2010 Local Area Tournament Results Page
(National Results in Blue)
"B" State - N/A
Not Held - only 1 B team - Chaingang, Brownsville (7)
July 23-25 "C" State Level 1 Drifton Persing
Not Held - All teams that were interested in playing Class-C-Major States
receive unpaid berth to Nationals:
Craig's Bullshippers, Mercersburg (11) -
(5th Class-C ASA East
Nationals, 3-2, Mandatory move-up to B)

Gates Logging, Mercersburg (11) -
(33rd Class-C ASA East
Nationals, 1-2)
Tailgators/Wampum Hardware, Steel Valley-Pittsburgh (10) - NIT
Berth in Cleveland, OH -
(3rd Class-C ASA East
Nationals, 4-2, Mandatory Move-up to B)

New Holland Legion, Intercourse (2)
Chaotick/Goldie's Detailing/Mary Lou's, York (5)
July 23-25 "C" State Level 2 Drifton Persing
1. (Co-Champs) Shorbs/Pro-Con/Custom Blends, York (5) 6-1 *
1. (Co-Champs) Sunbury Eagles #503, Lewisburg (4) 4-1 * -
(33rd Class-C ASA East
Nationals, 0-2, no show)
3. Peppers Restaurant/Hopson Seal, Norristown (14) 5-2
4. Brooks Motors, Manheim (2) 4-2
5. Steve Black Builders, Manheim (2) 3-2
6. Murphy's/Casey Kasa, Kingston (1) 3-2
7. Iron Legion, Kingston (1) 2-2
8. Bat Doctors/APC/Savory's, York (5) 3-2
9. J&P Auto Transport/Moe's Grille, Millennium-Upland (6) 1-2
10. Al's Service/V&S/Brickhouse, Zinn's-Denver (2) 1-2 -
(25th Class-C ASA East
Nationals, 1-2)
11. Phoenixville Health & Fitness/FAI/ABB, Norristown (14) 1-2
12. Paragon Alliance/Cannon Roofing, Norristown (14) 1-2
13. Geedey's Towing, Mifflintown (4) 1-2
14. T-Bones/Embroid Me/Peppers/Dr Foleys, Norristown (14) 0-2
15. Steppy's/Worcester HVAC/Brother Paul's, Norristown (14) 1-2
16. J&C Auto, Middleburg (4) 0-2
17. Reichard Auto, Lewisburg (4) 0-2
18. Kelly's Bar, Plains-Birchwood (1) 0-2
19. Santana Bannana, State-Harrisburg (2) 0-2
* - Tournament stopped when rains washed away the fields during the "if" game,
so Co-Champs were declared
ASA Class-C East Slow
Pitch All-American Team Selections
1st - Team
Outfield - Frank Renner, Tailgators/Wampum Hardware (Batting Champion)
Utility - Paul Stanley, Tailgators/Wampum Hardware
Infield - Bill Brown, Craig's Bullshippers
2nd - Team
Outfield - Ron Mitro, Jr., Tailgators/Wampum Hardware
Outfield - Tommy Bilger, Craig's Bullshippers
Utility - Chad Hinkle, Craig's Bullshippers
Infield - Mark Dzanaj, Tailgators/Wampum Hardware
July 16-18 "D" State East Drifton Persing
1. Municipal Capitol Corporation, Saucon Park-Bethlehem (3) 6-0 - Qualified
for State Final - (East #1)
2. Moosic Diner, Moosic-Old Forge (16) 4-2 - Qualified for State Final - (East
3. Jackie B's/Cici's Pizza, York (5) 5-2 - Qualified for State Final - (East #3)
4. Bever Creek Tractor/Country Tavern, Shade Mountain-Middleburg (4) 5-2 -
Qualified for State Final - (East #4)
5. Old Post Inn/Mantz Coal, Northhhampton (3) 4-2 - Qualified for State Final -
(East #5)
6. Seasons Restaurant-II, Lewistown (4) 3-2 - Qualified for State Final - (East
7. Brickhouse Bar & Grille, Millennium-Upland (6) 4-2 - Qualified for State Final - (East #7)
8. Mike Cleck's Paving, Mifflintown (4) 3-2 - Qualified for State Final - (East
9. Azzatori Chiropractic, Quakertown (15) 2-2 - Qualified for State Final -
(East #9) - can not attend
10. New Cumberland Legion Post #143, Hampden-Mechanicsburg (11) 2-2 - Qualified for
State Final as District-11 Rep
11. Nocchi's Pharmacy, Northside-Drifton (12) 2-2 - Qualified for State Final as
District-12 Rep
12. Klines Softball, Lewisburg (4) Lewisburg 2-2 - Qualified for State Final -
(East #10)
13. Unwanted Softball, Palmer Township-Easton (3) 2-2
14. Natale & Onufer (N&O), Norristown (14) 1-2
15. Major League Sports, Lewistown (4) 2-2
16. G.Muzik/Loose Ends, Zinn's-Denver (2) 2-2
17. AJ Catagnus, Norristown (14 (1-2)
18. Trum Tavern, Quakertown (15) 1-2
19. Maennerchor Club/Bauman-Pitts, Norristown (14) 1-2
20. Pep's Poultry, Quakertown (15) 0-2
21. Next Level Enterprises, York (5) 0-2
22. Spring-Ford AA/Spikes, Pottstown (14) 0-2
23. Shockers, Kingston (1) 0-2 - Qualified for State Final as District-1 Rep
24. Flashtastics/Picard Construction, Norristown (14) 0-2
25. Dolans Bar/Oliver Heating & Air, Millennium-Upland (6) 0-2
26. W&LSubauru/Schindler's Studios Lewisburg (4) 0-2
27. York Casket/Elliott Productions, York (5) 0-2
NOTE- Teams that did not have District Tournaments sent their teams to Eastern
States to play,
But these teams also have a spot in the State Finals as representatives of their
District noted above
July 16-18 "D" State West Meadville Demaio
1. Diamond Devils New Gallilee-Beaver County (9) 7-1 - Qualified for State
Final - can not attend *
2. Giannilli's-II/Dom's Pest Control, Greensburg-Westmoreland (10) 4-2 -
Qualified for State Final - (West #1)
3. Almega Plastics, Ben Franklin-New Castle (9) 7-2 - Qualified for State Final
as District-9 Champ
4. Schemer's/Mulligan's Ben Franklin-New Castle (9) 3-2 - Qualified for State
Final - (West #2)
5. Triangle Bar, Penn Hills Sports Shop-Pittsburgh (10) 2-2 - Qualified for
State Final - (West #3) - can not attend
6. Olympic Club, Dubois (13) 3-2 - Qualified for State Final as District-13 Rep
7. MAC Vending, Beaver Falls-Beaver County (9) 2-2 - Qualified for State Final -
(West #4) - can not attend
8. MLLC, South Hills-Pittsburgh (10) 2-2 - Qualified for State Final - (West #5)
- can not attend
9. S&T Bank, South Hills-Pittsburgh (10) 1-2 - Qualified for State Final - (West
10. Inn the Ruff/Kreibel Resources, Penn Hills Sports Shop-Pittsburgh (10) 2-2 - Qualified for
State Final as District-10 Champ
11. Strike Force, Beaver Falls-Beaver County (9) 2-2 - Qualified for State Final
- (West #7) - can not attend
12. Paint Room, Mt. Pleasant-Westmoreland (10) 1-2
13. Highland Vets, West Mayfield-Beaver County (9) 0-2
14. Silver Dollar Lounge, Rural Valley (9) 1-2
15. Hawk Construction, Dubois (13) 0-2
16. O'Malley's/Hurricane Alley, Steel Valley-Pittsburgh (10) 0-2 - Already has a
National berth from an NIT
in Cleveland, OH
17. Brady's Run Grill, New Brighton-Beaver County (9) 0-2
18. Triple Play Training Center, Pulaski-Beaver County (9) 0-2
19. Dick's Sports, Penn Hills Sports Shop-Pittsburgh (10) 0-2 (no show)
NOTE- When teams qualified and can not attend, the berth is passed down.
* Diamond Devils will not attend State finals due to the fact that even if they
win the state final and receive
a paid berth to the ASA Nationals,
they have already committed to the York ASA/PSF
Labor Day Weekend Tournament
which is the same weekend as the ASA Nationals.
August 6-8 "D" State Final Drifton Persing
1. Municipal Capitol Corporation (MCC), Saucon Park-Bethlehem (3) 6-0 -
(7th Class-D ASA South
Nationals, 2-2)
2. M&M Medical, Mountain Top (8) 5-2
3. Inn the Ruff/Kreibel Resources, Penn Hills Sports Shop-Pittsburgh (10) 6-2 -
(25th Class-D ASA East
Nationals, 2-2, Restricted Classification at D)
4. S&T Bank, South Hills-Pittsburgh (10) -
(33rd Class-D ASA East
Nationals, 2-2)
5. Taylor Electric Brawlers, Brandywine YMCA-Coatesville (6) 3-2
6. Louie's Auto/Skink Graphics Razorbacks, York (5) 3-2 -
(65th Class-D ASA East
Nationals, 0-2)
7. Seasons Restaurant-II, Lewistown (4) 3-2
8. M&S Softball, Lewisburg (4) 4-2 -
(33rd Class-D ASA East
Nationals, 2-2)
9. Olympic Club, Dubois (13) 3-2
10. Almega Plastics, Ben Franklin-New Castle (9) 3-2
11. Lion Head Brewery/Legion Post-624, Archbald (16) 2-2
12. Giannilli's-II/Dom's Pest Control, Greensburg-Westmoreland (10) 3-2 -
(33rd Class-D ASA East
Nationals, 2-2)
13. Mike Cleck Paving, Mifflintown (4) 2-2
14. New Cumberland Legion Post-143, Hampden-Mechanicsburg (11) 2-2
15. Comanches/Triple Pine Roofing, Intercourse (2) 2-2
16. Beaver Creek Tractor/Country Tavern, Middleburg (4) 2-2
17. Thrashers/Lantz Enterprises, Intercourse (2) 1-2
18. Nocchi's Pharmacy, Northside-Drifton (12) 1-2
19. Old Post Inn/Mantz Coal, Northhampton (3) 1-2
20. Schemers/Mulligan's, Ben Franklin-New Castle (9) 1-2
21. Ryan's Pub, West Chester (6) 1-2
22. Jackie B's/Cici's Pizza, York (5) 1-2
23. Brickhouse Bar & Grille, Millennium-Upland (6) 1-2
24. Shockers, Kingston (1) 1-2
25. Norristown Rec, Norristown (14) 0-2
26. Dave's Auto Body, Quakertown (15) 0-2
27. Kelly Insurance, Collegeville (14) 0-2
28. Klines Softball, Lewisburg (4) 0-2
29. Moosic Diner, Mosic-Old Forge (16) 0-2
30. STUD Softball, Reading (3) 0-2 -
(33rd Class-D ASA East
Nationals, 1-2)
31. Pilgrims Car Care/Bowhunter's Den, York (5) 0-2
32. The Back Page, Lancaster (2) 0-2
NOTE - G Muzik, Zinn's-Denver (2) went to Nationals - NQ Berth in Sunbury -
(9th Class-D ASA East
Nationals, 3-2, Mandatory move-up to C)
NOTE - O'Malley's/Hurricane Alley, Steel Valley-Pittsburgh (10) went to
Nationals - NIT
Berth in Cleveland, OH -
(49th Class-D ASA East
Nationals, 1-2)
ASA Class-D East Slow
Pitch All-American Team Selections (Not listed as of yet)
1st - team
2nd - team
ASA Class-D South Slow Pitch All-American Team Selections
2nd - Team
Outfield - Bryan Trimble, Municipal Capital Corporation
Infield - Steve Klapy, Municipal Capital Corporation
August 20-22 "E" State East Drifton Persing
(Continued on August 29 due to Rain)
1. Rusty Trombones, Quakertown (15) 6-1
2. Beer Boys/Piss Missiles, Kingston (1) 7-2
3. Progress Marine, Millennium Sunday (6) 6-2
4. Aireserv, Pottstown (14) 6-2 (1 forfeit win)
5. Gravey Train Express, Lewistown (4) 3-2 -
(33rd Class-E ASA East
Nationals, 0-2, no show)
6. Tailgators Sports Bar, Millennium Sunday (6) 5-2 (1 forfeit win)
7. Young Guns, Millennium Sunday (6) 4-2
8. Jake's Cafe, Northside-Drifton (12) 5-2 (1 forfeit win)
9. Long Island Pizza, Williamsport (4) 4-2
10. Adult World, Taylor-Dunmore (1) 4-2 (1 forfeit win)
11. Cougars, Gap (2) 2-2
12. Carey's Pub, Kingston (1) 2-2
13. Cummins Power System, Middleburg (4) 2-2
14. BuxMont Home Buyers, Norristown (14) 2-2 (1 forfeit loss, did not return)
15. Limerick Beverage, Linfield (14) 2-2 (1 forfeit win)
16. The Other Side, Northside-Drifton (12) 3-2 (1 forfeit win)
17. Forest House, Mifflinburg (4) 1-2
18. Accumetrics, Pottstown (14) 2-2 (1 forfeit loss, did not return)
19. Gibbons Legal, Norristown (14) 2-2 (1 forfeit loss, did not return)
20. Corky's Pub, York (5) 1-2 (1 forfeit loss, did not return)
21. Fleet Decal, Kingston (1) 1-2
22. Sligo Red/D Squared, Millennium Sunday (6) 1-2
23. Voodoo Softball Club, Harrisburg (11) 1-2
24. Bulls Evolution, Kingston (1) 2-2
25. Ice House, Mountain Top (1) 1-2
26. J&P/Brickhouse Bar, Millennium Sunday (6) 1-2
27. Blazin Dragon Entertainment, Chambersburg (11) 0-2
28. Keith Kemp Sanitation, Reading (3) 0-2
29. Depaul Brothers, Norristown (14) 1-2
30. Mechanicsburg Merchants, Tri Co-Harrisburg (11) 0-2
31. Phightens, Pottstown (14) 0-2
32. Maines Roofing, Lewistown (4) 0-2
33. T&C Marvels, Kingston (1) 0-2 - took the place of IACC, Kingston (1) -
who was originally entered
34. PHF Bulldogs, Pottstown (14) 0-2
35. DelBaso, Kingston (1) 0-2
36. Samuel Owens Hitmen, Northhampton (3) 0-2
37. Hibsmen, Quakertown (15) 0-2
38. R&D Heat/AC, Lewisburg (4) 0-2 - took the place of Kenhorst Fire
Company-Reading (3) - who was originally entered
39. Despoy and Anderson Law, Altoona (8) 0-2 - no show
NOTE - Union Station Grill, Manheim Township (2) - went to Nationals - NQ berth
in Gap - (33rd
Class-E ASA East Nationals, 0-2)
August 20-22 "E" State West New Castle Demaio
Not Held
June 25-27 Church Manheim Fornadel
Not Held
Jul 30-Aug 1 35 & Over "A" Lower Allen Robison
1. Frederick's of Philadelphia,
Collegeville (14)
2. Steve Black Builders, Manheim (2)
3. CP Supply/P&J, Bethel Park-Pittsburgh (10)
- (5th - 35 & Over ASA
Nationals, 3-2)
4. Worcester HVAC/Hopseal, Norristown (14)
5. Vigilant Social Club, York (5)
ASA 35 & Over Slow
Pitch All-American Team Selections
1st - team
Utility - Dean Bradley, CP Supply
August 13-15 35 & Over "D" State College Amick
1. Bill's Bar/Demans, Punxsutawney (13) 6-0
2. TC Transport, State College (8) 4-2
3. Keystone Concrete, Dubois (13) 6-2
4. Bellmont II, Zelienople-Butler (9) 6-2
5. BZ Motors, Middleburg (4) 3-2
6. TNT Sports Club, Norristown (14) 3-2
7. Stud Softball, Reading (3) 2-2
8. Clarion VFW, Clarion (9) 3-2
9. InfoQuest Technologies, Mechanicsburg (11) 3-2
10. Drayer Rehab, State College (8) 1-2
11. Blaise Ford, Middleburg (4) 1-2
12. Union Station Grill, Manheim Township (2) 2-2
13. Rogele Inn, Mechanicsburg (11) 2-2
14. Frosty Hook, Spring Mills-State College (8) 1-2
15. Pro Ink Screenprinting (BeverCreek), Middleburg (4) 1-2
16. Mandata Legion/Heims Disposal, Herndon (4) 2-2
17. Spring-Ford AA, Linfield (14) 1-2
18. Seasons Restaurant, Lewistown (4) 1-2
19. Kelly's Pub, Plains-Birchwood (1) 0-2
20. Legion Post-143, Mechanicsburg (11) 1-2
21. Pep's Poultry, Quakertown (15) 0-2
22. Bates Drywall, Greenville (9) 0-2
23. Gridiron Pub, Mifflintown (4) 0-2
24. Watson's (8) 1-2
25. Scoreboard, Meadville (9) 0-2
26. Lake Road Auto Sales, Conneaut Lake (9) 0-2
August 13-15 35 & Over "E" State College Amick
1. Paul's Garage, Northhampton (3) 4-0
2. The Tavern, Clarion (9) 3-2
3. Crabs, State College (8) 2-2
4. Pine Grove Mills VFW Post #5825, State College (8) 1-2
5. Millheim Hotel, Millheim-State College (8) 0-2
6. Garfields, State College (8) 0-2
June 11-13 40 & Over Lower Allen Robison
1. MJS/Hopseal, Norristown (14) 2-0
2. AIA/Enola Sportsmen/Vector Security, Harrisburg (11) 2-1
3. Smokers Outlet/Ultimate, York (5) 2-2
4. InfoQuest Technologies, Hampden-Mechanicsburg (11) 1-2
5. Brooks Motors, Manheim (2) 0-2
* Rain shortened, finals never played, MJS/Hopseal was the only undefeated team when
cancellation occurred.
Jul 30-Aug 1 45 & Over "A" State College Amick
Not Held -
No teams entered -
NOTE - Tailgaters, Pittsburgh (10) - Went to Nationals
- (3rd - 45 & Over ASA
Nationals, 3-2)
ASA 45 & Over Slow
Pitch All-American Team Selections
1st - Team
Outfield - Denny Russo, Tailgaters
Infield - Rich Etherington, Tailgaters
Jul 30-Aug 1 45 & Over "D" State College Amick
- record -elimination/bracket (overall)
1. Garner Lumber, State College (8) 5-1/2-0 (7-1)
2. Not Too Old Navy, York (5) 3-2/2-0 (5-2)
3. Spring-Ford AA Red, Linfield (14) 4-2/1-1 (5-3)
4. Faccia Luna's/Rolling Thunder, State College (8) 3-2/1-1 (4-3)
5. Miller Reese Bus Company, State College (8) 3-2/0-2 (3-4)
6. Lauver & Longacre, Mifflintown (4) 2-2/1-1 (3-3)
7. Red Mill Inn, Wilkes-Barre (1) 2-2/2-0 (4-2)
8. InfoQuest Technologies, Hampden-Mechanicsburg (11) 1-2/2-0 (3-2)
9. Spring-Ford AA White, Linfield (14) 1-2/0-2 (1-4)
10. Bomani Sports Research (BSR), South Pittsburgh (10) 0-2/1-1 (1-3)
11. Dean Blythe Insurance, State College (8) 0-2/0-2 (0-4)
12. TNT Sports Club, Norristown (14) 1-2/1-1 (2-3)
13. Keystone Light, State College (8) 0-2/0-2 (0-4)
All-State Tournament Team:
MVP - Roger Keller, Garner Lumber - .800
Mike Hillard, Garner Lumber - .773
Carl Philips, Garner Lumber - .731
Pat Hurley, Garner Lumber - .888
Dennis Detwiler, Garner Lumber - .581
Dave Ormanoski, Not too Old Navy (1B/OF) - .750
Doug Holtzapple, Not too Old Navy (1B/OF) - .725
Jere Landis, Not too Old Navy (2B) - .700
Dale Hood, Spring-Ford AA 45+ Red (1B/C/OF) - .759
Dennis Reagan, Spring-Ford AA 45+ Red (P) - .724
Jim Eckess, Rolling Thunder (OF) - .652
July 9-11 50 & Over AAA/AA Quakertown Gelet
1. TNT Sports Club, Norristown (14) 4-0 -
(1st - 50 & Over Class-AA
ASA Nationals, 5-1)
2. Garner Lumber, State College (8) 4-2 -
(4th - 50 & Over Class-AA
ASA Nationals, 2-2)
3. Scoreboard Sports Bar/Gallerie Construction, Stroudsburg (12) 2-2
4. Spring Ford AA Red, Linfield (14) 2-2
5. American Legion Post #245, State College (8) 1-2 -
(7th - 50 & Over Class-AA
ASA Nationals, 0-2)
6. Leisure Tavern, Wilkes-Barre (1) 1-2
7. Spring Ford AA White, Linfield (14) 0-2
8. Mountainville Fire Company, Allentown (3) 0-2
All-State Tournament Team:
MVP - Joe Bonavita, 2B (12-14, .857) - TNT
Defensive MVP - Rob Wisner, P (10-15, .667) - TNT
Bob Foley, EH (15-18, .833) - TNT
Steve Dimitry, EH (13-18, .722) - TNT
Bill Pezzotti, EH (12-17, .706) - TNT
Denny Reagan, LF (10-15, .667) - TNT
Pat Hurley, (.602) - Garner Lumber
Donnie Stern, (.602) - Garner Lumber
Mark Ward, (.540) - Garner Lumber
Terry Martin, (.667) - Scoreboard Sports Bar/Gallerie Construction
Bob Searles, (.625) - Scoreboard Sports Bar/Gallerie Construction
Larry Smith, (.729) - Spring Ford AA Red
ASA 50 & Class-AA Over
Slow Pitch All-American Team Selections
1st - Team
MVP - John Hickman (19-26, .731), TNT Sports Club
Infield - Steve Dimitry (21-24, .875), TNT Sports Club (National Batting Champ)
Outfield - Ken Cappelli (18-24, .750), TNT Sports Club
Outfield - Denny Reagan (16-26, .615), TNT Sports Club
Outfield - Dean Finch (16-24, .667), TNT Sports Club
Utility - Bob Foley (16-25, .640, TNT Sports Club (Tied National HR Champ - 3)
Pitcher - Rob Wisner (8-14, .571), TNT Sports Club
Outfield - Roger Keller, Garner Lumber
Utility - Denny Detwiler, Garner Lumber
Co-HR champ - Bob Foley, TNT Sports Club - 3
Batting Champ - Steve Dimitry, TNT Sports Club - .875
June 18-20 55 & Over AAA/AA Linfield Gelet/Schadt
- record -elimination/bracket (overall)
1. Scorecard Sports Bar/Roadhouse Blues, Stroudsburg (12) 2-0/2-0
- (1st - 55 & Over
Class-AA ASA Nationals, 4-1)
2. Spring Ford AA Red, Linfield (14) 2-2/1-1 (3-3)
3. Spring Ford AA White, Linfield (14) 0-2/0-2 (0-4)
All-State Tournament Team:
MVP - Earl "The Twirl" Soloski, SS (.667) - Scorecard Sports Bar/Roadhouse
Steve Malysz, (.800) - Scorecard Sports Bar/Roadhouse Blues
John Macelli, (.750) - Scorecard Sports Bar/Roadhouse Blues
Bobby Searles, (.636) - Scorecard Sports Bar/Roadhouse Blues
Butch Frati, (.600) - Scorecard Sports Bar/Roadhouse Blues
Ed Wanyo, (.600) - Scorecard Sports Bar/Roadhouse Blues
Ron Zettlemoyer, (.692) - Spring Ford AA Red
Keno Wert, (.643) - Spring Ford AA Red
Lew Hoffman, (.600) - Spring Ford AA Red
Jim Yester, (.600) - Spring Ford AA Red
Greg Yutko, (.800) - Spring Ford AA White
Cecilio Mangual, (.667) - Spring Ford AA White
Ken Weiler, (.625) - Spring Ford AA White
ASA 55 & Class-AA Over
Slow Pitch All-American Team Selections
1st - Team
MVP - Vaughn Dubbs, Scorecard Sports Bar/Roadhouse Blues (Also Batting Champion)
Infield - Tom Page, Scorecard Sports Bar/Roadhouse Blues
Infield - Earl Soloski, Scorecard Sports Bar/Roadhouse Blues
Outfield - Steve Malysz, Scorecard Sports Bar/Roadhouse Blues
Outfield - Terry Martin, Scorecard Sports Bar/Roadhouse Blues
Utility - Benn Miller, Scorecard Sports Bar/Roadhouse Blues
Pitcher - Bob Searles, Scorecard Sports Bar/Roadhouse Blues
HR Champ - Jack Adnrejko, Scorecard Sports Bar/Roadhouse Blues
Batting Champ - Vaughn Dubbs, Scorecard Sports Bar/Roadhouse Blues
May 14-16 60 & Over AAA/AA Linfield Gelet/Schadt
1. Spring Ford AA Red, Linfield (14) 3-0
- (1st - 60 & Over
Class-AA ASA Nationals, 2-1)
2. Allied/Hawk Sports Club, Fairless Hills (15) 2-2
3. Hurley’s Heroes, Wilkes-Barre (1) 1-2
4. Spring Ford AA White, Linfield (14) 0-2
All-State Tournament Team:
MVP - Doug Warner, (1.000) - Spring Ford AA Red
Roger Burbrink, (.857) - Spring Ford AA Red
Lew Hoffman, (.800) - Spring Ford AA Red
Dave Nyce, (.667) - Spring Ford AA Red
Ron Kummerer, Sr., (.625) - Spring Ford AA Red
Butch Martin, (.625) - Spring Ford AA Red
Joe Arcardi, (SS) - Allied/Hawk Sports Club
Chris Feesey, (EP) - Allied/Hawk Sports Club
Lou Hartman, (3B) - Allied/Hawk Sports Club
Lou Lussi, (.875) - Hurley’s Heroes
Dick Hardy, (.625) - Hurley’s Heroes
Joe Kline, (.750) - Spring Ford AA White
ASA 60 & Class-AA Over
Slow Pitch All-American Team Selections
1st - Team
MVP - Bob Haim, Spring-Ford AA
Infield - Roger Wert, Spring-Ford AA
Infield - Dave Nyce, Spring-Ford AA
Outfield - Bill Adams, Spring-Ford AA
Outfield - Glen Witmer, Spring-Ford AA
Outfield - Rich Barnhost,Spring-Ford AA
Utility - Lew Hoffman, Spring-Ford AA
Utility - Ken Leisey, Spring-Ford AA
Pitcher - Tom Schadt, Spring-Ford AA
HR Champ - Richard Poe, Spring-Ford AA - (1)
June 16 65 & Over Hatfield Schadt
1. Spring Ford AA South, Linfield (14) 3-0
2. Spring Ford AA West, Linfield (14) 1-2
3. Spring Ford AA North, Linfield (14) 0-2
All-State Tournament Team:
MVP - Bruce DeBrigida, (.857) - Spring Ford AA South
John Salmon, (.833) - Spring Ford AA South
Butch Martin, (.667) - Spring Ford AA South
Bob Morris, (.667) - Spring Ford AA South
Jim Morano, (.600) - Spring Ford AA South
Bill Stanton, (.600) - Spring Ford AA South
Ben Modica, (.750) - Spring Ford AA West
Frank Taverno, (.714) - Spring Ford AA West
Mike McLaughlin, (.714) - Spring Ford AA West
Julius Quaitapella, (.667) - Spring Ford AA West
Bill Malozzi, (.571) - Spring Ford AA West
Bob Gaugler, (.750) - Spring Ford AA North
Bill Hoenscheid, (.750) - Spring Ford AA North
Bob Giberson, (.750) - Spring Ford AA North
Gary Schell, (.750) - Spring Ford AA North
May 19 70 & Over Hatfield Schadt
1. Spring Ford AA North, Linfield (14) 2-0
2. Spring Ford AA South, Linfield (14) 0-2
All-State Tournament Team:
Pete Petito, (SS) - Spring Ford AA North
Jim Marano, (.800) - Spring Ford AA North
Jim Binsberger, (.750) - Spring Ford AA North
Bob Morris, (.600) - Spring Ford AA North
Bob Lewis, (.600) - Spring Ford AA North
Joe Kline, (.600) - Spring Ford AA North
Ray Forlano, (.500) - Spring Ford AA South
Ron Weidman, (.500) - Spring Ford AA South
Jerry Kratz, (.500) - Spring Ford AA South
Nick Silveri, (.500) - Spring Ford AA South
June 11-13 16" Norristown Gelet
Not Held
June 11-13 "Open" State Sellersville Sell
Not Held
July 9-11 "C" State Level 1 Drifton Sell
1. Bob Hoffman/Elite Coach, Stevens-Lancaster (2) 5-0 -
(13th Class-C ASA East
Nationals, 2-2)
2. Memorial Angels, Willow Street (2) 6-2
3. Willow Street Tire & Auto, Willow Street (2) 3-2 -
(7th Class-C ASA East Nationals, 3-2)
4. Busters, Clearfield (8) 4-2 -
(13th Class-C ASA East
Nationals, 2-2)
5. Bowers Lab, Williamsport (4) 2-2
5. WB Generals, Berks-Schuylkill-Reading (3) 2-2
7. Thunderstruck, Stevens-Lancaster (2) 2-2
7. New Holland, Tri-County-Morgantown (3) 2-2
9. RM Kurtz Enterprises, Stevens-Lancaster (2) 1-2
9. Eagle AA, Pennsburg-BuxMont Church (15) 1-2
9. BBK, Berks-Schuylkill-Reading (3) 0-2 -
(17th Class-C ASA East
Nationals, 1-2)
9. Michael B's, Berks-Schuylkill-Reading(3) 0-2
13. Big Joes Pub, Tri-County-Morgantown (3) 0-2
13. Maxwells Big Bucks, Burgettstown (7) 0-2
13. Pub, Central Penn-Duncannon (11) No Show
NOTE - Marysville VFW, Central Penn-Mechanicsburg (11) went to Nationals -
(5th Class-C ASA East
Nationals, 6-2)
NOTE - Bedford Rays, Reading (3) went to Nationals -
(3rd Class-C ASA East
Nationals, 5-2, Mandatory Move up to Class-B)
July 9-11 "C" State Level 2 Willow Street Fornadel
1. Shorty's Bar, Kutztown (3) 4-1
- (25th Class-C ASA East
Nationals, 2-2)
2. Wild Bucks, York (5) 3-2
3. Old Village Inn, Tri-County-Morgantown (3) 3-2
4. Jim's Sports Center, Clearfield (8) 2-2
5. Hilltop Bar, Burgettstown (7) 1-2
6. CGA 0-2
7. Yuengling, Berks-Schuylkill-Reading (3) 0-2
ASA Class-C East Fast
Pitch All-American Team Selections
1st - team
Outfield - Matt Whysong, Bedford Rays
Utility - Rick Cottle, Bedford Rays (Batting Champion)
2nd - team
Pitcher - Jamie Cassel, Marysville VFW
Outfield - Todd Radel, Marysville VFW
Utility - Scott Prohaska, Bedford Rays
Infield - Josh Hoover, Marysville VFW
Infield - Eric Nace, Marysville VFW
August 13-15 "C" Church Lancaster Fornadel
Not Held
June 4-6 18/23 & Under Lancaster Fornadel
Not Held
"A" State - N/A
July 9-11 "B" State
Upper Chichester Organek
Not Held
July 9-11 "C" State Upper Chichester Organek
Not Held
July 9-11 23 & Under State Jessup Avellino
Not Held
August 6-8 9 Open State Strasburg Fornadel
Not Held
August 6-8 9-A State Oxford Organek
Not Held
July 16-18 - 9-B State Strasburg Fornadel
1. Callejeros, Roberto Clemente-Lancaster (2) 4-0
2. Bad Boys, Lebanon (2) 3-2
3. KC Signs, Towanda-Bradford County (1) 2-2
4. Garrett Alehouse, Delco East-Upper Darby (6) 3-2
5. Metzlers, Elanco-Strasburg (2) 1-2
6. Lamp Post Inn, Central Penn-Mechanicsburg (11) 2-2
7. D. Ott Construction, Elanco-Strasburg (2) 1-2
8. Melting Pot Mets, Lebanon (2) 1-2
9. Fishers, Elanco-Strasburg (2) 0-2
10. Ridge Valley, Mason Dixon-Oxford (6) 0-2
11. Wildcats, Elanco-Strasburg (2) 0-2
June 11-13 - 9-C State Strasburg Fornadel
1. Fresh Legs/Play it, Roberto Clemente-Lancaster (2) 4-0
2. Expertise Autoglass, Central Penn-Mechanicsburg (11) 4-2
3. Rhino's, Elanco-Strasburg (2) 2-2
4. Ridge Valley, Mason Dixon-Oxford (6) 2-2
5. Klaudia Chilcoat's Insurance, Central Penn-Mechanicsburg (11) 1-2
6. Fishers, Elanco-Strasburg (2) 1-2
7. Regulators, Elanco-Strasburg (2) 0-2
8. Knights, Lancaster County (2) 0-2
July 9-11 10 Open State Erie Demaio
1. Dempsey & Baxter, Harborcreek-Erie (9) 4-1 -
(9th - ASA10-Man Modified
Nationals, 1-2)
2. Braendel's Painting and Services, Harborcreek-Erie (9) 4-2
3. Betts, Warren (13) 2-2
4. Sharon VFW, Shenango Valley-Sharon (9) 1-2
5. Our Gang, Shenango Valley-Sharon (9) 0-2
5. Italian Club, Masontown-Fayette County (7) 0-2
NOTE - Airways, Franklin (9) also went to Nationals -
(3rd - ASA10-Man Modified
Nationals, 5-2)
ASA 10-Man Modified
Pitch All-American Team Selections
1st - team
Pitcher - Jim Moats, Airways
Utility - Ben Cobler, Airways
Infield - Mikey Quinones, Airways
July 23-25 10-A State Meadville Demaio
1. Scooter's BBQ, Pine Grove-Schuylkill County (3) 6-1
2. KC Signs, Towanda-Bradford County (1) 3-2
3. Big Hill, Minersville-Schuylkill County (3) 2-2
4. Last Laff, Chicora (9) 1-2
5. Sharon VFW, Shenango Valley-Sharon (9) 1-2
6. Hilltop Beer, Harborcreek-Erie (9) 0-2
7. Wyncote Golf Club, Mason Dixon-Oxford (6) 0-2
Jul 30-Aug 1 10-B State Meadville Demaio
1. Mad Dogs, Mason Dixon-Oxford (6) 5-0
2. Yocko's, Pottsville-Minersville (3) 5-2
3. Armstrong Beer, Kittanning-Chicora (9) 4-2
4. Millerstown Inn, Chicora (9) 2-2
5. Splitz, Shenango Valley-Sharon (9) 3-2
6. Stoneboro Distributing, Grove City-Franklin (9) 3-2
7. SCI Greene, McClellandtown-Fayette County (7) 3-2
8. Folmar's Construction, Harborcreek-Erie (9) 1-2
9. Rustic Inn, Venango County-Franklin (9) 2-2
10. Indians, Elanco-Strasburg (2) 2-2
11. Pine Grove Driving Range, Oil City-Franklin (9) 2-2
12. Sprickman Heating and Cooling, Harborcreek-Erie (9) 1-2
13. PPC Lubricants/Judes Tavern, Fieldhouse-Butler (9) 1-2
14. Fisher’s, Elanco-Lancaster-Strasburg (2) 1-2
15. Graham Machine, Franklin (9) 1-2
16. Bison Bulls, Sandy Lake-Franklin (9) 0-2
17. Wildcats, Elanco-Strasburg (2) 0-2
18. Fishbone, Pine Grove-Schuylkill County (3) 0-2
19. Chiccarino's, Shenango Valley-Sharon (9) 0-2
20. Lonce Construction, Uniontown-Fayette County (7) 0-2
21 O'Neal's Pub, Pine Grove-Schuylkill County (3) 3-2 (SUSPENDED)
August 13-15 10-C State Meadville Demaio
1. Ridge Valley, Mason Dixon-Oxford (6)
2. Ma Parker, Millcreek Volunteer-Erie (9)
3. South Erie Turners, Niagra-Erie (9)
4. Jimmy Z's Time Out Tavern, Wesleyville-Harborcreek-Erie (9)
5. Chiccarino's, Shenango Valley-Sharon (9)
5. Scheerbaum Construction, Fieldhouse-Saxonburg (9)
7. Topps Construction, City Rec Fastpitch-Erie (9)
7. Bidlack Oil, Towanda-Bradford County (1)
9. AJ's Bayview Inn, Harborcreek-Erie (9)
9. Barkeyville Church of God, Grove City Church-Grove City (9)
9. On Grade Excavating, Mason Dixon-Oxford (6)
9. Countyline Tavern, Chicora (9)
13. Ball's Beer Distributor, Chicora (9)
13. Weishey's Auto Glass, Chicora (9)
13. Executive Pulse, Erie (9)
13. Unwired, Fieldhouse-Culmerville (9)
17. Mahoney's Bay Rats, Harborcreek-Erie (9)
17. Lincoln Foundry, Harborcreek-Erie (9)
17. Legends Sports Bar, Shenango Valley-Sharon (9)
17. Left Idea, Venango County-Franklin (9)
17. Forresters Club, Harborcreek-Erie (9)
August 6-8 10-D State Meadville Demaio
Not Held
July 16-18 10-Church Strasburg Fornadel
1. Schuylkill Haven, Schuylkill County (3) 5-0
2. Lewistown Valley, Tamaqua-Schuylkill County (3) 5-2
3. Honey Brook Red Sox, West Fallowfield-Lancaster/Chester (2) 3-2
4. Community Fellowship, Fundamental-Lancaster (2) 4-2
5. Indians, Elanco-Strasburg (2) 2-2
6. Faith Bible Fellowship, Fundamental-Lancaster (2) 2-2
7. Lives Changed by Christ-LCBC, Fundamental-Lancaster (2) 1-2
8. Millersville Bible Church, Fundamental-Lancaster (2) 1-2
9. The Rock, Tamaqua-Schuylkill County (3) 0-2
10. Chester Springs Church, Country Church-West Chester (6) 0-2
11. Maple Grove Mennonite, West Fallowfield-Lancaster/Chester (2) 1-2
12. Grove City, Grove City (9) 0-2
13. Shockers, West Fallowfield-Lancaster/Chester (2) 0-2
July 16-18 10-Man "Open" 35+ Strasburg Fornadel
Not Held
August 20-22 10-Man "B" 35+ Erie Demaio
1. Co-Champs - St. Joe's,
1. Co-Champs - PPC Lubricants, Fieldhouse-Butler
3. Hilltop Beer, Harborcreek-Erie
3. Bonnell Legends, Erie
August 6-8 10-Man 50+
Kennett Square Organek
Not Held
Jul 30-Aug 1 "Open" State Williamsport Persing
Not Held
Jul 30-Aug 1 "C"
State Wilkes-Barre Trimble
1. Team Crush, Norristown (14) 4-0 -
(4th Class-C ASA East
Nationals, 1-2)
2. Hun's Cafe, Wilkes-Barre Rec (1) 4-2
3. Bigsy's Bar, Scranton (16) 2-2
4. Team 99, Wilkes-Barre Rec (1) 1-2
5. Runk Brothers, Huntingdon (8) 0-2
6. Nuts for You, Huntingdon (8) 1-2
7. Pavemasters, Perry County-Duncannon (11) 0-2
July 23-25 "D" State State College Amick
1. Tom’s Bar/BTC Foods, Norristown (14) 5-0 -
(4th Class-D ASA East
Nationals, 2-2)
2. North Hills Sox, Pittsburgh (10) 7-1 -
(9th Class-D ASA East
Nationals, 0-2)
3. Troxell's Sporting Goods, Lycoming County-Williamsport (4) 3-2
4. Jack’s Draft House, Scranton (16) 3-2
5. Ridgerunners, , Capital Area-Mechanicsburg (11) 3-2
6. Wicked Insanity, York (5) 3-2
7. McKinney’s Speed Shop, Lycoming County-Williamsport (4) 3-2
8. J.K. Harley, Centre Region Rec-State College (8) 3-2
9. Dilly’s, Claysburg (8) 2-2
10. St Gerties, Lebanon (2) 2-2
11. Hammermill, Kish Area (4) 2-2
12. Netripid (Tyson Fence), Capital Area-Mechanicsburg (11) 3-2
13. Miller's Welding, Grampian-Curwensville (13) 2-2
14. Skinny’s H2o (Liberators), Capital Area-Mechanicsburg (11) 2-2
15. Peoples Auto Body, Jefferson County-Dubois (13) 1-2
16. Lady DePauls, Norristown (14) 1-2
17. PC Lightning, Perry County-Duncannon (11) 1-2
18. Friendly Tavern, Jefferson County-Dubois (13) 1-2
19. Lady Razorbacks, York (5) 1-2
20. Diamond Cutters, Centre Region Rec-State College (8) 0-2
21. Westgate Lounge, York (5) 0-2
22. Budda’s, Capital Area-Mechanicsburg (11) 1-2
23. Free Agents/Ugly Dog, Pittsburgh (10) 1-2
24. Free Agents, Lancaster County-Lebanon (2) 0-2
25. Nick’s Café, Capital Area-Mechanicsburg (11) 0-2
26. Shamrocks, Lycoming County-Williamsport (4) 0-2
27. Nina's Pizza, Scranton (16) 0-2
ASA Class-D East Slow
Pitch All-American Team Selections (Not listed as of yet)
1st - team
Chrissy Hunsberger
Leigh 'Lulu' Ronnan
Jul 30-Aug 1 "E" State Norristown Gelet
Not Held
June 25-27 35 & Over Masters Norristown Gelet
Not Held
NOTE - Macri's Sports, New Castle (9) – went to Nationals -
(4th – 35 & Over Women’s
Nationals, 1-3)
"A" State - N/A
July 9-11 "B" State Wilkes Barre
1. Beer Boys, Wilkes-Barre (1) 6-1
2. Shockers, Wilkes-Barre (1) 3-2
3. Carey's Pub-III, Wilkes-Barre (1) 2-2
4. Lewis Vet, Wilkes-Barre (1) 2-2
5. Wyoming Valley Beverage 1-2
6. Mags Pub, Wilkes-Barre (1) 1-2
7. Carey's Pub-I, Wilkes-Barre (1) 0-2
8. Wyalusing Chiropratic, Wilkes-Barre (1) 0-2 (forfeit)
July 9-11 "C" State East West Chester Organek
Not Held
July 9-11 "D" State East West Chester Organek
Not Held
July 9-11 "C" State West Erie/Meadville Demaio
Not Held
July 9-11 "D" State West Erie/Meadville Demaio
Not Held
Nov-13 - ASA Turkey Shoot Out Softball Tournament- West Chester
(#1 Bracket-A) Dolan's Bar defeated (#2 Bracket-B) Jack Cassidy's 18-1
(#2 Bracket-A) Tailgators defeated (#1 Bracket-B) Barnaby's of Ridley 24-22 (8
Dolan's Bar defeated Tailgator's Sports Bar
MVP - Jack Kelly, Dolan's Bar
1. Dolan's Bar, Millennium Upland (4-0)
3. Tailgator's Sports Bar & Grille, Millennium Sunday (2-2)
2. QVC, Chester County (0-4)
1. Barnaby's of Ridley, Millinnium Sunday (2-1, 32 runs allowed)
3. Jack Cassidy's Irish Pub, Marcus Hook (2-1, 38 runs allowed)
2. Depaul Brothers, Norristown (2-1, 41 runs allowed)
4. Sligo Irish Pub, Millennium Sunday (0-3)
Oct 2 - Danny Curran Memorial Coed Tournament - Camp Upland
Gold Flight
1. Clifton Inn, Marcus Hook (6)
2. Caln Pizza, Downingtown (6)
MVP - Meghan Berry, Clifton Inn
Silver Flight
1. WGOG, Delco (6)
2. Easy E's, Delco (6)
MVP - none named
Other Teams Entered:
Ma Curran's Maulers, Springfield (6)
The Destroyers, Delco (6)
Rising Sun, Wayne (6)
Kelly Monaghan's, Delco (6)
Delco Dilemma, Delco (6)
Sept 25 - Lewisburg Fall Ping - Lewisburg
1. LTS (Sunburg Eagles), Lewisburg (4)
2. M&S Softball, Lewisburg (4)
3. MAC Attack Softball (Cookies Travelers), Dunmore (16)
Consolation Bracket
1. Gates Logging/APC Plastics/Slop Nation, Mercersburg (11)
other teams entered:
Iron Legion, Kingston (1)
Redline Nutrition, Altoona (8)
Mandata Legion, Line Mountain-Herndon (4)
Long Island Pizza, Williamsport (4)
Underdogs, New Castle (9)
The Guys Construction, ???????
Orlandos, Lewisburg (4)
Klines, Lewisburg (4) - (dropped out)
Sept 11 - Punxsy Groundhog Tourney - Punxsutawney
1. Whitey's Peetza, Homer City-Indiana County (9)
2. Macs Bar & Grill, Clarion (9)
3. M&M Medical, Mountain Top (8)
4. East American Motor Sports, Punsutawney (13)
- Bill's Bar, Punxsutawney (13)
- ISDA, Punxsutawney (13)
- Croation Club, Steel Valley-White Oak (10)
- Bill's Bar, Punxsutawney (13)
- Ben's Boys
- Lowbar
- Keith Reynolds Softball
September-11 - Softball for a Cure, Camp Upland
Gold Flight
1- Howling Hooters, Breast Cancer 3-Day Walkers
2- JD McGillicutty's, Drexil Hill
Silver Flight
1- Groffdale Mennonite, Lancaster County
2- DeMarco's Restaurant & Bar, Drexil Hill
Bronze Flight
1- Rack Pack
2- Damaged Goods
Sept-4 - 2nd Annual West Chester Coed Wood Bat Tournament - West
Play-In Round (#1 seeds received byes)
(#2 Div-B) Shysters defeated (#3 Div-A) Guinta Enterprises
(#3 Div-B) Barnaby's of West Chester defeated (#2 Div-A) APSCUF Rams
(#2 Div-B) Shysters defeated (#1 Div-A) Christopher's Cure
(#1 Div-B) AppNet Solutions defeated (#3 Div-B) Barnaby's of West Chester
AppNet Solutions defeated Shysters
Tournament MVP - Larry Kilcullen, AppNet Solutions
Division A
1) Christopher's Cure (2-0)
2) APSCUF Rams (1-1)
3) Guinta Enterprises (0-2)
Division B
1) AppNet Solutions (2-0)
2) Shysters (1-1)
3) Barnaby's of West Chester (0-2)
August 29 - Class-E/Rec Level Tourney - Penn Hills/Verona
Division 1
1-Reserve Bar, Pittsburgh (10)
2-Dukes Station, South Hills Sunday (10)
3-Stewarts-II, Penn Hills Sports Shop (10)
- Tornadoes, Penn-Plum-Monroe (10)
- Stewarts, Penn-Plum-Monroe (10)
- Rumpshakers/Audio Communications, Penn-Plum-Monroe (10)
- Old Skool, Penn Hills Sports Shop (10)
- Red Dawgs, Penn Hills Sports Shop (10)
- Rocky's
Division 2
1-Eddies, Penn Hills Sports Shop (10)
2-Carnivores, Penn Hills Sports Shop (10)
3-Hula Bar Penn-Plum-Monroe (10)
- White Hawk, Penn Hills Sports Shop (10)
- Dirty Birds, Penn Hills Sports Shop (10)
- A-Town, Penn-Plum-Monroe (10)
- The Heat
- No Namers
- Young Guns/Rooks
- 6 Pax
August 28 - End of Summer Slam Tournament - Mercersburg
1- Longos, South Hills (10)
2- O'Malley's. Pittsburgh (10)
3- Shinetime, Oil City (9)
4- Subway, York (5)
5- Crossfire
1- Jack's Bar
2- Jolly Cork/Hamilton Heights, Chambersburg (11)
3- Shane's Lawn Care
4- H&H Trucking
5- Relax Lounge
Aug 28 - Altoona Tournament - Altoona
A Bracket
1. Morann Citizens Club, Morann (8)
2. Dead Rabbits, Altoona (8)
B Bracket
1. Degols 40 plus, Altoona (8)
2. PNA Hammers, Johnstown (8)
C Bracket
1. Troy Swindell Trucking, Pittsburgh (10)
2. Claars Logging, Altoona (8)
Snyder Busing, Williamsburg (8)
Team Junk
Bullets 88
All Out
Sunshine Lumber Jacks
Team Black Out
August 21 - Annual Rupp Memorial Softball Tournament - New
1. El Canelo/C-Town/SOI, New Castle (9)
Almega Plastics, New Castle (9)
Wick City, Ford City (9)
Dueces, New Castle (9)
Mr. Pizza, New Castle (9)
Jones Boys, New Castle (9)
St. Margarets
Family Behavioral Resources
Johnson Club
August 14 - Champs 'n Charity Classic, Marcus Hook, Sharon Hill,
Father Nall
Men's Slow Pitch
1. Hopson's Seal-A-Lot/Peppers, Marcus Hook Uptown 6-0
2. Lefty's Irish Pub, Marcus Hook Uptown 5-2
3. J&P Auto Transport, Marcus Hook Uptown 5-2
4. Dolan's Bar, Delco Independent Uptown 3-2
5. Chadd's Ford Group/UBBIBC, Marcus Hook Uptown 2-2
6. Sweeney's Pub, Marcus Hook Downtown 3-2
7. Sligo/D Squared Construction, Millennium "B" 3-2
8. Delco Independant Champs, Delco Independent Uptown 2-2
9. Frankies Cafe, Radnor Township 2-2
10. Wawa Whirleybirds, Delco Industrial 2-2
11. Sharon Hill Fire Company, Delco Emergency Services 2-2
12. Coaches Bar & Grille, Delco Industrial 1-2
13. Hunt's Hog Hunters, Delco Independent Downtown 1-2
14. Sector-5, Delco Emergency Services 1-2
15. Chichester Wesleyan, FESL Church 1-2
16. Ridley Precision Tool, Marcus Hook Downtown 1-2
17. Marcus Hook Pharmacy, Delco Independent Downtown 0-2
18. Jack Cassidy's Irish Pub, Delco Independent Downtown 0-2
19. Lefty's Irish Pub-II, Marcus Hook Downtown 0-2
20. Vista Villains, Delco Independent Uptown 0-2
21. Brookhaven Deli, Marcus Hook Downtown 0-2
MVP - Jarred Gardner, Hopson's Seal-A-Lot/Pepper's (3-3, 2B, HR, 2 RBIs,
finished tournament going 11 for 11)
Notables - Auggie Guarenere - gave up 31 runs in 6 games
Men's Modified Pitch
1. Clifton Inn Knights, Bob Canfield Over-39 League 5-1
2. A Taste of Key West, Lansdowne Boys Club Rec (LBC) 3-2
3. Garrett Ale House, Lansdowne Boys Club Rec (LBC) 3-2
4. J&P Auto, Lansdowne Boys Club Rec (LBC) 2-2
5. Data Tech Services, Lansdowne Boys Club Rec (LBC) 1-2
6. Casey's, Delco East Modified 1-2
7. Preferred Sportswear, Lansdowne Boys Club Rec (LBC) 0-2
8. Maggie O'Neills, Bob Canfield Over-39 League 0-2
MVP - Mitch Vanello, Clifton Inn Knights
Women's Slow Pitch
1. Appco Sports/Dukes, Suburban Women's 4-0
2. Buck Frank Excavating, Suburban Women's 3-2
3. Moe's/Noble Assist, Suburban Women's 4-2
4. Ridley Precision Tool/Marcus Hook News, Suburban Women's 2-2
5. Maggie O'Neill's, Suburban Women's 1-2
6. Casey's, Suburban Women's 2-2
7. Red Lantern, Suburban Women's 1-2
8. Terry's Too, Suburban Women's 1-2
9. Millmont Republican Club, Suburban Women's 0-2
10. Del Val Youth, Del Val Fastpitch 0-2
MVP - Marissa Seigfried, Appco Sports/Dukes
Aug 7-8 and Aug 14-15 - 22nd Annual Trentonian Classic -
Trenton, NJ
Top-3 teams listed in each flight
Power Bracket
1. Santino's Bistro, Medford, NJ
2. Bryson's Pub, Medford, NJ
3. TNT, Red Bank, NJ
4. G-Rice, Medford, NJ
5. Team VFW, Mercer County, NJ
Class-E Elite A
1. Bill's Olde Tavern, Hamilton, NJ
2. Smackdown Softball, Barnegat, NJ
3. Liedkta Trucking, Trenton, NJ
Class-E Flight A
1. UBBIBC, Upper Chichester
2. XTra Bases, South Brunswick, NJ
3. New Jersey Knights, Jamesburg, NJ
Class-E Flight B
1. Best Electric, Levittown
2. Medford Sports Club, Medford, NJ
3. Villa Mannino, Mercer County, NJ
Class-E Flight C
1. Gamblers, Hamilton Township, NJ
2. Pepco, Blackwood, NJ
3. Littleford Electric, Ewing, NJ
Class-E Flight-D
1. Perone's Landscaping, Princeton, NJ
2. Warriors, Jackson, NJ
3. Post Office, Philadelphia
1. Witczak Engineering, Toms River, NJ
2. Amazing Athletes, Toms River, NJ
3. Team Mush, Burlington County, NJ
1. Calvary Temple, Marlton, NJ
2. Conte’s Pizza, Princeton, NJ
3. Avanti’s/Captain Pauls, Lawrenceville, NJ
Wooden Bat-I
1. VFW Post/Gennaro's, Trenton, NJ
2. Firkin Tavern, Ewing, NJ
3. Dirty Birdz, Freehold, NJ
Wooden Bat-II
1. Gal’s Landscaping, Jamesburg, NJ
2. Marty’s Place, Hamilton, NJ
3. Bill’s Olde Tavern, Hamilton, NJ
Women's Class-Open Flight A
1. Slammers, Lake Hiawatha, NJ
2. Doggie Stylin', Freehold, NJ
3. Long Island Tides, East Northport, NY
Women's Class-Open Flight-B
1. Two out of the Box, Toms River, NJ
2. Yuengling, Hamilton, NJ
3. Patti B's, Pittman, NJ
Women's Class-D
1. Irish Rover, Penndel
2. Chaos, Philadelphia
3. Mont's Carpets, Pittman, NJ
Women's Class-E
1. Bill's Olde Tavern, Hamilton, NJ
2. Lasting Impressions, Trenton, NJ
3. Tappy's Tavern, Hamilton, NJ
Aug 14 - ASA
Charity Challenge Championship - West Chester - Bob Bell/Joe Organek
Championship Bracket
1. Ryan's Pub, West Chester-Chester County 5-0
2. Taylor Electric/Brawlers, Coatesville-Brandywine YMCA 6-2
3. Square Bar/Progress Marine, West Chester-Chester County/Millennium Sunday 3-2
4. Brickhouse Bar & Grill, Millennium Sunday/Upland) 5-2
5. Barnaby's of Ridley/Prospect Park Methodist, Millennium Upland 2-2
6. Sloppy Joes/Upland A.C., Millennium Upland 3-2
7. Great American Pub, Radnor Township 2-2
8. Hulmeville Inn, Lower Bucks (15) 3-2
9. St. Matt's, Community Church 3-2
10. Kirk & Sons Roofing, Sam Tavoni-Kennett Square 2-2
11. Upper Darby Police, Delco Emergency Services 2-2
12. Chesco Softball, Independent 2-2
13. Dub Caesar Apparel/Jacobson Construction, Country Church Modified 2-2
14. Maggie O'Neill's Irish Pub, Main Line Association-Radnor 2-2
15. Spingler's, Radnor Township 2-2
16. Duke's Tavern, Delcom 1-2
the bottom 8 teams continued on to a Consolation Flight listed below
17. Maple Knoll Dental, Main Line Association-Radnor 0-2
18. Covenant II, FESL Church 0-2
19. GMH, West Chester-Chester County 0-2
20. Super Fit Sports, Norristown "C" (14) 0-2
21. BatsPlus.com, Millennium Sunday 0-2
22. A.M. Heating & AC, Millennium Sunday 0-2
23. Knights, Lawrence Park 1-2
24. Dave's Automotive, West Chester-Chester County 0-2
MVP- Chris Warner, Ryan’s Pub (9-16, 10 runs, 15 RBIs, 6 HRs)
Consolation Bracket-Record (Overall Record)
1. Covenant II, FESL Church 3-0 (3-2)
2. Knights, Lawrence Park 2-1 (3-3)
3. Maple Knoll Dental, Main Line Association-Radnor 1-1 (1-3)
4. Dave's Automotive, West Chester-Chester County 0-1 (0-3)
5. GMH, West Chester-Chester County 0-1 (0-3)
6. BatsPlus.com, Millennium Sunday 0-1 (0-3)
7. Super Fit Sports, Norristown "C" (14) 0-1 (0-3)
8. A.M. Heating & AC, Millennium Sunday 0-1 (0-3)
MVP- Andrew Zakorchemny, Covenant II (13-15, .866, 9 runs, 11 RBIs)
June 26 - 10 Man Modified Charity Challenge Championship -
1. Preferred Sportswear, Delco East-Upper Darby 5-0
2. Indians, Elanco-Strasburg 2-3
3. Metzlers, Elanco-Strasburg 2-2
3. Melting Pot Mets, Lebanon 2-2
5. J&P Auto Transport, Lansdowne Boys Club 2-1
5. Lamp Post Inn, Central Penn-Harrisburg 1-2
7. Red Sox, Mountaintop 1-2
7. Seamus Mulligan's, Delco East-Upper Darby 0-3
Co-MVPs - Mike Birney and Joey Staedt, Peferred Sportswear
Pool Play Red Group
1-Melting Pot Mets, Lebanon 2-1
2-Metzler's, Elanco-Strasburg 2-1
3-J&P Auto Transport, Lansdowne Boys Club 2-1
4-Seamus Mulligan's, Delco East-Upper Darby 0-3
Pool Play Blue Group
1-Preferred Sportswear, Delco East-Upper Darby 3-0
2-Indians, Elanco-Strasburg 1-2
3-Lamp Post Inn, Central Penn-Harrisburg 1-2
4-Red Sox, Mountaintop 1-2
(#1 Blue) Preferred Sportswear defeated (#2 Red) Metzlers
(#2 Blue) Indians defeated (#1 Red) Melting Pot Mets
Preferred Sportswear defeated Indians
August 7 - P-Bar Softball Class-D/E Big Money Tournament -
1- Team Slapnutz, PA
2- Redline Nutrition, Altoona (8)
3- Tims Corner Bar, Steel Valley-Pittsburgh (10)
4- D&T Auto, North Pittsburgh (10)
5- Big Pats, PA
5- Fioris, Monroeville (10)
- Reserve Bar, Pittsburgh (10)
- Vinnies, South Hills (10)
- Kountry Klub, Westmoreland (10)
- Carson Sickness
- Frankie l's
August 7 - 1st Annual Adult World Open Tourney -
Pittston/Brews Brothers
1. Iron Legion, Kingston (1)
Cookies Travelers, Dunmore
3. Murphy's, Kingston (1)
- Plains Pub, Plains (1)
- 11th Frame
- Team Filth
- Cornell Boys
- Club 79, Wilkes-Barre (1)
July 31 - Big Ding-A-Ling - Yatesboro
1. Chaingang/Worth,
Brownsville (7) 6-0
2. Mac's Bar & Grill, Clarion (9) 5-2
3. O'Malley's Pub/Hurrican Alley, Steel Valley-Pittsburgh (10 6-2
4. Shinetime/East American Motor Sport, Oil City (9) 6-2
5. Tailgaters, Steel Valley-Pittsburgh (10) 3-2
6. Keystone Concrete, Dubois (13) 3-2
7. A.E. Reken Welding, Sagamore (9) 3-2
8. Quality Auto Glass, Indiana (9) 2-2
9. Silver Dollar Lounge, Rural Valley (9) 2-2
10. Inn the Ruff, Penn Hills (10) 2-2
11. Toy's Trucking, Ford City (9) 2-2
12. Latrobe Merchants, Latrobe (10) 1-2
13. Hilljackers, Morgantown, WV 1-2
14. El Canello, New Castle (9) 1-2
15. Eddie Mack's, Natrona (10) 1-2
16. RVM/Miken, Homer City (9) 1-2
17. M&M Medical, Mountain Top (8) 1-2
18. Dunbar/Miken, Fayette County (7) 0-2
19. Mogie's Pub/AFLAC, New Kensington (10) 0-2
20. Avi's Tavern, Rural Valley-Yatesboro (9) 0-2
21. Greendale Lanes, Kittanning (9) 0-2
22. Final Score Sports Saloon, Numine (9) 0-2
23. Heavy Metal, Sidman (8) 0-2
24. Wick City Saloon, Kittanning-Ford City (9) 0-2
All-Tournament Team:
MVP - Paul Stanley, Chaingang/Worth (18-25, .720, 5 HRS)
Defensive MVP - Jason Ruby, Chaingang/Worth
Ryan Rowland, Chaingang (16-24, .667)
John Dombrowski, Chaingang (18-26, .692)
Mike Koerntgen, Chaingang (18-28, .643)
Chad Park, Mac's (19-25, .760, 4 HRs)
Andy Pore, Mac's (16-25, .640, 3 HRs)
Tom Pore, Mac's (16-28, .571, 2 HRs)
JR Lipsie, Tailgaters (15-18, .833, 4 HRs)
Derek Kerfoot, O'Malley's (15-27, .556, 8 HRs)
Joe Santucci, O'Malley's (18-26, .692, 2 HRs)
Ryan Fant, Shinetime (22-27, .815)
Chad Hinkel, Shinetime (15-28, .536, 10 HRs)
July 30 - ASA Class-E Invitational -
1. Cummins Power Systems, Middleburg (4)
2. Bill Mark's Auto Sales, Mifflinburg (4)
Long Island Pizza,
Williamsport (4)
- Shade Mountain Inn, Shade Mountain-Middleburg (4)
GTE, Mifflintown (4)
- Bulls Evolution, Kingston/Pittston (1)
- Hornets/Weatherproof Roofing
- Blaise Alexander Ford
July 31 - Clearfield YMCA One Pitch
1. Olympic Club, Dubois (13)
2. Dimmicks Signs and Graphics, Clearfield (13)
3. Hawk Construction, Dubois (13)
- Clearfield YMCA, Clearfield (13)
- West Branch, Bradford (13)
July 24 - Punxsy 1-Day Event - Punsutawney
1 (tie) - Keystone Concrete, Dubois (13)
1 (tie) - Shinetime, Oil City (9)
3 - Versailles Croatian Club, Steel Valley-Pittsburgh (10)
- Hawk Construction, Dubois (13)
- Olympic Club, Dubois (13)
- Wick City, Ford City (9)
- ISDA, Punxsutawney (13)
July 17 - Monessen City Park Tourney
1-CSC Insurance, Bethel Park (10)
2-FBR Longos, South Hills (10)
July 10 - Bridgeton AA Benefit Tournament, Upper Black Eddy
1. Steppy's/Worcester HVAC/Brother Pauls, Norristown (14)
2. Phoenix Tube 40 & over, Readington, NJ
remainder of standings unavailable
July 10 - Ford City Heritage - Ford City - Tom Atwood - 724-954-4787
1. FBR/Longos, South Hills (10)
2. Shinetime/East American Motor Sports, Oil City (9)
3. P-Bar, Steel Valley-Pittsburgh (10)
- Hawk Construction, Dubois (13)
- Silver Dollar Lounge, Rural Valley (10)
- Avis Lawn Care, Rural Valley (10)
July 10 - ASA Open 37th Annual Yuengling Invitational - Williamsport - Don
Phillips, 570-777-0165
1. Craig's Bullshippers, Mercersburg (11)
2. Bryson's Pub, Readington/Mullica Hill, NJ
3. New Holland Legion, Intercourse (2)
4. Redline Nutrition, Altoona (8)
5. Gates Logging, Mercersburg (11)
5. Stetler Hotel/Wolverines, Williamsport (4)
MVP - Chad Hinkle, Bullshippers
1. M&M Medical, Mountain Top (8)
2. Iron Legion, Kingston (1)
3. M&S Softball, Lewisburg (4)
3. Randy's Electric/Littlestown Eagles/Hooks Gym, Hanover (5)
1. Heritage Builders/Coors Light, Ithaca, NY
2. Heavy Metal Beavers, Sidman (8)
3. All Out Softball, Buffalo Mills (8)
4. APC/ADU/Savory's/Bat Doctors, York (5)
1. Kelly's Bar, Plains/Pittston (1)
2. Taylor Trucking, Williamsport (4)
3. Custom Glass Supply/Sports 55, Spring Grove (5)
3. Buster's, Johnstown (8)
NOTE - the complete standings are
unavailable, just the top finishers
July 3 - Class-E - Lewisburg
Top Bracket
1. Long Island Pizza
2. The Bulls
3. Reichards Busing
Consolation Bracket
1. Bison Motors
2. Club 22
July 3 - Bud Light Shootout - Oil City
1. Shinetime/East Amercian Motor Sports, Oil City (9)
2. Italian Civic Club (ICC), Meadville (9)
3. Keystone Concrete, Dubois (13)
4. Brewsox, Oil City (9)
5. Mac's Bar & Grill, Clarion (9)
5. Wick City, Ford City (10)
7. Osbornes Funeral Home, Greenville (9)
7. Caseys Lounge
- Car Connection, Oil City
35+ (9)
- McVays Real Estate
- Dasher Trucking, Oil City (9)
- Coraopolis Softball, Coraopolis (9)
- Iron City Pounders
- USA Choice
- Comiske Construction
July 3-4 Miller Lite Tournament, Smock
1 (tie). Hilljackers Softball, Morgantown, WV
1 (tie). TMC
3. Allison, Fayette County (7)
- Dunbar/Monnessen, Fayette County (7)
- O'Malleys/Hurricane Alley, Steel Valley-Pittsburgh (10)
- P-Bar, Steel Valley-Pittsburgh (10)
- Colonial-4 (C4 Softball), Fayette County
- P.A.E
- Outcasts
- Misfits
June 26 - Burg Bash -
New Castle/Pittsburgh
1. Tailgaters, Steel
Valley-Pittsburgh (10)
2. Elk & Elk/Worth Softball, Cleveland, OH
3. FBR/Longos, South Hills-Pittsburgh (10)
4. Schemers/Mulligans, Ben Franklin-New Castle (9)
5. Almega Plastics, Ben Franklin-New Clastle (9)
- Breakers Pub, Ben Franklin-New Castle (9)
- A-Plus, Youngstown, OH
- Bada Bings Softball, Washington, DC
- Dueces, Ben Franklin-New Castle (9)
- Burgh Bar/Vesco's, New Castle (9)
- Sons of Italy, New Castle (9)
- Angelo's Old Time Deli, New Castle (9)
- Newell Legion
- The Headquarters
June 26 - Brews
Brothers/Birchwood Shootout - Brian McNew - 570-762-5495
1. Cookies Travelers, Dunmore (16)
Adult World, Kingston (1)
Shockers, Pittston (1)
Bulls Evolution, Kingston (1)
- Old Post Inn, Slatington-Northhampton (3)
Anger Management
Underdoggs, York (5)
Team Hannadel
June 26 -
Mifflinburg Tournament
M&S Softball, Lewisburg (4)
Champs Sports Grill, Williamsburg (8)
3. Stetler Hotel/Wolverines, Williamsport (4)
Heim's Disposal, Line Mountain-Herndon (4)
Long Island Pizza, Williamsport (4)
Beaver Creek Tractor/Country Tavern, Shade Mountain-Middleburg (4)
Altland Chiropractor, Millersburg (4)
Shade Mountain Pharmacy, Shade Mountain-Middleburg (4)
Forest House, Mifflinburg (4)
GTE, Mifflintown (4)
Bill Marks Auto Sales, Mifflinburg (4)
June 19 -
Bullshippers - Bethlehem Bash for cash - Saucon Park, Lehigh
1. Craig's Bullshippers,
Mercesburg (11)
2. Brysons Pub, Readington, NJ
3. Turano Construction, Maspeth, NY
4. Peppers/Hopson Sealing, Norristown (14)
- Phoenixville Fitness/FAI/ Elite, Norristown (14)
- Unwanted Softball, Palmer Township-Easton (3)
- Daves Auto, Quakertown (15)
- Sotto Santi/Want a Pizza Me, Bethlehem (3)
- Source Bike Shop, Bethlehem (3)
- Stink Fingers Softball
June 19 - Class-E Invitational - Middleburg
1. Seasons Restaurant-II, Lewistown
2. Cummings Power System,
Shade Mountain-Middleburg (4)
3. Beaver Creek Tractor/Country Tavern/Pro
Ink 35+, Shade Mountain-Middleburg (4)
4. Seasons Restaurant 35+, Lewistown (4)
June 19 - ASA Miller Lite Classic - Meadville - Preston Dillmuth "Big Moe",
1. Miller Builders, Massillon, OH
2. Tim's Corner Bar, Clairton-Steel Valley (9)
3. Vinnies Hitmen, South Hills-Pittsburgh (10)
4. Ashworth Construction
- Vantage Health Care, Meadville (9)
- Mac's Bar & Grill, Clarion (9)
- Hyde Construction, Greenville (9)
- Car Connection, Oil City 35+ (9)
- Shinetime/East American Motor Sport, Oil City (9)
- Osborne-Williams Funeral Home, Greenville (9)
- Almega Plastics, New Castle (9)
- O'Malleys/Hurricane Alley, Steel Valley-Pittsburgh (10)
- El Canelo, New Castle (9)
- Inn the Ruff, Penn Hills Sports Shop (10)
- Kessler Construction, Meadville (9)
- Hawk Construction, Dubois (13)
- B&S, Meadville (9)
- Millerstown Moose #925, Millerstown (4)
- Top Hat Softball, Marion, OH
- New England Tavern, Greenville (9)
- Dirt 10 Softball, Cleveland, OH
- West Side Vending, Optown-Pittsburgh (10)
- Evolution Lounge, Wickliffe, OH
- KP Trucking
- Boneheads
June 19 - ASA Class-D Invitational - Lewistown - Matt 717-994-0588
1. M&S Softball, Lewisburg
2. BZ Motors, Middleburg (4)
- Mike Kleck Paving, Mifflintown (4)
- Major League, Lewistown (4)
- Season's Restaurant-II, Lewistown (4)
- Notorious Softball, Mount Union (8)
June 19 - Noxen Rattlesnake Round-up Tournament
1. Sunbury Eagles #503,
Lewisburg (4)
2. Iron Legion, Kingston (1)
3. Adult World, Kingston (1)
- Shockers, Pittston (1)
Murphys Softball, Kingston (1)
IACC, Kingston (1)
Kellys Bar, Pittston (1)
June 12 Turtle Classic - Ford City
1. Tailgaters, Steel Valley-Pittsburgh (10)
2. A Plus, Youngstown, OH
3. Chaingang/Worth, Brownsville (7)
4. Shinetime, Oil City (9)
5. P-Bar, Steel City, Pittsburgh (10)
5. On Point
- Kountry Klub, Westmoreland (10)
- Almega Plastics, New Castle (9)
- Keystone Concrete, Dubois (13)
- Stanley's Bar, Ford City (9)
- Grace St. Johns
- Stu's Crew
- Carson Sickness
- Top Gun
June 12 Morris Rattlesnake Round Up - Tioga County
1. Coors Light
2 (tie Gates Logging, Mercersburg (11)
2 (tie) Colonial Inn game cancelled due to weather
4. Weaver's
- Reichards Auto, Lewisburg (4)
- Crippled Bear, Williamsport (4)
- Bud Light
NOTE- Gates was playing Colonial Inn when rain ended the tournament
June 5 - ASA District-14 Class-D Montgomery County Championships

1. Norristown Rec, Norristown 4-0
2. Kelly Insurance, Collegeville 3-2
3. Spring-Ford AA/Spikes, AlleyGators-Pottstown 3-2
4. AJ Catagnus, Norristown 2-2
5. Natale & Onufer, Norristown 1-2
6. PCS Wireless, Linfield 1-2
7. Maennerchor Club/Bauman-Pitts, Norristown 0-2
8. Flashtastics/Picard Construction, Norristown 0-2
MVP - Reggie Reiter, Norristown Rec
June 5 - Mercersburg WSL/ASA - Mercersburg
1. Shorbs/Pro Co, York (5)
2. Angry Cowboys (Bestrans/Bullshippers mix), Mercersburg (11)
3. Peppers Restaurant/Hopson's Seal, Norristown (14)
4. Randy's Electric/Littlestown Eagles, Hanover (5)
5. Gates Logging, Mercersburg (11)
5. Spurgeon Trucking, Williamsport, MD
7. Delaware Hitmen/Sports55, Newark, DE
June 5 - Spring Ding - Yatesboro - Tim Connell
1. Shinetime/East American Motor Sport, Oil City (9)
2. PNA Hammers, Johnstown (8)
3. RVA/Miken, Homer City (9)
-. Plant-it Earth Greenhouse, Homer City (9)
-. The Alumni (Corner Bar), Johnstown (9)
-. Final Score Sports Saloon, NuMine (9)
-. Mac's Bar & Grill, Clarion (9)
-. Wick City Saloon, Kittanning-Ford City (9)
-. A.E. Reken Welding, Sagamore (9)
-. Silver Dollar Lounge, Rural Valley (9)
-. Heavy Metal, Sidman (8)
-. Belmont-II, Zelienople-Butler (9)
-. Hilltoppers Pub, Pittsburgh (10)
May 29 - ASA Marine Corps League Benefit - Delaware County - Joe
Organek, 610-622-1154
1) Howard's Team , Delaware County (6) 3-1
2) Copleys/Custom Apparel , Millennium-Upland (6) 3-1
3) Marcus Hook Pharmacy/SWL Slashers, Marcus Hook (6) 1-2
4) Sligo Irish Pub, Delaware County (6) 0-3
May 29 - Greenville Memorial Weekend Tournament - Greenville
1. White Hawk, Penn Hills (10)
2. Kessler Construction, Meadville (9)
3. Car Connection, Oil City 35+ (9)
4. Mac's Bar & Grill, Clarion (9)
5. Dick’s Sports Bar, Cranberry Township (9)
5. Gaus Electric, Greenville (9)
7. RTC, Greenville (9)
7. Vantage Health Care, Meadville (9)
9. Hyde Construction, Greenville (9)
9. Osborne-Williams Funeral Home, Greenville (9)
9. El Canelo, New Castle (9)
9. Dave's Lawn Service, Greenville (9)
May 29 - SPP Annual Memorial Weekend Classic - Readington, NJ - Scott Farrell
1 tie. Giant Steel (NY) *
1 tie. Lake Mohawk Bagel/Stars-n-Stripes (NJ) *
3. Outcasts (4Way/MSB) (NJ)
4. Murphy's Softball, Kingston (PA)
5. Lights Out (NY)
* Co-Champs declared after player was seriously injured
1. The Tribe, Gap (PA)
2. The Wizards, Norristown (PA)
3. Team Zone Reloaded (NJ)
4. Unwanted, Palmer Township (PA)
May 29 - Richmond Robin - Richmond, VA - Frank or Ann Taylor 804-266-8317
Class-D Final Standings (Bracket Record) Elimination Round
1. Big Stixx, Haymarket, VA (3-4) 4-0
2. Reichard Auto Sales, Lewistown, PA (5-2) 3-2
3. Mid-Atlantic, Beaverdam, VA (6-1-Bracket winner) 1-2
4. Mavericks, Middletown, NY (4-3) 0-2
5. Tailgaters, Downingtown, PA (2-5) 0-1
5. Corona IS, Mentor, OH (1-6) 0-1
Class-E ASA Final Standings (Bracket Record) Elimination Round
1. Caroline Moose/Young Guns, Doswell, VA (7-0, bracket winner) 4-1
2. Angle Inn Trojans, Baltimore, MD (5-2, bracket winner) 4-2
3. Louisa Moose Lodge #2065, Louisa, VA (5-2) 4-2
4. Elite Carpet & Upholstery, Henrico, VA (3-4) 3-2
5. Jackie B's Snakebites, York, PA (4-3) 2-2
5. Universal Effects, Richmond, VA (5-2) 1-2
7. Carlos, McLeansville, NC (2-5) 1-2
7. The Show Softball, Richmond, VA (5-2) 0-2
9. Ball Hogs, Richmond, VA (3-4) 0-1
9. Clearwire/Mike's Lawn, Richmond, VA (2-5) 0-1
9. Glory Days/Waller's Deli, Herndon, VA (1-6) 0-1
9. Scheffler's Cobras, Egg Harbor Twp, NJ (0-7) 0-1
Class-E WLST Final Standings
1. Virginia Vipers, Fairfax, VA (4-4) 5-0
2. NJ Showtime/HMR, Paterson, NJ (6-2) 2-2
3. Bass Gloves/TCT Inc., Richmond, VA (7-1, bracket winner) 1-2
4. Tsunami Softball, Waynesboro, PA (5-3) 1-2
5. Rough Ryders, Baltimore, MD (3-5) 1-1
5. Blue Ribbon Softball, Jamestown, NY (3-5) 1-1
7. Edgewood Properties 0-1
7. Spotswood Thunder, Fredericksburg, VA (4-4) 0-1
7. Urban Warfare, Morristown, TN (0-8) 0-1
May 29 - SNA Beast of the East - Richmond/Petersburg, VA - Butch Tiller
Gold Flight
1. East Coast Elite (NC) 6-0
2. Virginia Select (VA) 7-2
3. B&B/Sears (NC) 3-2
4. Zibo's (VA) 4-2
5. Spurgeon/Bear Repair (MD) 3-2
5. Semper Athletics (VA) 2-2
7. Lewis Lawn Service (SC) 3-2
7. Sons of The Legion (VA) 3-2
9. Team Moose (MD) 1-2
9. Jaxx II (VA) 1-2
9. MFI (VA) 1-2
9. CIA/East Coast (VA) 2-3
13. Dirty Diamonds (VA) 0-3
13. Winter Plumbing (VA) 0-3
13. Russell's Paint (FL) 0-3
13. Platinum Sports (MD) 2-2
17. Double Platinum (MD) 1-2
17. My Plumber (NC) 0-3
Silver Flight (Top-12 listed, 28 teams total)
1. B&K Softball (NC) 6-0
2. Elite/Tritons (VA) 7-3
3. Cooke's/Allen (VA) 4-2
4. Rockies (VA) 5-3
5. Spivey/Triple Crown (VA) 3-2
5. WaWa's/McGuire & Son (VA) 3-2
7. RSC/Heritage (VA) 4-2
7. Horne's/8 Ball (NC) 4-2
9. Team DADS/RKC (VA) 2-2
9. Sportsmen's Softball (VA) 2-2
9. Richmond East Moose (VA) 1-2
9. High Octane (MD) 1-2
Bronze Flight (Top-12 listed, 64 teams total)
1. Middletown Valley Heating and Cooling/Guardian Angels (MD) 7-0
2. Zeno's (NY) 6-2
3. Home Pro (VA) 7-2
4. Woodlawn BlackSox (MD) 5-2
5. Harview/Hightopps/Sports55 (MD) 4-2
5. M&M Construction (MD) 7-2
7. New Age Vending (NJ) 7-2
7. Choke N Poke (NC) 6-3
9. Carolina Softball (NC) 3-2
9. CV Rays (VA) 3-2
9. Sandlot (VA) 3-2
9. Superior (MD) 4-2
May 29 - ASA Class-C/D/E 32nd Annual Coke Classic - Lewisburg - Sean Ulmer,
1. Gates Logging, Mercersburg (11)
2. M&S Softball, Lewisburg (4)
3. Iron Legion, Kingston (1)
-. Sunbury Eagles #503, Lewisburg (4)
-. Keystone Concrete, Dubois (13)
1. Municipal Capital Corporation, Bethlehem (3)
2. Shorbs/Pro-Co, York (5)
3. J&C Auto/TLS Roofing, Mifflinburg/Lewisburg (4)
-. Heims Disposal, Line Mountain-Herndon (4)
-. Coors Light/Heritage Builders
1. Santanna Banana, State-Harrisburg (2)
2. not sure
3. not sure
W&L Subaru/Schindlers Studio, Lewisburg (4)
Reichards Busing, Lewisburg (4)
Audio Exprssions, Lewisburg (4)
Phantoms, Lebanon (2)
Pa Painting, Lewisburg (4)
York Casket, York (5)
Schlegels Excavating, Mifflinburg (4)
Geedys Towing, Mifflintown (4)
Forest House, Mifflinburg (4)
Amity Leasing, Sunbury (4)
R&D Heat/AC, Lewisburg (4)
Klines Trucking, Lewisburg (4)
Champs Sports Grill, Williamsburg (8)
Team X, Lewisburg (4)
Long Island Pizza, Williamsport (4)
Printzys Prowlers
Mozer Sanitation
May 29 - Johnstown Point Stadium Tournament - Johnstown
1. Craig's Bullshippers, Mercersburg (11)
2. Tailgaters/McKeesport PNA 352, Steel Valley-Pittsburgh (10)
3. Chaingang/Worth, Brownsville (7)
4. Habits/Corner Bar, Altoona (8)
- FBR/Longos, South Hills-Pittsburgh (10)
- M&M Medical, Mountain Top (8)
- Tim's Corner Bar, Clairton-Steel Valley (9)
- Silver Dollar Lounge, Rural Valley (9)
- O'Malleys/Hurricane Alley, Steel Valley-Pittsburgh (10)
- Shinetime/East American Motor Sport, Oil City (9)
- Hawk Construction, Dubois (13)
- B29 (Boulevard Grill), Altoona (8)
- Versailles Croatian Club, Steel Valley-Pittsburgh (10)
May 22 - ASA District-14 Class-E Montgomery County Championships

1. Gibbons Legal, Norristown 4-1
2. Depaul Brothers, Norristown 4-2
3. Romano's Landscaping, Norristown 1-2
4. Black Horse Tavern-II, Norristown 1-2
5. Bux-Mont Home Buyers, Norristown 0-2
6. Limerick Beverage, Linfield 1-2
MVP - Ed Allen, Gibbons Legal
May 22 - ASA Class-D/E Mountain Dew Invitational - Mifflinburg - Doug Farringer,
570-966-4450 (Top-3)
1. M&S Softball, Lewisburg (4)
2. Heims Disposal, Herndon (4)
3. Beaver Creek/Country Tavern, Middleburg (4)
- Shade Mountain Inn, Shade Mountain-Middleburg (4)
- Klines Trucking, Lewisburg (4)
- Amity Leasing, Sunbury (4)
- Bill Mark's Auto Sales, Mifflinburg (4)
- Forest House, Mifflinburg (4)
- Shockers, Pittston (1)
- W&L Subaru/Schindlers Studio, Lewisburg (4)
- Bulls Evolution, Kingston/Pittston (1)
- Cookies Traveler, Dunmore (16)
- Club 22
May 22 - Clarion E/Rec Tournament - Clarion County
1. Brewsox Oil City (9)
Car Connection, Oil City
35+ (9)
3. Dave's Lawn Service, Greenville
May 15 - Altoona Tournament
1. Chaingang, Brownsville (7)
2. Iron legion, Kingston (1)
3. Diesel Softball, Johnstown (8)
- Champs Sports Grill, Williamsburg (8)
- Redline Nutrition, Altoona (8)
- Long Island Pizza, Williamsport (4)
May 8 - ASA Class-D Mifflintown Invitational - Ricky Beaston, 717-436-9434
1. Season Restaurant, Lewistown (4)
2. Mike Cleck Paving, Mifflintown (4)
3. Monogramming Plus, Mifflintown (4)
4.Thrashers, Intercourse (2)
May 8 - ASA Open Invitational - Lewisburg - Sean Ulmer, 570-875-8552
1 (tie) Sunbury Eagles 503, Lewisburg (4)
1 (tie) Peppers Resturant/Hopson Seal, Norristown (14)
3. M&S Softball, Lewisburg (4)
4. Gates Logging, Howard-Mercersburg (8)
- Murphys, Kingston (1)
- J&C Auto, Mifflinburg (4)
- PA Painters, Lewisburg (4)
- Cookies Travelers, Dunmore (16)
Consolation Flight
1. Heavy Metal Softball, Sidman (8)
2. Klines Truckling, Lewisburg (4)
May -1 - Quakertown Early Bird Tournament- Quakertown
1. Rusty Trumbones, Quakertown
2. Azzatori Chiropractic, Quakertown
no info on other teams or their standing
May 1 - ASA Sully's 33rd Annual Women's Open Early Bird - Norristown - Sully Gelet
Final Standings records include pool play results
1. Team Crush, Norristown (2-1) - 4-1
2. Tom's Bar, Norristown (3-0) - 4-1
3. Lady Depauls, Norristown (1-2) - 1-3
4. Nippers Bar, Norristown (0-3) - 0-4
May 1 - NASF Lancaster Spring "Amish" Open - Gap/Intercourse
(Records for Elimination Round only)
Gold Flight
1. Bestrans, Northeast, MD 5-0
2. Tailgators/McKeesport PNA, Steel Valley-Pittsburgh 3-2 (10)
3. New Holland Legion, Intercourse 3-2 (2)
4. CGR/Shuckers, Baltimore, MD 1-2
5. Craig's Bullshippers, Mercersburg 1-2 (11)
5. Fishers Deli, Palmyra 1-2 (2)
7. Gates Logging, Mercersburg 1-2 (11)
7. Commanches, Intercourse 0-2 (2)
9. Predators, Intercourse 0-2 (2)
Silver Flight
1. Lightning, Intercourse 3-0 (2)
2. Shorbs/Pro Co, York 1-1 (5)
3. Tribe, Gap 1-1 (2)
3. G Muzik/Loose Ends, Zinn's-Denver 1-1 (2)
5. Tri-County, Zinn's-Denver 0-1 (2)
5. Cougars, Gap 0-1 (2)
Bronze Flight
1. Ciccione Beverage, West Chester 3-0 (6)
2. Bulldogs, Intercourse 1-1 (2)
3. Flames, Gap 1-1 (2)
3. Bandits, Gap 1-1 (2)
5. Chargers, Gap 0-1 (2)
5. Thunderstruck, Gap 0-1 (2)
7. Longhorns, Intercourse 0-1 (2)
April-24 - Hanover Early Bird - Hanover
1. Littlestown Eagles/Randy's Electric, Hanover
2. Aggies, Hanover
no other info
April 24 - Annual USSSA Razorback - Newville (42 teams total)
1. RPM Junk Yard Dogs, Nottingham, MD
2. Bestrans, Northeast, MD
3. Lost Boys/Shuckers/Sports 55, Baltimore, MD
4. Fisher's Deli, Palmyra (2)
5. New Holland Legion, Intercourse (2)
5. Craigs Bullshipers, Mercersburg (11)
7. CGR/Shuckers/Miken, Baltimore, MD
7. Triangle Bar/McKeesport PNA, Braddock Hills (10)
J. Culver Construction, Bridgeville, DE
Gates Logging, Howard-Mercersburg (11)
Queen City Restaurant, Reading (3)
Shorbs/Pro-Co, York (5)
B-Flight - (USSSA Classification)
1. Clyde's, Ellicott City, MD - (D)
2. Full Tilt, Balto, MD - (D)
3. G-Muzik, Zinns-Denver (2) - (E)
Sports 55/Factory Team, Salvera Park, MD - (C)
Goldies Detailing/Chaotick Tatoo, York (5) - (E)
Shinetime/Shamrock, Oil City (9) - (E)
Dugout Tavern, Balto, MD - (D)
7. Old Post Inn/Mantz Coal, Northhhampton
(3) - (D)
Randy's Electric/Littlestown Eagles, Hanover (5) - (D)
Double Platinum, Baltimore, MD - (D)
Blacksox, Randalstone, MD - (D)
Smokers Outlet, York (5) - (D)
New York Fitness Club, Palmyra (2) - (E)
Power Up/Hooters, Middle River, MD - (D)
Harview/Hightopps/Sports55, Towson, MD - (E)
13. Jimmy's/Coburns
Lites Out, Baltimore, MD - (D)
Sports55/Battoos.net, Severna Park, MD - (E)
Maryland Mojo, Millersville, MD - (D)
Heavy Metal Beavers, Sidman (8) - (E)
M&M Construction, Balto, MD - (E)
C-Flight - (USSSA Classification)
Sinkhole Saloon, Palmyra (2) - (E)
2. Angle Inn/Playmakers, Edgewoood, MD - (E)
Shealer's Garage, Hanover (5) - (D)
Custom Glass Supply, Hanover (5) - (E)
Wild Ones, Edgewood, MD - (E)
Marks Automotive, Hanover (5) - (E)
Phantoms, Lebanon (2) - (E)
Next Level Enterprises, York (5) - (E)
Phoenixville Health & Fitness, Norristown (14) - (D)
Take It Softball, Lehigh Valley (3) - (E)
Apr 17 - ASA Class-C/D/E Invitational - Mifflinburg - Doug Farringer, 570-966-4450
1. Sunbury Eagles 503. Lewisburg (4) (Class-C)
2. M&S Softball, Lewisburg (4) (Class-D)
3. JC Auto Body, Mifflinburg (4) (Class-C)
4. Stetler Hotel/Wolverines, Williamsport (4) (Class-D)
5. Reichard Auto Sales, Lewisburg (4) (Class-C)
5. Shockers, Pittston (1) (Class-E)
Apr 17 - Paul's Garage - Bicentennial Park West - Allentown
1. Unwanted Softball, Palmer Township-Easton (3)
no other info available
Apr 17 - ASA Sam Scoppa Memorial - Williamsport - Don Phillips, 570-777-0165
1. Murphy's Softball, Kingston (1)
no other info available
Apr 17 - ASA 1st Annual Bullshipper WSL/ASA Bash - Mercersburg - Benny Bard,
717-264-8923 or Tommy, 814-251-2491
1. Craig's Bullshipers, Mercersburg (11)
2. Gates Logging, Mercersburg (11)
3. Northwestern Mutual, Hagerstown, MD
4. Chaingang/Worth, Brownsville (7)
5. Longos/FBR, South Hills (10)
Craig's Bullshipers, Mercersburg 4-0
Gates Logging, Mercersburg: 3-1
Northwestern Mutual, Hagerstown, MD: 1-3
Longos/FBR, South Hills: 1-3
Chaingang/Worth, Brownsville: 1-3
B-FLIGHT (final standings unavailable)
- Sunbury Eagles, Lewisburg (4)
- Reliable Transmission, Chambersburg (11)
- Rine & Rine Builders, Greencastle (11)
- Pizza Star/War Party, Shade Gap (8)
April 10 - Renton Field Early Bird - Renton
1. Dick's Sports Bar, Penn-Plum (9)
2. Mogies Irish Pub, Wolfpack-Lower Burrell (10)
3. Inn the Ruff, Pittsburgh (10)
- Monte Cello's, Cranberry Township (9)
- O'Malley's/Hurricane Alley, Steel Valley-Pittsburgh (10)
- Reserve Bar, Butler (9)
- Mutts Softball Club, Wolfpack League-Lower Burrell (10)
- Practice Squad, Renton (10)
- Ziggy's Lounge, Wolfpack League-Lower Burrell (10)
- Hungarian Club, Ellwood City (9)
- RVM/Miken, Homer City (9)
April 3 - Ohio ASA NIT Rip-It Bring Your Skillz Tournament, Willoughby, OH
ASA Paid World Berths for both B/C and D winners. (All others receive un-paid
berths to worlds)
1. Integrity Stainless/SPC/Elk & Elk/TDP, Cleveland, OH
2. Elk & Elk, Willoughby, OH
3. Tailgators/McKeesport PNA, Steel Valley-Pittsburgh (Berth directly to ASA
Class-C Eastern Nationals)
- Express Connection, Maple Heights, OH
- Pepco, Olmstead Falls, OH
1. Warpigs Softball, Cleveland, OH
2. O'Malleys/Hurricane Alley, Steel Valley-Pittsburgh (Berth directly to ASA
Class-D Eastern Nationals)
- Evolution Lounge/Colebrook Elevator, Willoughby, OH
- Panini's/The Squad, Willoughby, OH
- Enger Auto/Coach's Place, Willoughby, OH
April 3 - A&G Spring Tournament - Riverview Park, Palmer Township - Easton
1. Take It Softball, Lehigh Valley
1. RW Construction, Readington. NJ
other teams with no info on finish:
Unwanted Softball, Palmer Township
A&G Painting, Palmer Township
Tytal Recovery Solutions, Palmer Township
April- 3 Norristown NASF Early Bird State/National
Qualifier- Norristown
Gold Flight
1. Team Trimble/Peppers, Norristown (14) 4-0
2. Phoenixville Health & Fitness/FAI/ABB, Norristown (14) 2-2
Silver Flight
1. Steppy's/Worcester HVAC/Brother Pauls, Norristown (14) 1-3
2. D&D/Spectrum Softball, Norristown (14) 1-3
Apr 3 - ASA Class-D Invitational - Lewisburg - Sean Ulmer
1. Shinetime, Oil City (9)
2. M&S Softball, Lewisburg (4)
3. W&L Subaru, Lewisburg (4)
4. Champs Sports Bar, Williamsburg (8)
Apr 3 - ASA Wilkes-Barre Invitational - Wilkes-Barre - Ron
Trimble (Top-3)
1. Murphy's Softball, Kingston (1)
2. Iron Legion, Kingston (1)
3. Kelly's Bar, Pittston (1)
Apr 3-4 Millennium Early Bird - Camp Upland/Upper Chichester/Upper Darby - Joe Organek 610-622-1154
Gold Flight
1. J&P Auto Transport, Millennium Upland (6)
2. NJ Showtime, Belleville, NJ
- Dolan's Bar, Millennium Upland (6)
- MKH Oilers, Wilmington, DE
- Chadds Ford Auto Group, Delaware County (6)
- Giordano's Rest. & Sports Bar, Tavoni-Kennett Square (6)
Silver Flight
1. Upland AC, Millennium Sunday/Upland (6)
2. Copley's Tavern, Millennium Upland (6)
- Progress Marine, Millennium Sunday (6)
- A. Marinelli & Sons Bldg. Supply, Millennium Sunday (6)
- Moe's Grille Springfield, Millennium Sunday (6)
- Chesco Softball, Tavoni-Kennett Square (6)
- Maggie O'Neill's Irish Pub, Main Line Association-Radnor (6)
- J&P Auto/Matty's Place, Millennium Sunday (6)
Bronze Flight
1. QVC, Chester County (6)
2. Primo's Food Service, Delco (6)
- Duffer's Pub, Millennium Sunday (6)
- Edge Hill Tavern, Cheltenham-Montgomery County (6)
- Tom n Jerry's Underdogs, Millennium Sunday (6)
- Sligo Red, Millennium Sunday (6)
- Untouchables, Millennium Sunday (6)
- A.M. Heating & AC, Millennium Sunday (6)
Rec Flight
1. Time-Out Tavern, Millennium Sunday (6)
2. Tailgators Sports Bar, Millennium Sunday (6)
3. All-American Termite & Pest Control, Collingswood, NJ
3. Action Concrete, Millennium Sunday (6)
- Columbo Lodge, Millennium Sunday (6)
- A&R Iron Works, Millennium Sunday (6)
- Gibbons Legal, Norristown-Montgomery County (14)
- Jimmy D's, Millennium Sunday (6)
March 27-28 Norristown B/C Early Bird - Norristown
1. Norristown Rec (14) 4-0
2. Flashtastics (14) 4-2
3. Black Horse Tavern-II (14) 2-2
4. Natale & Onufer (14) 2-2
5. Charlie's Pizza & Beer (14) 1-2
6. Maennerchor Club/Baumans/Jamisons (14) 1-2
7. AJ Catagnus (14) 0-2
8. Black Horse Tavern (14)-I 0-2
MVP - Mike Sobeck, Norristown Rec (5 HRs)
Note - Steve Kalbach, Norristown Rec (Did not make an out in 4 games)
1. Depaul Brothers (14) 2-1 *
2. Super-Fit Sports (14) 2-1 *
3. Franchise (14) 0-2
* No if game played, teams decided on 1 game championship
MVP - Don Gaskin, Depaul Brothers
March 17 - BatsPlus St. Patty's Day Tournament - Delaware County - (Top-2 listed
1. All-American Termite & Pest Control, Collingswood, NJ
2. Upland AC, Millennium Sunday/Upland (6)
Feb 20 - BatsPlus Polar Bear Tournament - Delaware County - (Top-4 listed
1. Moe's Grille, Millennium (6)
2. Damage Inc., South Jersey
3. Dolan's Pub, Millennium (6)
4. Sweeney's Pub, Millennium (6)
Jan 23 - BatsPlus Ice Breaker-II -Men, Maple Zone, Upper Chichester - (Top-2
listed only)
1. K&N Construction, Elizabeth, NJ
2. AMX, Sewel, NJ
Jan 2 - BatsPlus Ice Breaker-I -Men, Maple Zone, Upper Chichester
- (Top-2 listed only)
1. NJ Showtime/HMR/Professionally Green, Belleville, NJ
2. Moe's Grille, Millennium (6)
Jan 2 - BatsPlus Ice Breaker-I -COED, Maple Zone, Upper Chichester - (Top-2
listed only)
AppNet Solutions, West Chester Coed (6)
2. Yardbirds, Millennium-Coed (6)
©1998 Steve Dimitry, all rights reserved.
