfield Willow Street Tire & Auto, Willow Street
- ( 11 Teams
went to Class-C national)
C2 Son’s of Italy, Old Town-Clearfield T’s Locker Room, Burgettstown
2012 Major Pennsylvania Power, Harrisburg - (went to national) N/A
C1 RM Kurtz Enterprises, Stevens-Lancaster Schuylkill Merchants, Pottsville-Berks/Schuylkill
NOTE- Willow Street Auto & Tire, Strasburg - (won Class-C national)
NOTE- Elite Coach Hoffman's, Reading - (2nd in Class-C national)
NOTE- Allentown Patriots, Allentown - (3rd in Class-C national)
NOTE-- ( 5 Other Teams went to Class-C national)
C2 N/A - cancelled N/A
2013 Major Pennsylvania Power, Harrisburg - (went to national) N/A
C Eagle AA, BuxMont Church-Pennsburg - (2nd in national) Schuylkill Merchants, Berks/Schuylkill-Pottsville
NOTE- Shorty's, Reading - (3rd in national)
2014 Major Pennsylvania Power, Harrisburg - (went to national) N/A
C RM Kurtz Enterprises, Stevens-Lancaster - (won national) Willow Street Tire, South End Church-Willow Street
NOTE- Elite Coach Hoffman's, Reading - (2nd in national)
NOTE- Eagle AA, Pennsburg - (also went to national)
NOTE- Yuengling, Pottsville - (also went to national)
2015 Major PA Power, Harrisburg - (went to national)
Northeast Drillers, Pottstown - (went to national)
Bedford Rays, Lititz - (went to national)
C Eagle AA, BuxMont Church-Pennsburg Salford/Whitetail, Sellersville (went to national)
NOTE- Shorty's, Reading - (went to national)
NOTE- RM Kurtz Enterprises, Steven-Lancaster - (won national)
2016 Major Northeast Drillers, Pottstown - (went to national)
A1 Bombers, Ephrata - (went to national)
Open NOTE - Classes-A, B and C all combined into "Open" Nationals N/A
C Salford/Whitetail, BuxMont Church-Pennsburg Eagle AA, BuxMont Church-Pennsburg
2017 Major J&B Bombers, Ephrata - (went to national)
Can-Am Twins, Pottstown  - (went to national)
Bear Bottom Lodge Haymakers, Denver - (went to national)
Open N/A - No "Open" States are held, Just Class-C LMB Trucking, Jersey Shore-Lycoming - (went to Open national)
C RM Kurtz Enterprises, Stevens-Lancaster LMB Trucking, Jersey Shore-Lycoming
2018 Major J&B Bombers, Ephrata - (went to national)
Bear Bottom Lodge Haymakers, Denver - (went to national)
Open N/A - No "Open" States are held, Just Class-C N/A
C Whitetail, Stevens-Lancaster Eagle AA, BuxMont Church-Pennsburg
2019 Major Bear Bottom Lodge, Denver - (went to national) N/A
C Fishers, SouthEnd Church-Willow Street Bowers Lab, Williamsport
2020 Major Bear Bottom Lodge, Denver - (went to national) N/A
C Sauder Trucking, NorthEnd-Stevens MPC, Jersey Shore
2021 Major Bear Bottom Lodge, Denver - (went to national)
Fishers, Lancaster - (went to national)
C Sauder Trucking, NorthEnd-Stevens Sandlot Trucking, NorthEnd-Stevens

2022 - C - Kelly's, SouthEnd-Willow Street ----- Rays, NorthEnd-Stevens
2023 - C - Rays, NorthEnd-Stevens ----------------- Eagle AA, BuxMont Church-Pennsburg
2024 - C - Rosebird Vet/Norcen Industries, Jersey Shore --------- Eagle AA, Buxmont Church-Pennsburg


* Not Official State Championships, but State Invitationals



ASA of PA Men’s Church and Industrial Fast Pitch Softball Champions

Year Class Champion, Home Town Runner-up, Home Town
1951 Church Trinity Lutheran, Altoona St. Mark's, York
1952 Church First Presbyterian, Coatesville St. Mark's, York
1953 Church First Presbyterian, Coatesville Xavier Trinity Lutheran, Coatesville
1954 Church Pearl Street Evangel United Brethren, Lancaster Olivet Presbyterian, Harrisburg
1955 Church Manor Presbyterian, Coatesville Faith Reformed Church, Lancaster
1956 Church Manor Presbyterian, Coatesville Chambersburg Brethren, Chambersburg
1957 Church ? ?
Industrial Masell Local 4407, York Meadville Utilities, Meadville
1958 Church ? ?
Industrial Meadville Utilities, Meadville Masell Local 4407, York
1959 Church Wagontown Union Chapel, Coatesville New Fairview Church of the Brethren, York
Industrial ? ?
1960 Church ? ?
Industrial Pioneer House, Lewisburg Masell Local 4407, York
1961 Church ? ?
Industrial ? ?
1962 Church ? ?
Industrial Avco Fliers, Williamsport Post Office, Harrisburg
1963 Church Upland Baptist, Chester Manor Presbyterian, Coatesville
Industrial ? ?
1964 Church Manor Presbyterian, Coatesville ?
Industrial ? ?
1965 Church Calvary Church, Mechanics Grove ?
Industrial Fuller Corporation, Manheim Hamilton Watch Company, Lancaster
1966 Church Manor Presbyterian, Coatesville New Fairview Church of the Brethren, York
Industrial Hamilton Watch Company, Lancaster General Electric, Erie
1967 Church New Fairview Church of the Brethren, York ?
Industrial Hamilton Watch Company, Lancaster
Harry Geraci
Lourdes Manufacturing, Erie
Bob Kenny
1968 Church Calvary Church, Mechanics Grove Hibernia Methodist, Lancaster
Industrial Hamilton Watch Company, Lancaster Lourdes Manufacturing, Erie
Bob Kenny
1969 Church ? ?
Industrial Lourdes Manufacturing, Erie
Bob Kenny
Hamilton Watch Company, Lancaster
1970 Church Ridgeview Mennonite, New Holland ?
Industrial Sarafin, Erie
Bob Kenny
Hamilton Watch Company, Lancaster
1971 Church Ridgeview Mennonite, New Holland Hibernia Methodist, Lancaster
Industrial Sarafin, Erie
Bob Kenny
Hamilton Watch Company, Lancaster
1972 Church ? ?
Industrial Chef Boy-ar-dee, Milton Hamilton Watch Company, Lancaster
1973 Church Mount Nebo, Lancaster ?
Industrial Hamilton Watch Company, Lancaster ?
1974 Church St. Paul's Lutheran, Red Hill ?
Industrial ? ?
1975 Church ? ?
Industrial G.E. Cortez-Crawford, Erie ?
1976 Church First Presbyterian, Lancaster ?
Industrial Buck Iron, Quarryville ?
1977 Church First Presbyterian, Lancaster ?
Industrial ? ?
1978 Church St. Marks Ukes, Allentown ?
Industrial HMW Industries (Hamilton Watch), Lancaster
MVP-Rex Giberson
Swinging Door Industries, Erie
1979 Church Calvary Church ?
Industrial Budd Contractors ?
1980 Church ? ?
Industrial HMW Industries, Lancaster
NOTE - Pitcher
Harry Geraci
General Electric Park Tavern, Erie
1981 Church ? ?
Industrial HMW Industries, Lancaster
NOTE - Pitchers
Rex Giberson and Harry Geraci
1982 Church Bethesda United Angels, Lancaster ?
Industrial G.E. Dental Services, Erie HMW Industries, Lancaster
1983 Church Bethesda United Angels, Lancaster West Willow, Lancaster
Industrial HMW Industries, Lancaster
NOTE - Pitchers
Rex Giberson and Harry Geraci
G.E. Dental Services, Erie
1984 Church Heidleburg UCC, Schwenksville Bethesda United Angels, Lancaster
Industrial G.E. Dental Services, Erie ?
1985 Church Bethesda United Angels, Lancaster Trinity Lutheran, Perkasie
Industrial Thermoclad Company, Erie HMW Industries, Lancaster
1986 Church St. Stephens UCC, Bux-Mont Trinity Lutheran, Perkasie
Industrial N/A - cancelled N/A
1987 Church Chestnut Level, Lancaster St. Stephens UCC, Bux-Mont
Industrial N/A - cancelled N/A
1988 Church Memorial, Willow Street Smithville, Lancaster
Industrial N/A - cancelled N/A
1989 Church Chestnut Level, Lancaster Middle Oct, Lancaster
Industrial N/A - Industrial States eliminated N/A
1990 Church Mt. Nebo, Solanco ?
1991 Church Mt. Nebo, Solanco St. Phillips A, Millersville
1992 Church Smithville, Lancaster ?
1993 Church ? ?
1994 Church Holy Spirit, Lancaster St. Stephen UCC, Perkasie
1995 Church New Covenant Holy Spirit, Lancaster
1996 Church ? ?
1997 Church Holy Spirit, Lancaster ?
1998 Church Pleasant Grove UMC, Elanco Colemanville, Lancaster
1999 Church ? ?
2000 Church-B Holy Spirit, Lancaster ?
Church-C Central Manor, Lancaster ?
2001 Church-B Holy Spirit, Lancaster ?
Church-C Pleasant Grove UMC, Elanco ?
2002 Church-C Chestnut Level ?
2003 Church-C Mechanic Grove, Solanco ?
2004 Church-C Our Lady of Hungary, Northhampton ?
2005 Church-C Pleasant Grove UMC/Garden Spot Bowl, Elanco ?
2006 Church-C Pleasant Grove UMC/Garden Spot Bowl, Elanco ?
2007 Church-C Pleasant Grove UMC/Garden Spot Bowl, Elanco ?
2008 Church-C Willow Street Tire & Auto, Willow Street Memorial Angels, Willow Street
2009 Church-C Willow Street Tire & Auto, Willow Street First Kings, Allentown Church
2010 Church-C N/A - cancelled N/A
2011 Church-C First Kings, Allentown Church St. Agnes, Sellersville-BuxMont
2012 Church N/A - cancelled N/A
2013 Church NOTE - Church States eliminated; teams played "C" States N/A


Rocco Santilli- Manager
Rising Sun Hotel 1955-76 - (756-250 record)
Billard Barbell 1976-78 - (235- 36 record)
York Barbell 1979-80 - (128- 55 record)
Reading Sunners 1981 - (75- 23 record)
Bank of PA Sunners 1982-84 - (201- 57 record)
Allentown Sunners 1985-87 - (132- 48 record)
Mrs. T's Sunners 1988-89 - (record ?)
Coors Light Sunners 1990-96 - (record ?)
Coors/DC Risco Sunners 1997 - (record ?)


1938 State Championships - Men
Champs - Armstrong Cork, Lancaster
Runner-up - Hurr's, Williamsport

Armstrong Cork AC, Lancaster (2) defeated Litt's, Dubois (11); W-L
Bodine Hardware, Bradford (9) defeated  Drake's Restaurant, Titusville (10); 4-1
Taylor Vikings, Scranton (3) defeated Superior Ice, Lewistown (7); W-L
Hurrs, South Williamsport (6) defeated West Branch Cedar Chest, Milton (5); 6-1
Armstrong Cork defeated Bodine Hardware; 7-0
Hurrs defeated Taylor Vikings; W-L
Armstrong Cork defeated Hurrs of Williamsport; 8-3

Drake's Restaurant defeated Superior Ice, Lewistown

1938 Minor State Championship-Men
Danville State Hospital, Danville
Lewistown TWOC, Lewistown
Scranton YMCA, Scranton
Knights, Williamsport
Erie Falcons, Erie
Horitz & Sons, Butler
Erie Falcons 5, Butler Horiwitz 3
Williamsport Knights 7, Lewistown TWOC 4
Erie Falcons won by forfeit over Williamsport Knights
Knights were losing 11-1 in championship game, they were declared to be stalling, Commissioner awarded Championship to Erie.

1939 State Championships - Men (Districts)
First Round (Teams district)
Young Men's Republican Club (YMRC), Bethlehem (1) 5, Andy's Cafe, Jersey Shore (5) 4
Edgewood Park, Shamokin (4) 6, Junction Fire Company, Lewistown (6) 2
Taylor Vikings, Scranton (3) 4, Polish-American Club (P.A.C.), Dubois (10) 2
Carpenter Steel, Reading (2) 7, Zippos, Bradford (8) 5
Second Round
Erie Falcons (11) 2, Bethlehem 1
Hurrs, South Williamsport (Host) 5, Shamokin 4
Taylor Vikings 3, Hot Top Coffee, Erie (West Regional) 0
Hurrs 4, Erie Falcons 3
Carpenter Steel 6, Taylor Vikings 1
Reading Carpenter Steel 5, Hurrs of Williamsport 1

1940 State Championships - Men
First Round
Carpenter Steel, Reading (defending Champ) 6, Bodine, Bradford (West Regional Champ) 4
Edgewood AA, Shamoakin (4) 7, Antes Fort (5) 3
Hamilton Watch, Lancaster (3) 1, Erie Falcones (11) 0
Shankweiler AC, Allentown (1) 1, Millers, Bradford (8) 0
Kneppers, Greensburg (14) 8, Dubois (10) 6
Second Round
Hurrs South Side, South Williamsport (Host Team) 12, Shamokin 3
Reading 6, Taff's Taylers, Scranton (3) 0
Lancaster 6, Junction Hose, Lewistown (6) 2
Greensburg 2, Allentown 0
South Williamsport 9, Reading 2
Lancaster 11, Greensburg 3
Lancaster Hamilton Watch defeated South Williamsport Herr's

1941 State Championships - Men
First Round
Reading (District 2) 2, St Mary's (District 8) 1
Lewistown (District 6) 5, Meadville (District 11) 4
Shankweiler's AC, Orefield (District 1) 3, Greensburg (District 14) 2
Second Round
Erie (Western Regional) 7, DuBois (District 10) 4.
Scranton (District 3) 2, Reading 1.
Bethlehem Steel (Host Club) 10, Meadville 2
Shankweiler's AC, Orefield 8, Wellsboro (District 5) 2
Scranton 4, Erie 3
Orefield 7, Bethlehem Steel 6
Orefleld Shankweiler's 5, Scranton YMCA 1

1942 (information limited)- Men
First Round
Meadville Eagles 4, Dubois Shorts 0
Meadville Eagles 5, Bradford Bodine 2
Columbia (Williamsport District) 12, Junction Fire Company, Lewistown 4
Shankweilers AC, Orefield (Defending champ) 5,
Meadville Eagles (West Regional champ) 4
Orefield Shankweilers AC (Allentown Area) 6, Columbia (Williamsport Area) 4

1946 District Champs - Men
South Eastern District - Lukens Steel, Coatesville
South Central District - West Reading Cowboys
Central District - Dubois Shorts
South Western District - Donora Monarchs
North Western District - Central Garage, St. Marys
Williamsport District - Spotts Brothers, Williamsport
West Regional - St. Johns Knights, Erie

1946 State Championships - Women
Bethlehem Armorettes defeated Kaufmann Maids, Reading
Lewistown defeated Erie Manufacturing
Bethlehem Armorettes defeated Lewistown

1946 District Champs - Men
South Eastern District - Lukens Steel, Coatesville
South Central District - West Reading Cowboys
Central District - Dubois Shorts
South Western District - Donora Monarchs
North Western District - Central Garage, St. Marys
Williamsport District - Spotts Brothers, Williamsport
West Regional - St. Johns Knights, Erie

1946 State Championships – Double Elimination
(they called them Class-A or Class-AA, depending if they called the lower class, Class-A or Class-B), they confused a lot of people
Winners bracket (7 team bracket)
West Reading Cowboys defeated Dubois Shorts
Spotts Brothers, Williamsport defeated Central Garage, St. Marys
Donora Monarchs defeated Lukens Steel, Coatesville
St. John Knights, Erie (received the bye) defeated West Reading Cowboys (second round winners)
Spotts Brothers, Williamsport eliminated Donora Monarchs (second round winners)
St. John Knights, Erie defeated Spotts Brothers, Williamsport (winners bracket finals)
Losers bracket
Lukens Steel, Coatesville eliminated Dubois Shorts
West Reading Cowboys eliminated Donora Monarchs
Lukens Steel, Coatesville eliminated Central Garage, St. Marys
Spotts Brothers, Williamsport vs Lukens Steel, Coatesville (Double Forfeit)
St. John Knights, Erie vs West Reading Cowboys (Knights won on a forfeit)
Semi’s and Finals never played
Williamsport, West Reading and Coatesville all defaulted in the Semi-Finals due to a protest over an illegal Pitch and A certain Pitcher (un-named). The Protest was denied and Erie was awarded the State Title on forfeits – Remember the State Commissioner was Ed Ward of ... Erie, I guess this was the beginning of his unethical practices …

1951 States – Men – Harold Markle ran the states in Gettysburg
First Round winners
Prince AA, York 6 -Gettysburg (Host) 0
Union Springs, New Kensington def, Darling Valve, Williamsport
Lancaster IACC 3 -Meadville ICC 2
Derrick City Firemen, Bradford 4 -Bumgartner's Cafe, Altoona 0
Coatesville (received bye) 4, Prince AA, York 2
Second Round Winners
Derrick City 6, Lancaster IAAC 4
Coatesville 1, Union Springs, New Kensington 0
Derrick City Firemen 4, Coatesville 2 (winners bracket final)
Losers bracket
Gettysburg 9 eliminated Darling Valve, Williamsport 6
Bumgartner's Cafe, Altoona 2 eliminated Meadville ICC 0
Prince AA 11 eliminated Gettysburg 4
Bumgartners Cafe, Altoona 5 eliminated Lancaster IAAC 3
Prince AA 3, eliminated Union Springs, New Kensington 2
Coatesville 1, eliminated Bumgartners Cafe, Altoona 0
Prince AA 10, eliminated Coatesville 0 (losers bracket final)
Derrick City Firemen 4, Prince AA of York 1

1954 - Men FP Final Standings
1. Zogas Company, Meadville 4-0
2. New Kensington 5-2
3. Bradford 2-2
4. Pickelners, Williamsport 2-2
5. Jeddo, Tarentum 1-2
5. Johnstown 1-2
7. York 1-2
7. New Castle 1-2
9. Reading 1-2
9. Crippled Bear, Williamsport 0-2

1959 ASA Districts

1 Scranton Area
2 Wilkes-Barre Area
3 Allentown Southeast Area
4 Williamsport Area
5 York Area
6 Johnstown Area
7 Erie Area
8 Bradford Area
9 Meadville Area
10 New Castle Area

1960 - Men (CLASS-B)
Kepler Brothers Trucking, Milton 9, York 6
Fats Bar, Marcus Hook 14, Rancks Embalmers, Milton 1
Democratic Club, Bristol 6, New Brighton-Greenville 1
New Brighton 2, Erie 1
Fats Bar, Marcus Hook 9, Scranton 6
Democratic Club, Bristol 4, New Brighton 3
Marcus Hook 7, Kepler Brothers Trucking, Milton 0
Democratic Club, Bristol 11, Fats Bar, Marcus Hook 1 (winners bracket final)
York 6, eliminated Rancks Embalmers, Milton 0
Erie 5, Eliminated Greenville-Greenville 4
Scranton 10, eliminated Erie 3
York 9, eliminated Bradford 2
York 10, eliminated Scranton 9
York 12, eliminated New Brighton 7
Kepler Brothers Trucking, Milton 10, eliminated York 8
Fats Bar, Marcus Hook 4, eliminated Kepler Brothers Trucking, Milton 0
Democratic Club, Bristol 7, eliminated Fats Bar, Marcus Hook 3


ASA of PA Slow Pitch Softball History Home Page

©1998 Steve Dimitry, all rights reserved.
